#Housing supply to be increased due to federal #incentive payments
🔫SuperWamBlam! | @DanVanDam plays games and has stickers on his face! !Fundraiser !incentive Mega Man 2 Playthrough!
https://www.twitch.tv/danvandam #incentive #fundraiser #homelessness #raisingmoney
#incentive #fundraiser #homelessness #raisingmoney
"#Profit is a #shit #incentive to get #people to #work. People are not naturally obsessed with #money. For money to work as an incentive, an artificial culture has to be constructed that warps natural #human emotions and #perceptions. Humans are naturally motivated by compassion, care and a desire for meaning. #Capitalism is opposed to human #nature."
#profit #shit #incentive #people #work #money #human #perceptions #capitalism #nature
The #LATimes calls it #SpaceTourism - kind of an #incentive ? 🙈🙉🙊 https://www.latimes.com/business/story/2023-06-29/virgin-galactic-begins-commercial-flights-space-tourists-trip-italian-researchers
#latimes #spacetourism #incentive
Discussion on our radio net on how someone can use MORE POWER in order to qualify for some kind of #power company #incentive program?! (they recently went solar+battery...apparently failed to use enough energy this month?) 😬 😩
And it incentivizes such building in high-risk areas, guaranteeing future losses, and the cycle starts anew.
Charlie Munger, Warren Buffet's partner, famously said "Show me the incentives, and I'll show you the outcome."
It's true here. Incentivize building on flood plains and other high-risk areas by subsidizing or socializing the true costs of doing so, and you get more of the high-risk behaviour, and more losses.
We need to stop the cycle.
#incentive #outcome #makingitworse
#Insurance is weird. #Government action makes it weirder. If you have perverse #incentives, you get perverse results.
An example.
Every spring, there are floods somewhere in North America. Maybe the Red River that flows up through North Dakota to Winnipeg and beyond. Maybe the winter snowpack is heavy and melts quickly in the Rockies, flooding out parts of B.C. Maybe torrential rains in Atlantic areas cause overland flooding throughout Quebec.
#Insurance #government #incentives #flood #flooding #incentive
3/39 Company leadership, from the CEO down through the rest of the C-suite and into the senior VPs, etc, generally earn more from performance bonuses of various types than they do from their base salary. Most commonly, this is in the form of either stock options, which become valuable if the stock price of the company goes up, or in bonus plans explicitly tied to the share price increasing by certain amounts.
#incentive #ceo #executive #bonus #stockoptions #stock
#Requesting #me to not #wear an #anarchist #tshirt I own on #xmas or any other #holiday just gives me more #rebellious #incentive to say "fuck you I'll wear what I want on whatever #day I want", recent #experience with a family member who thought they had some #authoritarian pull over my clothing #choices, you have no power you stupid fuck!
#requesting #me #wear #Anarchist #tshirt #xmas #holiday #rebellious #incentive #day #experience #authoritarian #choices
To encourage submissions to its journals, "the Company of Biologists will be planting a tree for each Research Article and Review article published in its five journals."
Some of these articles will be #OpenAccess, but not all. For a creative #incentive that goes all the way to open, recall the TU Delft (@tudelft) promise from 2010. For every 1,000 articles deposited in its OA #repository, it donated a goat to a family in #Bangladesh.
#bangladesh #repository #incentive #openaccess
Last #week, the #PuertoRico #DDEC issued #CircularLetter 2023-02,which established that #blockchain technology, #blockchainvalidation & #blockchaindigitalassets are eligible activities that can benefit from PR’s #Act60 #IncentivesCode.
You can read the #letter at https://bit.ly/3J2ox49.
Write us a DM or go to at https://bit.ly/3maQSfP to schedule a #consult to discuss how you could benefit from this #incentive.
#CodigoDeIncentivos #Ley60 #Taxes #Beneficios #incentivos #attorney #crypto
#week #PuertoRico #ddec #circularletter #blockchain #blockchainvalidation #blockchaindigitalassets #act60 #incentivescode #letter #consult #incentive #codigodeincentivos #ley60 #taxes #beneficios #incentivos #attorney #crypto
"#Open #software underpins most research today…The accuracy and reproducibility of scientific results is increasingly dependent on updating and maintaining software. However, the #incentive structure in #academia for software development — and especially maintenance — is insufficient. It is time that appropriate incentives are embraced to reflect their importance."
#opensource #paywalled #academia #incentive #software #open
State E-bike Incentive Program Is Still a Ways Off
#Bicycle #California #EBike #Government #Incentive
#incentive #government #ebike #California #bicycle
For years, #economists spoke about #supplyside "constraints" in the #indianeconomy. This was followed by the "loosening" of #fiscal #policy geared towards #taxcuts and schemes such as the #production #linked #incentive to address chronic #shortages, #inflation, and #under #capacity.
We now have a #demand #contraction as well with #ratehikes and #rural #distress. Mind you, the "growth" we see is purely #consumption driven by the #middleclass and the #rich.
#economists #supplyside #indianeconomy #fiscal #policy #taxcuts #production #linked #incentive #shortages #inflation #under #capacity #demand #contraction #ratehikes #rural #distress #consumption #middleclass #rich
IMO, if passed, this bill will decrease sales of #EVs. The #TaxCredit is a buyer #incentive. This limits buyers to specific makes/models. I’m for #AmericanMade, but as a #CoalBaron w/financial ties to #oil & #gas, #JoeManchin’s bill isn’t about American made/sourced components, but #SelfEnrichment.
#Corruption #Greed #ConflictOfInterest #FossilFuels #ClimateCrisis https://www.nytimes.com/2022/03/27/climate/manchin-coal-climate-conflicts.html?smid=nytcore-ios-share&referringSource=articleShare
#evs #taxcredit #incentive #americanmade #coalbaron #oil #gas #joemanchin #selfenrichment #corruption #greed #conflictofinterest #fossilfuels #climatecrisis
Space Industry Deploying More Satellites That Deliver Sharper Images
https://spacenews.com/study-space-industry-deploying-more-satellites-that-deliver-sharper-images/ <-- tech blog article
#GIS #mapping #spatial #remotesensing #satellite #imagery #geoint #increase #commerical #resolution #geoinformation #defence #military #intelligence #event #consulting #analytics #transformation #Ukraine #incentive #geopolitical #global #social #extremeweather #disaster #spaceindustry #highresolution #spysatellite
#gis #mapping #spatial #remotesensing #satellite #imagery #geoint #increase #commerical #resolution #geoinformation #defence #military #intelligence #event #consulting #analytics #transformation #ukraine #incentive #geopolitical #global #social #extremeweather #disaster #spaceindustry #highresolution #spysatellite
“Incentive structures work,” as Steve Jobs put it. “So you have to be very careful of what you incent people to do, because various #incentive structures create all sorts of consequences that you can’t anticipate.”
- #Algorithms to live by
#windfarms #windpower #incentive https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2023/jan/09/households-in-yorkshire-most-willing-to-live-near-windfarm?utm_term=63bb9f55c449012ef7f21f1e76e07ca2&utm_campaign=GuardianTodayUK&utm_source=esp&utm_medium=Email&CMP=GTUK_email
#windfarms #windpower #incentive
Zei ik taks? Ik bedoel een #incentive om het verbruik te verminderen! #suikertaks #statiegeld
#incentive #suikertaks #statiegeld
A quotation from Tolkien, J.R.R.:
Where there’s a whip there’s a will, my slugs.
Full quote, sourcing, notes:
#quote #quotes #quotation #goad #incentive #punishment #whip
#quote #quotes #quotation #goad #incentive #punishment #whip