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#news #independentNews #pmptoday

Last updated 1 year ago

Cops shutting down an outlet in the ?

Maybe we should for the rights of all including , still in prison for helping reveal and abuses of power?

A stark reminder that using anonymising systems like and is vital in delivering in today's age of and .

Also .

#independentNews #usa #protest #journalists #julianassange #warcrimes #i2p #tor #news #masssurveillance #CorporateTotalitarianism #AllCopsAreBad #kansas #lawfare #acab #police #violence #repression

Last updated 1 year ago

Patrick Middleton · @patmikemid
112 followers · 700 posts · Server

Bummed to realize that @msfreepress has abandoned publishing to Mastodon while staying active elsewhere. Happy to see @TucsonSentinel over here.


Last updated 2 years ago

the media appear to be working very hard to reinvent as the greatest threat.

Its a shame that so many sources were disappeared prior to and during covid. We might've even had an movement in this country. Today instead people are tripping over themselves to dob in their fellow man as against the . Or should we say… .

#australian #china #independentNews #antiwar #freshnewwars #freshnuclearwars #australia #auspol #ukraine2p0

Last updated 2 years ago

Work in Progress · @unfinishedsymphony
26 followers · 124 posts · Server

Yay us! A mighty progressive pushback forced New York governor Kathy Hochul to abandon her right-wing pick to lead NY's highest court. Now is the time to get out in front of her next choice.

NY Governor phone: 1-518-474-8390

New Chief Judge Shortlist Features Previously Excluded Liberal Judges

Oh, and be sure to give some $ to, a really excellent non-profit, non-partisan news source for NY!

#newyork #ny #hochul #independentNews

Last updated 2 years ago

Check out ☕️ for your daily dose of news without the usual fuss! Get the latest in , , , , and more, all in just 5 minutes!⏱️


#pmptoday #politics #economy #COVID19 #FrontPages #newsthatmatters #independentNews

Last updated 2 years ago

Check out ☕️ for your daily dose of news without the usual fuss! Get the latest in , , , and more, all in just 5 minutes!⏱️


#pmptoday #politics #economy #COVID19 #FrontPages #newsthatmatters #independentNews

Last updated 2 years ago

Check out ☕️ for your daily dose of news without the usual fuss! Get the latest in , , , and more, all in just 5 minutes!⏱️


#pmptoday #politics #economy #COVID19 #FrontPages #newsthatmatters #independentNews

Last updated 2 years ago

Check out ☕️ for your daily dose of news without the usual fuss! Get the latest in , , , and more, all in just 5 minutes!⏱️


#pmptoday #politics #economy #COVID19 #FrontPages #newsthatmatters #independentNews

Last updated 2 years ago

Check out ☕️ for your daily dose of news without the usual fuss! Get the latest in , , , and more, all in just 5 minutes!⏱️


#pmptoday #politics #economy #COVID19 #FrontPages #newsthatmatters #independentNews

Last updated 2 years ago

Check out ☕️ for your daily dose of news without the usual fuss! Get the latest in , , , and more, all in just 5 minutes!⏱️


#pmptoday #politics #economy #COVID19 #FrontPages #newsthatmatters #independentNews

Last updated 2 years ago

Chaotic Insanity · @MikeTheComrade
80 followers · 89 posts · Server

- Hiya! My name is Michael, but I usually go by Mike. I'm a single father living day to day with PTSD and many other struggles of my own, however, I prioritize my son's special needs before my own, and I'm learning something new every single day.

I try to stay as positive as possible and I am by default non-confrontational mainly because confrontation gives me panic attacks.

The ability to stay informed and help others where I can is important to me, even if the news is difficult to hear or share at times.

Down below I will leave my interests and things I might toot about at anytime in the future, however I will be most heavily focused on politics and things that affect society as a whole. If you find yourself liking my content or have similar interests, feel free to give me a follow and/or interact with me. I'm also very willing to learn and be educated, please feel free to correct me or guide me as you see fit if you so choose.

Last updated:
(Date in US format mm-dd-yyyy: 11/22/2022)

-- Politics --

-- Aeronautical --

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-- Medicine & Biology --

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-- Nature & Life --

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-- Weather Radar Software (PC & Mobile):

-- Neurotypical --

-- Gaming --

-- Uncategorized --

#Introduction #communism #anarchism #antifascism #anticapitalism #marxism #theory #greenenergy #homelessness #uspol #worldpol #politics #MutualAid #adsb #adsbexchange #flightradar24 #openskynetwork #Linux #KDEplasma #arch #fedora #privacy #encryption #anonymity #opensource #databreaches #socialmedia #fediverse #decentralization #p2p #threatmodel #metadata #softwaredefinedradio #sdr #hamradio #GMRS #Android #iOS #signal #session #simplex #element #twitter #ArtificalIntellegence #medicine #stimulants #antidepressants #thc #Cannabinoids #cbd #Delta8 #delta9 #Delta10 #microdosing #psychology #mentalhealth #offgrid #Solar #biodiversity #meterology #wx #tropical #climate #earthquakes #SpaghettiModels #StormPredictionCenter #spc #nationalhurricanecenter #NHC #GRLevelX #WSV3 #RadarOmega #radarscope #windy #autism #bipolardisorder #ptsd #adhd #majordepressivedisorder #mmo #simulators #strategy #fps #SteamDeck #microsoftflightsimulator #xplane #americantrucksimulator #Eurotrucksimulator #PowerWashSimulator #FarmRPG #SimpleMMO #statistics #independentNews #tinker #cleaning #Organizing #DIY #ArmTheProletariat #GunTalk

Last updated 2 years ago

Chaotic Insanity · @MikeTheComrade
80 followers · 89 posts · Server

It's so mentally frustrating to navigate to certain forms of media for news, and having to be forced to see right through the biases and half-truths depending upon the source you're looking at.

For me, it becomes mentally taxing because it slows me down and at times distracts me from the one thing I'm trying to scoop out, and that's clear, precise information. Having to stop and think about how X from corporate media isn't necessarily true because Y is a struggle I've always had but eventually seem to get through. Not only that, but not having full context can be equally as frustrating when trying to put the pieces together.

While the main focus is on A, those informed know there's most likely a B or C happening.

This has made me become a huge supporter of independent news sources but even those at times aren't clear, have some important missing information/context, or even have slight two-party political biases put forth.

With the current state of politics in the United States, for Communists like myself, I know that the two party system isn't even worth wasting much time on, and that my energy and time should be on dismantling the system that continues to deteriorate the conditions for all.

With that being said, I do believe it's important to keep tabs on how things continue to deteriorate in it's current state.

Sorry for the rant, I just needed to vent because with the news as of late, and time being limited, it becomes very frustrating.

#politics #uspol #independentNews #rant #openmedia

Last updated 2 years ago

Chaotic Insanity · @MikeTheComrade
12 followers · 17 posts · Server

- Hiya! My name is Michael, but I usually go by Mike. I'm a single father living day to day with and many other struggles of my own, however, I prioritize my son's special needs before my own, and I'm learning something new every single day.

I try to stay as positive as possible and I am non-confrontational. The ability to stay informed and help others where I can is important to me, even if the news is difficult to hear or share at times.

Down below I will leave my interests and things I might toot about at anytime in the future, however I will be most heavily focused on politics and things that affect society as a whole. If you find yourself liking my content or have similar interests, feel free to give me a follow and/or interact with me. I'm also very willing to learn and be educated, please feel free to correct me or guide me as you see fit if you so choose.

Last updated:
(Date in US format mm-dd-yyyy: 11/13/2022)

-- Politics --

-- Aeronautical --

-- Technology --
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-- Medicine & Biology --
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-- Nature & Life --

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-- Weather Radar Software (PC & Mobile):

-- Neurotypical --

-- Gaming --

-- Uncategorized --

#Introduction #ptsd #communism #anarchism #antifascism #anticapitalism #marxism #theory #greenenergy #homelessness #uspol #worldpol #MutualAid #adsb #adsbexchange #flightradar24 #openskynetwork #Linux #KDEplasma #arch #fedora #osint #privacy #infosec #encryption #anonymity #opensource #databreaches #socialmedia #fediverse #decentralization #p2p #threatmodel #metadata #softwaredefinedradio #sdr #hamradio #GMRS #ai #medicine #stimulants #antidepressants #thc #Cannabinoids #cbd #Delta8 #delta9 #Delta10 #microdosing #psychology #mentalhealth #offgrid #Solar #biodiversity #meterology #wx #tropical #climate #earthquakes #SpaghettiModels #StormPredictionCenter #spc #nationalhurricanecenter #NHC #GRLevelX #WSV3 #RadarOmega #radarscope #windy #autism #bipolardisorder #adhd #majordepressivedisorder #mmo #simulators #strategy #fps #SteamDeck #microsoftflightsimulator #xplane #americantrucksimulator #Eurotrucksimulator #PowerWashSimulator #FarmRPG #SimpleMMO #statistics #independentNews #tinker #cleaning #Organizing #DIY

Last updated 2 years ago

Liam Bubb · @ozguy
4 followers · 13 posts · Server

I've been using this WordPress hub for about a year now, and I've found it massively helpful. One of the last things I did this semester before the exam period kicked off was stick posters for it all around UOW campus.

I get the feeling that some outlets on here are gonna be seen as more reputable than others, but... eh, what the hell. and the are my personal favourites, I find to be worth a look (Tom Tanuki's columns are really good and I wish he got more exposure than the IA journalists who cheer on FriendlyJordies and PRGuy), and is good to check up once in a while. I do make a habit of buying when it comes out. Not sure about to be honest. Gotta say, though - I do wish and were on here.

Either way, this is a really good source of for anyone interested in . Have at it! independentnewsonline.wordpres

#michaelwestmedia #guardian #independentaustralia #reneweconomy #thesaturdaypaper #crikey #theshot #6NewsAU #independentNews #auspol

Last updated 2 years ago

Liam Bubb · @ozguy
15 followers · 80 posts · Server

I've been using this WordPress hub for about a year now, and I've found it massively helpful. One of the last things I did this semester before the exam period kicked off was stick posters for it all around UOW campus.

I get the feeling that some outlets on here are gonna be seen as more reputable than others, but... eh, what the hell. and the are my personal favourites, I find to be worth a look (Tom Tanuki's columns are really good and I wish he got more exposure than the IA journalists who cheer on FriendlyJordies and PRGuy), and is good to check up once in a while. I do make a habit of buying when it comes out. Not sure about to be honest. Gotta say, though - I do wish and were on here.

Either way, this is a really good source of for anyone interested in . Have at it! independentnewsonline.wordpres

#michaelwestmedia #guardian #independentaustralia #reneweconomy #thesaturdaypaper #crikey #theshot #6NewsAU #independentNews #auspol

Last updated 2 years ago

Thanks for sharing, has published to an site that is not watched behind Amazon or CloudFlare?

Eg. or

#georgemonbiot #independentNews #Altlinks #independent

Last updated 3 years ago

Yes is so pervasive. Even the in is so has been so underfunded and threatened that they cannot do their job anymore.

Their reporters now seem to publish and headlines aimed at getting a job at a .

Its awful.

If only there was a way to reach people with the real news. ;)

#corporatemedia #NationalBroadcaster #australia #clickbait #sensationalised #murdochRag #independentNews #demonetised #demonetization

Last updated 5 years ago