Michael Murray · @mmurraymass
69 followers · 132 posts · Server hcommons.social

I'd love to connect with people teaching in teacher prep programs, admin prep programs, and mental health degree programs. Say hello!

#Education #mentalhealth #inclusions

Last updated 1 year ago

Heron&Fox Photo · @heronfoxphoto
44 followers · 385 posts · Server universeodon.com
Heron&Fox Photo · @heronfoxphoto
30 followers · 228 posts · Server universeodon.com

A of an merging into its . The merges into a layer, a layer, and ending in rock. Amethyst is a kind of , which is crystallized that is colored purple by in and on the crystal. This change in color took place over an extremely long time.

#macro #photograph #amethyst #crystal #rock #matrix #deep #purple #yellow #white #green #quartz #silicondioxide #sio2 #ironoxide #inclusions #dramatic

Last updated 2 years ago

Heron&Fox Photo · @heronfoxphoto
30 followers · 228 posts · Server universeodon.com

A of a crystal. The normally colorless quartz is colored blue by sodium, silicates other than quartz, or sometimes iron being included in the crystal. It’s clear that the distribution of is not even throughout the crystal, but more prevalent in the center, making it bluer than the endges.

#macrophotograph #blue #quartz #inclusions

Last updated 2 years ago

Chris Minnick · @chrisminnick
177 followers · 131 posts · Server hachyderm.io

This weekend's bake: rosemary and lemon sourdough. I'm pretty happy with this one, but maybe I used too much lemon peel or got too much pith in there...it has a funny tongue-numbing effect. It's pretty, though!

#breadmaking #sourdough #inclusions #baking

Last updated 2 years ago

Heron&Fox Photo · @heronfoxphoto
30 followers · 228 posts · Server universeodon.com

A of a bunch of small in an . Carnelian is a form of colored by , usually hydrous, and ranging from submicroscopic to microscopic in size.
Chalcedony itself is another form of , , in a form. Its crystal structure is made of many small crystals whose structure is only visible under a microscope.
Despite have the same , and chalcedony look wildly different from each other.
What kinds of “” await in places where is harder than rock?’
The jam jar is also SiO2 in a different state. How versatile is CO2? Can you keep jam in it?

#macrophotography #photo #carnelian #crystals #antique #glass #jam #jar #chalcedony #ironoxide #inclusions #silicondioxide #sio2 #cryptocrystalline #chemicalformula #quartz #gems #waterice

Last updated 2 years ago

Heron&Fox Photo · @heronfoxphoto
30 followers · 228 posts · Server universeodon.com

A of a and the matrix it started to grow on. Projections and partial , as well as rock give character and color to the otherwise milky or of pure .
It’s (to 🦊 Fox, the ) that SiO2 is a clear analog of . and are both in the same on the ( to physicists, ). But on the , SiO2 . Under what does CO2 crystallize? What do CO2 crystals that have grown over look like?
Sometimes 🦊 wonders odd things.

#macrophotography #photo #quartz #crystal #rock #terminations #inclusions #translucence #transparent #color #silicondioxide #sio2 #interesting #photographer #carbondioxide #co2 #silicon #carbon #group #periodictable #iupac #group14 #groupiv #earth #crystallizes #conditions #geologictime

Last updated 2 years ago