Incidence of Syndromes Associated With FTLD in 9 European Countries
"We estimated that the projected number of newly diagnosed FTLD cases in Europe is approximately 12 000 per year. This is a substantial burden on the European health and welfare system that should be seriously considered to provide appropriate health and social care planning and to design future clinical trials."
So happy to see our meta-analysis published in @JAMANetworkOpen!🤩 @RRThiagarajan @CatherineKAllan
👉🏻5% of🫀children in #PedsICU experience #cardiacarrest
👉🏻trends in #incidence & #mortality decreased in the last 20y
👉🏻%ROSC did not change👉🏻#Research is needed!
Thanks to all collaborators!
Boston Children's Hospital
Harvard Medical School
Unit of Biostatistics, Epidemiology and Public Health at Padova University
#PedsICU #cardiacarrest #incidence #mortality #research
Johnson AG, Linde L, Ali AR, et al. #COVID19 #Incidence and #Mortality Among Unvaccinated and Vaccinated Persons Aged ≥12 Years by Receipt of #Bivalent #Booster Doses and Time Since #Vaccination — 24 #US Jurisdictions, October 3, 2021–December 24, 2022. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2023;72:145–152. DOI:
#COVID19 #incidence #mortality #bivalent #booster #vaccination #us
Principles of Security - I have just completed this room! Check it out: #tryhackme #cia triad #information security #incidence response #threat model #threat modelling #biba model #bell-la pedula model #stride #principlesofsecurity via @RealTryHackMe
#tryhackme #cia #information #incidence #threat #biba #bell #stride #principlesofsecurity
#Changes in the #Incidence of Invasive #Bacterial Disease During the #COVID19 #Pandemic in the #US, 2014-2020
#changes #incidence #bacterial #COVID19 #pandemic #us
#Incidence and #predictors of #breakthrough and severe breakthrough #infections of #SARS-CoV-2 after primary series #vaccination in adults: A population-based survey of 22,575 participants
#incidence #predictors #breakthrough #infections #sars #vaccination
Dubendris H, Reses HE, Wong E, et al. Laboratory-Confirmed #COVID19 Case #Incidence Rates Among Residents in #NursingHomes by Up-to-Date #Vaccination Status — #USA, October 10, 2022–January 8, 2023. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2023;72:95–99. DOI:
#COVID19 #incidence #nursinghomes #vaccination #usa
Dass die Infektionszahlen deutlich zu niedrig sind, ist ja klar. Geschenkt. Die @UniklinikKoeln hat das jetzt mal genauer untersucht:
RT @vaccelerate_eu: #COVID19 #summerwave High infection numbers despite ☀️. BUT: Could REAL #INCIDENCE be even higher? 📈🧐
Point prevalence investigation @UniklinikKoeln.
@JannikStemler @SalmantonGarcia @CornelyOliver
@HADEA #VolunteerRegistry #BeTheMissingPiece
[tweet of 2022-09-20 08:27]
#COVID19 #summerwave #incidence #volunteerregistry #bethemissingpiece
#WHO (15 December 2022). Disease Outbreak News; Increased #incidence of scarlet fever and invasive Group A #Streptococcus infection - multi-country. Available at:
#who #incidence #streptococcus
After the #COVID infections remained on a high level among the 80+ over the past days, the decline is now also slowing down and stopping in other age groups.
A slight increase continues in :ch_Neuchatel:, :ch_Geneve:, :ch_Vaud: and :ch_Tessin:, where the #incidence is also high across the border in France and Italy, while the incidence in the rest of #Switzerland remains at a slight decline for the moment.
#dataviz #switzerland #incidence #covid
So... is it better to work with the browser portal to your incidence than it is to deal with a phone apps? Because I don't seem to see follows or requests on my Android and have to go to the desktop and log in to my incidence to see the Notifications for them. #platform #incidence #apps #Mastodon
#platform #incidence #apps #Mastodon
My favourite type of article! Interesting, by a great author and open access! What more can anyone ask for. #Dupuytrens #prevalence #incidence,_incidence,_and.1314.aspx
#dupuytrens #prevalence #incidence
Anybody knows an #incidence that focuses on #writers and #poets? Asking for friends, I’m good where I am.
RT @vaccelerate_eu: #COVID19 #summerwave High infection numbers despite ☀️. BUT: Could REAL #INCIDENCE be even higher? 📈🧐
Point prevalence investigation @UniklinikKoeln.
@JannikStemler @SalmantonGarcia @CornelyOliver
@HADEA #VolunteerRegistry #BeTheMissingPiece
#COVID19 #summerwave #incidence #VolunteerRegistry #BeTheMissingPiece
The #hospitalizations due to #Covid19 in #Austria continue to decline in August 2022.
It is high time that defining parameters of the #coronacrisis, such as #incidence, #facemask obligation, #3G or #quarantine and of course #lockdowns and mandatory #vaccination finally migrate "to the archive"!
#hospitalizations #COVID19 #austria #CoronaCrisis #incidence #facemask #3g #quarantine #lockdowns #vaccination
Ni passe sanitaire, ni passe vaccinal, vaccination universelle !
Des records inquiétants chaque jour
Le nouveau variant du covid, Omicron, se propage dans le monde à une vitesse folle, entrainant de nouvelles contaminations q
#antivaccin #contamination #covid #Guadeloupe #hôpital #hospitalisés #incidence #LFI #LO #LP #Macron #Mélenchon #NPA #Omicron #passe #réanimation #vaccination
#antivaccin #contamination #COVID #guadeloupe #hôpital #hospitalisés #incidence #lfi #lo #lp #macron #mélenchon #npa #Omicron #passe #réanimation #vaccination
Furthermore, the number of #Covid19 #tests carried out is missing here - and this is quite central.
From 2020 to 2021, these have joined us in #Austria 17 times (!!!), the #incidence, on the other hand, only doubled.
--> the #hospitalization rate has fallen sharply, which is a pleasing indicator.
#COVID19 #tests #austria #incidence #hospitalization
The #AGES now shows the so-called #incidence according to #Immunestatus.
But in this form, these data are a single hoax:
Because since #test obligation only applies to #unvaccinated people, there are hardly any #vaccinated people there due to this principle.
But there are always 2 people necessary to get fooled:
Those who are fooled, and those who let themselves be fooled.
#ages #incidence #Immunestatus #test #unvaccinated #vaccinated
The fact that #Germany is departing from the #incidence as key indicator in dealing with #Covid19 and the goal to use the #hospital #occupancy as a indicator for #corona measures on one hand is remarkable and on the other hand not.
I think this is mainly related to the upcoming #Bundestag Election
#Vaccination obligation will unfortunately remain an important topic.
#germany #COVID19 #corona #bundestag #vaccination #incidence #hospital #Occupancy
Because there is currently a heated debate in #Germany about the (7-day) #Incidence as the main indicator measuring #Covid19:
At least this is no longer the case here in #Austria, in the meantime it is primarily the #hospitalized that count here.
#austria #hospitalized #germany #incidence #COVID19