(24 Aug) - Biden cheered for damning three word tweet on Republican debate: ‘What she said’ https://www.the-independent.com/news/world/americas/us-politics/republican-debate-biden-tweet-reaction-b2398406.html #BidenTweet #RepublicanDebate #WhatSheSaid #TweetReaction #USPolitics #IndependentNews #Politics #News https://mastodon.sdf.org/@uspolitics/110945445791694952
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Biden cheered for damning three word tweet on Republican debate: ‘What she said’
#BidenTweet #RepublicanDebate #WhatSheSaid #TweetReaction #USPolitics #IndependentNews #Politics #News
#bidentweet #republicandebate #whatshesaid #tweetreaction #uspolitics #independentnews #politics #news
Vivek Ramaswamy accused of plagiarizing Obama speech during Republican debate
#IndependentNews #VivekRamaswamy #ObamaSpeech #RepublicanDebate #PlagiarismAccusation #USPolitics #Politics #News
#independentnews #vivekramaswamy #obamaspeech #republicandebate #plagiarismaccusation #uspolitics #politics #news
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Trump demands cameras in courtroom for potential election fraud case
#IndependentNews #TrumpCourtroomCameras #ElectionFraudCase #TransparencyInCourt #LegalProceedings #DemandsForCameras #Politics #News
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Convicted Jan 6 rioter tells Trump to stop misusing her story: ‘I pleaded guilty because I was guilty!’ - Prosecutors said the grandmother exaggerated an injury to distract officers while encouraging other rioters to enter the Capitol
#IndependentNews #CapitolRiot #PamHemphill #DonaldTrump #MisusingStory #GuiltyPlea #Politics #News
#independentnews #CapitolRiot #pamhemphill #donaldtrump #misusingstory #guiltyplea #politics #news
Trump claims he ‘doesn’t want any help’ fighting federal indictment
#IndependentNews #TrumpIndictment #FederalIndictment #TrumpLegalTeam #USPolitics #NoHelpFromOthers #Politics #News
#independentnews #trumpindictment #federalindictment #trumplegalteam #uspolitics #nohelpfromothers #politics #news
Federal court halts Florida’s drag ban, calling it attempt to ‘suppress the speech’ rights of performers
#IndependentNews #FloridaDragBan #FreeSpeechRights #FederalCourtRuling #DeSantisAdministration #LGBTQ+Performers #Politics #News
#independentnews #floridadragban #freespeechrights #federalcourtruling #desantisadministration #lgbtq #politics #news
Lauren Boebert reveals she’s officially a grandmother as she avoids question about Marjorie Taylor Greene spat
#IndependentNews #LaurenBoebertGrandmother #MarjorieTaylorGreene #USPolitics #RepublicanParty #FamilyAnnouncement #Politics #News
#independentnews #laurenboebertgrandmother #marjorietaylorgreene #uspolitics #republicanparty #familyannouncement #politics #news
Obama calls out obsession with Titanic sub while migrant boat tragedy ignored
#IndependentNews #ObamaTitanicMigrantBoat #MigrantBoatTragedy #TitanicSubObsession #GlobalMigrationCrisis #PrioritiesInNewsCoverage #Politics #News
#independentnews #obamatitanicmigrantboat #migrantboattragedy #titanicsubobsession #globalmigrationcrisis #prioritiesinnewscoverage #politics #news
John Eastman’s expert witness in disbarment hearing is barred for not being an expert
#IndependentNews #JohnEastmanDisbarment #ExpertWitnessBarred #LegalEthicsViolation #LawyerMisconduct #DisbarmentHearing #Politics #News
#independentnews #johneastmandisbarment #expertwitnessbarred #legalethicsviolation #lawyermisconduct #disbarmenthearing #politics #news
Prosecutors have recordings of multiple Trump interviews, documents show
#IndependentNews #TrumpInterviews #ProsecutorRecordings #FBIInvestigation #TrumpAdministration #WhiteHouseTapes #Politics #News
#independentnews #trumpinterviews #prosecutorrecordings #fbiinvestigation #trumpadministration #whitehousetapes #politics #news
Trump pleads for help from Congress as DoJ shares first classified documents evidence
#IndependentNews #TrumpCongressPlea #DoJClassifiedEvidence #AdamSchiff #USPolitics #FoxNews #Politics #News
#independentnews #trumpcongressplea #dojclassifiedevidence #adamschiff #uspolitics #foxnews #politics #news
Marjorie Taylor Greene names her price for McCarthy – impeach Joe Biden
#IndependentNews #MarjorieTaylorGreene #McCarthyImpeachment #JoeBiden #USPolitics #ImpeachmentDemands #Politics #News
#independentnews #marjorietaylorgreene #mccarthyimpeachment #joebiden #uspolitics #impeachmentdemands #politics #news
Fox confronts Trump with lengthy list of aides he appointed – and then turned on
#IndependentNews #TrumpAppointments #FoxNewsInterview #WhiteHouseAides #PoliticalBacklash #USPolitics #Politics #News
#independentnews #trumpappointments #foxnewsinterview #whitehouseaides #politicalbacklash #uspolitics #politics #news
Trump rants on Truth Social over poll showing him losing to Biden
#IndependentNews #TrumpPoll #TruthSocial #BidenLead #USPolitics #Election2024 #Politics #News
#independentnews #trumppoll #truthsocial #bidenlead #uspolitics #election2024 #politics #news
Ted Cruz under fire for Father’s Day message where he celebrates dad’s immigrant story – while ‘bashing other illegals’
#IndependentNews #TedCruzImmigration #Father'sDayMessage #ImmigrantStory #Illegals #USPolitics #Politics #News
#independentnews #tedcruzimmigration #father #immigrantstory #illegals #uspolitics #politics #news
Trump, other Republicans conjure a familiar enemy in attacking Democrats as 'Marxists,' 'communists'
#IndependentNews #TrumpAttacksDemocrats #RepublicansVsDemocrats #MarxismDebate #CommunismFearmongering #USPolitics #Politics #News
#independentnews #trumpattacksdemocrats #republicansvsdemocrats #marxismdebate #communismfearmongering #uspolitics #politics #news