Oh my 😓
That's why I #disable 2fa if I can.*
It is such a bore to use it every. single time.
Maybe you bought a nigh #indestructible #Nokia :) ?
*When an acc doesn't matter
#disable #indestructible #nokia
#PlaneAlert ICAO: #C04F42 Tail: #CGEAJ
Owner: #ALCIAviation
Aircraft: #Douglas DC-3 BT-67
2023/06/22 12:41:37
#DC3T #Turboprop #Rejuvenated #Indestructible https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Basler_BT-67
#planealert #c04f42 #cgeaj #alciaviation #douglas #dc3t #turboprop #rejuvenated #indestructible
Another Sunday & I’m #NowSpinning #Indestructible by #ArtBlakey & the Jazz Messengers.
This adds #CurtisFuller bringing Mingus-eque vibes on the trombone, but, imo, #WayneShorter is the star unleashing some killer sax. Plus it has the irrepressible #LeeMorgan who is worth the price of entry alone.
This #record is cut by #KevinGray as part of the #BlueNote Classics series which, in a world of spiraling #vinyl costs, still represents great value.
#NowSpinning #indestructible #artblakey #curtisfuller #wayneshorter #leemorgan #record #kevingray #bluenote #vinyl #nowplaying #nowlistening #vinylrecords #jazz
sortir avec maman #hentai #disney #indestructible
#hentai #disney #indestructible
Está de vuelta, @MireyaBravo_ se declara #Indestructible en su nuevo single #TopEuropaClub
#topeuropaclub #indestructible
#PlaneAlert ICAO: #C032D1 Tail: #CFTGI
Owner: #ALCIAviation
Aircraft: #Douglas DC-3 BT-67
2023/01/28 13:53:32
#DC3T #Turboprop #Rejuvenated #Indestructible https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Basler_BT-67
#planealert #c032d1 #cftgi #alciaviation #douglas #dc3t #turboprop #rejuvenated #indestructible
I added a video!!
#dog #dogs #dogbed #indestructible #destructive #pets
It really makes me mad how people perceive a #diamond being hard as it being #indestructible. Quite the contrary is true. The harder and more scratch resistant something is, the more brittle it tends to be.
Un 3310 ? Téléphoner avec pourquoi ? #indestructible
RT @pixelsfr
Que faire de nos vieux appareils électroniques inutilisés ? https://www.lemonde.fr/pixels/article/2022/12/25/que-faire-de-nos-vieux-appareils-electroniques-inutilises_6155661_4408996.html?utm_term=Autofeed&utm_medium=Social&utm_source=Twitter#Echobox=1671980772
RT @VaDOTNOVA@twitter.com
No matter the character limit, we’ll be here.
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/VaDOTNOVA/status/1602423972754341889
Nothing quite like an old school Raleigh Shopper to show us how far we’ve come in the past 30 years! #raleigh #oldschool #allsteel #heavy #indestructible #rusty #thebicycleboy #classic #workshop #iphotography #thebicycleboy
#raleigh #oldschool #allsteel #heavy #indestructible #rusty #thebicycleboy #classic #workshop #iphotography
You're #indestructible like a #Nokia3310!
#KätToon #indestructible #nokia3310 #nokia #Unzerstörbar