Option: A bullet threatens their pursuit. #InDarkness
The deafening silence of the crypts amplified their footfalls, their every breath a battle cry. Suddenly, a glimmer caught Holmes' eye. He crouched and extracted a bullet casing from the ground. "They're coming for us," he whispered. They quickened their pace. #InDarknessTheyFight #DesperateQuest
#desperatequest #indarknesstheyfight #indarkness
This was an incredible #film. Holland did not flinch once in depicting the horrors of those who were complicit with the Nazis in dehumanizing the Jewish people. Some thought twice. Few. This was a story about one who started out as a mercenary but came to feel close to the 14 he saved. #AmWatching #AgnieszkaHolland #InDarkness
#film #amwatching #agnieszkaholland #indarkness
Book Review|L. Diane Wolfe’s ‘In Darkness: The Werewolf’
Vickie comes to England to learn fencing, and falls in love with the landlord's son Nicholas. He's a werewolf. Can the relationship be saved?
#Books #Reviews #ScienceFiction/Fantasy #InDarkness:TheWerewolf #L.DianeWolfe
#books #reviews #sciencefiction #indarkness #l