At the :digitalcourage: #Aktivcongress I'm wearing a T-shirt that reads #Influenca. If you scan the #QRCode the encoded URL links to the eponymous song produced in 2021 as part of the 💽 #InconvenientEP.
Remember and reflect how #COVID19 and the #CoronaPandemic split our society due to #FakeFacts of #Querdenkers in #Proprietary #SocialMedia by listening to this song produced with #FLOSS or #Free / #Libre and #OpenSource #Software only.
Proficient people in #IT and #ComputerNetworks might have some fun with the live recording of the song #Layer8. 😜
#layer8 #computernetworks #it #software #opensource #libre #free #floss #socialmedia #proprietary #querdenkers #fakefacts #CoronaPandemic #COVID19 #inconvenientep #qrcode #influenca #aktivcongress