Link (#TheIndependent, #IndependentUK):
Mugshots of the 31 #PatriotFront members arrested at the #CoeurdAlene, #Idaho
#PrideEvent in June of 2022.
#theindependent #independentuk #patriotfront #coeurdalene #idaho #Prideevent #devinwaynecenter #jamesjuliusjohnson #cameronkathanpruitt #forrestclarkrankin #derekjosephsmith #robertbenjaminwhitted
Trump fumes about ‘illegally leaked’ CNN tape of him boasting about classified documents
#IndependentUK #TrumpLeakedTape #ClassifiedDocuments #CNNReport #PresidentialTransparency #NationalSecurity #Politics #News
#independentuk #trumpleakedtape #classifieddocuments #Cnnreport #presidentialtransparency #nationalsecurity #politics #news
Trump backs abortion restrictions as he takes credit for ending Roe v Wade – latest
#IndependentUK #TrumpAbortionRestrictions #RoevWadeEnd #FoxNewsSpeech #USPolitics #AbortionRights #Politics #News
#independentuk #trumpabortionrestrictions #roevwadeend #foxnewsspeech #uspolitics #abortionrights #politics #news
Trump quietly changes political fundraising site to funnel funds toward legal woes
#IndependentUK #TrumpLegalWoes #PoliticalFundraising #LegalDefenseFund #CampaignFinance #EthicsViolation #Politics #News
#independentuk #trumplegalwoes #politicalfundraising #legaldefensefund #campaignfinance #ethicsviolation #politics #news
Obama says Trump indictment shows US can ‘fight’ to hold onto ‘creaky’ democracy
#IndependentUK #ObamaTrumpIndictment #USdemocracy #politicalfight #presidentialindictment #governmentaccountability #Politics #News
#independentuk #obamatrumpindictment #usdemocracy #politicalfight #presidentialindictment #governmentaccountability #politics #news
Kari Lake ‘couch-surfing like a bum’ at Mar-a-Lago, ex-Trump lawyer says
#IndependentUK #KariLake #MarALago #JennaEllis #TrumpLawyer #CouchSurfing #Politics #News
#independentuk #karilake #maralago #jennaellis #trumplawyer #couchsurfing #politics #news
Marjorie Taylor Greene calls Lauren Boebert a ‘little b****’ on House floor, report says
#IndependentUK #MarjorieTaylorGreene #LaurenBoebert #HouseFloor #PoliticalRivalry #USPolitics #Politics #News
#independentuk #marjorietaylorgreene #laurenboebert #housefloor #politicalrivalry #uspolitics #politics #news
Trump speechless as he’s called out for drug execution hypocrisy in Fox interview
#IndependentUK #TrumpDrugHypocrisy #FoxInterview #USPolitics #HunterBiden #TrialDateAugust #Politics #News
#independentuk #trumpdrughypocrisy #foxinterview #uspolitics #hunterbiden #trialdateaugust #politics #news
‘I’m very proud of my son’: Joe Biden defends son Hunter Biden after deal with DoJ to plead guilty to federal charges
#IndependentUK #JoeBiden #HunterBiden #PleaDeal #FederalCharges #TaxFraud #Politics #News
#independentuk #joebiden #hunterbiden #pleadeal #federalcharges #taxfraud #politics #news
Trump denies ever having secret document about attacking Iran despite ‘unclassified’ tape recording
#IndependentUK #TrumpIranDocument #UnclassifiedTapeRecording #DenialStatement #SecretAttacks #USPolitics #Politics #News
#independentuk #trumpirandocument #unclassifiedtaperecording #denialstatement #secretattacks #uspolitics #politics #news
Trump floats special counsel conspiracy as he claims Fox News abandoned ‘King’ of Maga
#IndependentUK #TrumpSpecialCounselConspiracy #FoxNewsAbandonsMagaKing #DonaldTrumpIndictment #StiffsRestaurantScandal #USPoliticsNews #Politics #News
#independentuk #trumpspecialcounselconspiracy #foxnewsabandonsmagaking #donaldtrumpindictment #stiffsrestaurantscandal #uspoliticsnews #politics #news
Biden says US is at ‘tipping point’ on gun control: ‘We will ban assault weapons in this country’
#IndependentUK #BidenGunControl #AssaultWeaponsBan #TippingPoint #USPolitics #FirearmsRestrictions #Politics #News
#independentuk #bidenguncontrol #assaultweaponsban #tippingpoint #uspolitics #firearmsrestrictions #politics #news
Trump declared ‘food for all’ at Miami cafe – but skipped the bill, report says
#IndependentUK #TrumpMiamiCafe #SkipsBill #FoodForAll #MiamiEats #PresidentialEtiquette #Politics #News
#independentuk #trumpmiamicafe #skipsbill #foodforall #miamieats #presidentialetiquette #politics #news
Merrick Garland defends Trump indictment and denies any Biden administration involvement
#IndependentUK #MerrickGarland #TrumpIndictment #BidenAdministration #USPolitics #LegalNews #Politics #News
#independentuk #merrickgarland #trumpindictment #Bidenadministration #uspolitics #legalnews #politics #news
Marjorie Taylor Greene mocked for telling CDC chair: ‘I dont want my staff educated’
#IndependentUK #MarjorieTaylorGreene #CDCChair #StaffEducation #PublicHealth #ScienceDenial #Politics #News
#independentuk #marjorietaylorgreene #cdcchair #staffeducation #publichealth #sciencedenial #politics #news
Special counsel Jack Smith stared at Trump throughout historic court appearance, report says
#IndependentUK #SpecialCounsel #JackSmith #TrumpCourtAppearance #HistoricArraignment #StaringContest #Politics #News
#independentuk #specialcounsel #jacksmith #trumpcourtappearance #historicarraignment #staringcontest #politics #news
AOC says idea Trump is victim of a ‘two-tier’ justice system is an insult to Black and brown Americans
#IndependentUK #AOCJusticeInsult #TrumpTwoTierJustice #BlackBrownAmericans #IndictmentArraignment #USPoliticsNews #Politics #News
#independentuk #aocjusticeinsult #trumptwotierjustice #blackbrownamericans #indictmentarraignment #uspoliticsnews #politics #news
Trump now claims classified documents were ‘planted’ in Mar-a-Lago boxes in wild arraignment morning rant
#IndependentUK #TrumpMarALago #ClassifiedDocuments #PlantedEvidence #ArraignmentRant #WildClaims #Politics #News
#independentuk #trumpmaralago #classifieddocuments #PlantedEvidence #arraignmentrant #wildclaims #politics #news
Bill Barr gives devastating view of Trump indictment on Fox News: ‘If even half of it is true, he is toast’ - Barr also says Espionage Act charges are ‘solid’
#IndependentUK #BillBarrOnFoxNews #TrumpIndictment #EspionageActCharges #HalfOfItIsTrue #DevastatingView #Politics #News
#independentuk #billbarronfoxnews #trumpindictment #espionageactcharges #halfofitistrue #devastatingview #politics #news
Trump attacks special counsel Jack Smith in post-indictment speech with bizarre claim. As always, former president got personal in attacking latest foe
#IndependentUK #TrumpJackSmithAttack #SpecialCounselIndictment #GeorgiaPolitics #PersonalAttacks #USPolitics #Politics #News
#independentuk #trumpjacksmithattack #specialcounselindictment #GeorgiaPolitics #personalattacks #uspolitics #politics #news