Very glad to see this published
in which we take a fresh look at the concept of (in)compatibility in quantum theory and show how thinking of it as a resource leads to a very natural solution of some open problems that have been left hanging.
Another example that sometimes the problem is to look for the right question, and then the answer will immediately follow.
#quantum #measurement #incompatibility
If #chatcontrol fails because of its #incompatibility with the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights: can there at least be a reporting function in every chat, through which users can easily report criminally relevant matters to security authorities?
Of course, in such a way that the report can also be used as evidence in court and the security authorities can find the perpetrator.
#NoChatControl #reportfunction #lowhangingfruits #incompatibility #chatcontrol
Imagine using at least two completely incompatible screw standards in the same device.
I hate subcontracted part assemblies. Stuck waiting on new drivers now...
#hardware #standards #incompatibility
Just finished season 3 of Derry Girls, and now I am deeply sad that there is no more Derry Girls. #Incompatibility ofCakePossessionandCakeConsumption
Found some #incompatibility between #lightdm and #w3m . Curiously this apparently begun after I started accessing #gemini (but I cannot prove it; perhaps it's just a coincidence?). Anyway, cleaned /var/crash and reinstalled everything including #apport. Let's see what happens on the next reboot...
#incompatibility #lightdm #w3m #gemini #apport