#Veritasium - #Math's #FundamentalFlaw
#RussellParadox #BertrandRussell #Philosophy #PhilosophyOfLanguage #PhilosophyOfLogic #Logic #Math #Maths #Mathematics #SetTheory #Sets #Predicates #Subjects #Paradox #LogicalParadox #Contradiction #Contradictions #Incompleteness #IncompletenessTheorem #Goedel #Hilbert
#hilbert #goedel #incompletenesstheorem #incompleteness #contradictions #contradiction #logicalparadox #paradox #subjects #predicates #sets #settheory #mathematics #maths #logic #philosophyoflogic #PhilosophyOfLanguage #philosophy #bertrandrussell #russellparadox #fundamentalflaw #math #veritasium
Sometimes philosophy sounds like this (not joking):
(NP*) Given any zodlite ryma r and given any bumid b that does not fruminize r, there is more than one zodlite ryma that padveates b and that bellerates r.
#incompletenesstheorem #logic #Godel #philosophy
Sometimes philosophy sounds like this (not joking):
(NP*) Given any zodlite ryma r and given any bumid b that does not fruminize r, there is more than one zodlite ryma that padveates b and that bellerates r.
#incompletenesstheorem #logic #Godel #philosophy
#SethLloyd - Theorem of Human #Unpredictability
#Philosophy #Science #PhilosophyOfScience #FreeWill #HumanUnpredictability #Information #Computability #HaltingProblem #TheHaltingProblem #Programming #AI #ArtificialIntelligence #Recursion #SelfReference #Goedel #KurtGoedel #Incompleteness #IncompletenessTheorem
#incompletenesstheorem #incompleteness #kurtgoedel #goedel #selfreference #recursion #artificialintelligence #ai #programming #thehaltingproblem #haltingproblem #computability #information #humanunpredictability #freewill #philosophyofscience #science #philosophy #unpredictability #sethlloyd