(10 Aug) - Rep. Matt Gaetz calls LGBTQ+ people “degenerate” while announcing prayer-in-schools bill He says his bill will require teachers to give time in each class for prayer. https://www.lgbtqnation.com/2023/08/rep-matt-gaetz-calls-lgbtq-people-degenerate-while-announcing-prayer-in-schools-bill/ #MattGaetzPrayerBill #LGBTQDegenerateComments #PrayerInSchools #EducationRights #SeparationOfChurchAndState #InclusiveEducation #Politics #News https://mastodon.sdf.org/@uspolitics/110867354447820245
#news #politics #inclusiveeducation #separationofchurchandstate #educationrights #prayerinschools #lgbtqdegeneratecomments #mattgaetzprayerbill
🚀 Exciting news! Our team, "Apprentice Tutors" is among the 100 groups advancing to the Discovery Round of the #NSF #VITALPrize Challenge! 🎉 Our concept will utilize interactive machine learning to let educators to create and modify of AI-powered tutors via natural teaching interactions, such as demonstrations, feedback, and language instruction. 🤖📚 Stay tuned as we shape the future of education! #EdTech #AI #InclusiveEducation #ApprenticeTutors Learn more here: https://new.nsf.gov/tip/updates/nsf-announces-100-teams-advancing-vital-prize
#NSF #vitalprize #edtech #ai #inclusiveeducation #apprenticetutors
#MOOC #Digitalization and #InclusiveEducation auf #imoox habe ich gestern gestartet
#Digitalisierung und #Inklusion: #Chancen und #Herausforderungen für #Bildungssysteme
Modul 1: #UniversalDesignforLearning (#UDL)
Modul 2: #Barrierefreiheit und #Nutzungsfreundlichkeit
Modul 3: #AssistiveTechnologien
Modul 4: #Technologiegestützter #inklusiverUnterricht
Modul 5: #SozialEingebettetesLernen (im Online-Setting)
5 Lektionen à 5 Stunden
#mooc #digitalization #inclusiveeducation #imoox #digitalisierung #inklusion #chancen #herausforderungen #bildungssysteme #universaldesignforlearning #udl #barrierefreiheit #nutzungsfreundlichkeit #assistivetechnologien #technologiegestutzter #inklusiverunterricht #sozialeingebetteteslernen
A good little plain language article about Inclusive teaching - student first perspective. #InclusiveEducation https://esheninger.blogspot.com/2022/04/shifting-our-focus.html
RT @DraJoanaFelix
’Hi @LatinXChem, this is my work ‘CurtEENDEDORISMO: A Form of Entrepreneurship Allied to a New Teaching-Learning Strategy’, #LatinXChem #LXChemEdu #Edu18’
#Cheminclusion #Blackinchem #Iultcs #WorldLeather #Leatherbiz #ExoticSkins #Tanneries #Leather #Education #InclusiveEducation
#latinxchem #lxchemedu #edu18 #cheminclusion #blackinchem #iultcs #worldleather #leatherbiz #exoticskins #tanneries #leather #education #inclusiveeducation
Excellent article by Dr Ben Whitburn that includes a number of video links and lots of ideas for educators and advocates. #DisabilityInclusion #InclusiveEducation https://www.abc.net.au/education/socially-created-barriers-to-inclusion-are-what-disable-students/14104632
#disabilityinclusion #inclusiveeducation
@Bonnie_Sparks responding appropriately to students doing well is one of the biggest challenges for inclusive educators! #inclusiveEducation
#introduction #rescuedogs #greyhounds #endgreyhoundracing #melbourne #swimming #yoga #kidsyoga #teenyoga #poledancing #historicalfiction #strategyboardgames #leftwing #coeliacs #cooking #ivf #liberationpedagogy #inclusiveeducation #neurodiversity #scienceofreading #sor #structuredinquiry #playworlds #datadriveneducation #culturallyresponsivepedagogy #wellbeing #autism