‘It stops you cold’: the 272 #enslaved people sold to fund #Georgetown
The descendants of #AnnJoice, separated as part of the sale, are at the center of a vital new work of history and journalism
https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/aug/31/georgetown-college-slavery-272-book-rachel-swarns #Religion #Jesuits #indenture
#indenture #jesuits #religion #annjoice #georgetown #enslaved
#5yrsago When #ZephyrTeachout is elected New York Attorney General, she’s gonna emolumentize Trump right out of the White House https://www.nytimes.com/2018/08/03/nyregion/zephyr-teachout-is-running-for-attorney-general-but-her-real-target-is-trump.html
#5yrsago When should the press pay attention to trolls, lies and disinformation? https://datasociety.net/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/0-EXEC-SUMMARY_Oxygen_of_Amplification_DS.pdf
#5yrsago #WellsFargo: we stole houses and we’re being investigated for dirty low-income housing credits https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2018-08-03/wells-fargo-faces-u-s-probe-on-low-income-tax-credit-purchases
#1yrago A TRAP for workers: Oops, we re-invented #indenture https://pluralistic.net/2022/08/04/its-a-trap/#a-little-on-the-nose
#5yrsago #zephyrteachout #wellsfargo #1yrago #indenture
Read the 63:1 issue of Asia-Pacific Econ History Review for great articles on Aboriginal rugby, arms trafficking to NZ, indentured labour to Fiji, mechanized silk manufacture in Meiji Japan & the VFL stadium in Melbourne! https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/toc/2832157x/current
@econhist @economics @sociology @politicalscience @anthropology @ecosocio @devecon #rugby #Indigenous #sport #infrastructure #NZ #Australia #Fiji #Meiji #Japan #Maori #Queensland #indenture #AustralianRules #history #histodons #econtwitter
#econtwitter #histodons #history #australianrules #indenture #queensland #Maori #japan #meiji #fiji #Australia #nz #infrastructure #sport #indigenous #rugby