#introduction time!
I’m an ex-academic living in amiskwaciwaskahikan (Edmonton #yeg, Treaty 6 territory) in what is currently part of Canada. I’m interested in #climatejustice, localism, #slowdesign & the #transitiontowns movement. Alberta friends probably know me from my years with The Local Good, the organizers of Green Drinks Edmonton, Cash Mobs Edmonton, and founders of Edmonton #Resilience Festival - or maybe from my vintage bicycle blog. #Solarpunk friends, you might remember me as a mod of Solarpunkchat. I had to step away from a lot of projects to care for family during the pandemic (which isn’t over, friends). I’m also a #TextileArt maker; #rughooking is my jam and I am also learning to spin with a drop-spindle and embroider. I’m also interested in #permaculture #organicgardening and #inclusiveheathenry #runes #norsepaganism #nordicanimism #earthcentredspiritualities. I’m pan and a parent of LGBTQIA2S+ teens, and my pronouns are she/they. Kindness is not weakness.
#earthcentredspiritualities #nordicanimism #norsepaganism #runes #inclusiveheathenry #organicgardening #permaculture #rughooking #TextileArt #SolarPunk #resilience #transitiontowns #slowdesign #climatejustice #yeg #Introduction