"Vander Woude [Idaho state rep (R)] acknowledged that Idaho’s trigger law, written before Roe fell, had affected everyday medical practice in a way that lawmakers had not anticipated.
👀 “We never looked that close, and what exactly that bill said and how it was written and language that was in it,” he said."👀 🤯
#GOP #Incompetence
#Women #Healthcare #Pregnancy #RoeVWade
#Idaho #Politics #USPol #USA #News
#giftarticle #gop #incompetence #women #healthcare #pregnancy #RoeVWade #idaho #politics #uspol #usa #News
Everyone: Is it legal to do "X" in crypto?
SEC: Just do it. If we sue you that means it was illegal.
Could you imagine if police worked that way???
#sec #crypto #madness #batshitcrazy #incompetence #LegislationByLitigation
#sec #crypto #madness #batshitcrazy #incompetence #legislationbylitigation
L'interdiction (illégale) de l’#abaya occulte le débat sur les grands problèmes de l’école🇫🇷 (...mais permet de satisfaire les neuneus d'extrême-droite 🤡) #Macron #Renaissance #Attal #Incompétence #électoralisme #populisme #Alternance https://www.courrierinternational.com/article/vu-d-allemagne-l-interdiction-de-l-abaya-occulte-le-debat-sur-les-grands-problemes-de-l-ecole-francaise
#abaya #macron #renaissance #attal #incompetence #electoralisme #populisme #alternance
Inflation la plus forte d'Europe.
Dette publique colossale... qui se creuse!
Bruno Le Maire et Macron nos 2 génies de l'économie.
Conditioned Incompetence
"... at all levels in all sectors of our society all over the world, both private and public, we see, to put it mildly, lousy leadership and fawning followership. Incompetence up and down the line."
#collapse #government #industry #incompetence
Elon Musk wants to make it easier for the worst people (and bots) to torment good people.
#Twitter's overrun with trolls, scammers, conspiracy saps, flat-earthers, gun nuts, MAGA thugs, misogynists, pedophiles, racists, antisemites, liars and porn peddlers. Musk is taking their side.
Elon Musk says (yet again) that X will stop letting you block users
#TwitterQuitter #twittermigration #socialmedia #elonmusk #politics #GOP #Republicans #Apartheid #incompetence
#incompetence #apartheid #republicans #gop #politics #ElonMusk #socialmedia #twittermigration #Twitterquitter #Twitter
Are we are politically being driven to choose between Corruption and Incompetence or Weakness and Cluelessness?
Web: https://jeremypboggess.com/
YouTube: https://youtu.be/n0xoh3VYt_0
#government #leaders #leadership #republicans #democrats #corruption #incompetence #politics #political
#government #leaders #leadership #republicans #democrats #corruption #incompetence #politics #political
Law enforcement here in the future.
#Justice #Law #Incompetence #Bureaucracy
#justice #law #incompetence #bureaucracy #injustice
Are we are politically being driven to choose between Corruption and Incompetence or Weakness and Cluelessness?
Web: https://jeremypboggess.com/
YouTube: https://youtu.be/n0xoh3VYt_0
#government #leaders #leadership #republicans #democrats #corruption #incompetence #politics #political
#government #leaders #leadership #republicans #democrats #corruption #incompetence #politics #political
Woman Hit By Train While Handcuffed Inside A Police Car - from WHAS11 on YouTube
(news report featuring bodycam video - there are no images of injury but report describes injuries - there are images & video of the car being hit)
Confronted our IT mgmt. with the microsoft key theft today. Answer: "its ok, our managed security provider said we're not affected."
Followup question about the underlying issues of gross negligence and security theater on ms' part: no more answer.
Of course. What would you answer if you had no exit strategy?
Well, into the CMA folder the thread goes. I'm sure it'll come in handy some day. #itsecurity #incompetence
The UK government is reaching astonishing new levels of incompetency. Breaking news is that the controversial migrant barge that took months to get ready before the first residents has had to be evacuated because of legionella. Couldn’t anyone have checked BEFORE they pushed migrants in! #toriesout #immigration #incompetence #BrokenUk #brokenbritain
#toriesout #immigration #incompetence #brokenuk #brokenbritain
Fucking hell. (On side note, this makes me cringe as I have my own story of medical incompetence back in younger days, but that is another story.)
I hope their lawsuit cleans that doctor and the damn hospital out.
Doctor decapitated baby during challenging delivery, kept parents in the dark about the truth: Lawsuit https://lawandcrime.com/crime/doctor-decapitated-baby-during-challenging-delivery-kept-parents-in-the-dark-about-the-truth-lawsuit/
#news #medicine #malpractice #incompetence
More Brexit Triumphs
Checks on food items delayed gor a fifth time.
The grounds are apparently that it will add to inflation and possible shortages. No mention of the pĂss poor preparation for the totally predictable consequences of both Brexit and the group of feckin incompetent ideologues who have power over the four countries that make up a hopefully, soon to be no longer United Kingdom.
#tories #incompetence #scottishindependence #Rejoin #europe
#RishiSunak, beware: the #BibbyStockholm is becoming a monument to your #incompetence
A vacant barge, no flights to #Rwanda … beyond a certain point, even #Tory supporters will grow tired of wasteful, #EmptyPolitics
https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2023/aug/02/rishi-sunak-bibby-stockholm-barge-tory-rwanda-politics #ToryPoliciesInAction #ToryInhumanity #ToryIncompetent #Asylum #Refugees #Immigration
#immigration #refugees #asylum #toryincompetent #toryinhumanity #torypoliciesinaction #emptypolitics #tory #rwanda #incompetence #bibbystockholm #rishisunak
La #IA como traductor universal.
#future #covfefe #idiocy #incompetence
#incompetence #idiocy #covfefe #future #ia
@marnic En plus le site ne fonctionne pas, quand on veut "prévisualiser" on récupère ce beau message
"Proxy Error
The proxy server received an invalid response from an upstream server.
The proxy server could not handle the request POST /spip.php.
Reason: Error reading from remote server"
#macronistan #incompetence #ecologie
La base de données de #parcoursup sur l'Ile-et-Vilaine siphonnée par un pirate. Celui-ci choisit de lancer l'alerte sur les vulnérabilités exploitées plutôt que de chercher à en tirer profit : https://www.zdnet.fr/actualites/un-hacker-revendique-le-piratage-de-parcoursup-39960834.htm
#cybersécurité #vulnerabilite #incompetence
#parcoursup #cybersecurite #vulnerabilite #incompetence
One consequence of Twitter's logo change is that a Twitter tab in a crowded window now displays a simple "x" that looks exactly like the sign of an unresponsive page or the "close tab" button:
#incompetence #stupidity #birdsite #PhonyStark
Rouvikonas volunteers battle Greek fires
As with the fires that started yesterday in Kouvaras and Dervenochoria, in Loutraki, we are witnessing the magical Greek phenomenon.
#incompetence #greece #government #looting #publicacts #communitydefense
#incompetence #greece #government #Looting #publicacts #communitydefense