Wait, so the #downtown "energy hub", touted as a "game-changer" in meeting #yeg 's #carbonemissions reduction goals, is actually just a $36M NATURAL GAS BOILER?!
Like, fucking cool, guys, but can we pls spend money like this on fucking #HOUSING PEOPLE? Maybe #safesupply? Maybe #incomesupport ??
I actually *care* about carbon emissions, but how is using, I dunno, industrial revolution-aged tech and locking into ongoing dependence on fossil fuels helping ... at all?
#incomesupport #safesupply #housing #carbonemissions #yeg #downtown
Federal budget 2023: Grocery rebate is the right direction on food insecurity, but there’s a long road ahead
#Canada #Politics #Food #Inflation #IncomeSupport #FoodInsecurity #Grocery #CostOfLivingCrises #CostOfLiving #GroceryRebate
#canada #politics #food #inflation #incomesupport #FoodInsecurity #Grocery #costoflivingcrises #CostOfLiving #groceryrebate
There are three million Australians living below the poverty line, including one in six children. This is deep and persistent poverty, and it's growing.
We must act to lift people out of poverty, and to change income support levels to support our most vulnerable people.
Read more on our website.
#auspol #raisetherate #incomesupport #endpoverty
Good morning Mastoverse!
We're going to publish some great material over the next few weeks, including our submissions to a white paper on the value of care, our thoughts on ParentsNext and what we think the government should be doing with the new model for In-Home Aged Care. Stay tuned!
#submissions #policy #parentsnext #Centrelink #incomesupport #inhomeagedcare
#submissions #policy #parentsnext #centrelink #incomesupport #inhomeagedcare
Senator David Pocock has delivered a win for health equity – but next steps are critical
Independent Senator David Pocock's negotiations with the Federal Government on industrial relations
#HealthinAllPolicies #Healthinequalities #poverty #Socialdeterminantsofhealth ##CroakeyNews ##HealthInAllPolicies ##HiAP ##IncomeSupport ##IndustrialRelations ##RaiseTheRate ##SDOH #health
#healthinallpolicies #HealthInequalities #poverty #SocialDeterminantsOfHealth #croakeynews #hiap #incomesupport #industrialrelations #raisetherate #sdoh #health