It feels like it's been a while since I've shared an #SEO related article - here's a reminder from SEO PowerSuite about what pages you should "hide" and why. And how!
I hereby declare that I am no longer a ‘book indexer’.
I am a Creator of Tables of Things Most Remarkable.
#AmIndexing #indexing #indexodon
#amindexing #indexing #Indexodon
Looking for editorial professionals on Mastodon?
For editors, see #AmEditing #copyediting #DevelopmentalEditing #edibuddies #editing #EditorsOfMastodon #StetWalk and @edibuddies @stetwalk.
For proofreaders, see #AmProofreading #proofreading.
For book indexers, see #AmIndexing #indexing and #indexodon.
Editors, indexers, proofreaders (ACES/CIEP/EFA/SI etc.), please say hello below. Then I’ll keep this toot pinned to help find each other. 🤓
#amediting #copyediting #developmentalediting #Edibuddies #editing #editorsofmastodon #stetwalk #amproofreading #proofreading #amindexing #indexing #Indexodon
@coding_hedgehog I can find myself on google... maybe you have to activate the "Suggest account to others" feature in the Settings > Profile..
Also, it might be instance dependent, and might take a while...
I can find myself in the main #qoto account, but cannot in #mstdn, which is a new account.. but can find posts of others, so....
use the `site:` for a quick test!
here a search for qoto:
#Web #indexing #searchengine #googlesearch #seo #Mastodon #Mstdn #QOTO
@pjohanneson @gg
Hello and thanks from a book indexer and editor. A plus one here for the @edibuddies group. Some other relevant hashtags for editorial professionals:
– for editors, see #AmEditing #edibuddies #editing #EditorsOfMastodon
– for indexers, see #AmIndexing #indexing #indexodon
#amediting #Edibuddies #editing #editorsofmastodon #amindexing #indexing #Indexodon
My #view about #alternate #texting #images on #Mastdon:
1. it is not a #marketing #SEO #website for #Google #indexing
2. #images usually #describes post #contents
3. I have the right to send #empty alt="" tags, it is not in #EULA nor police will hurt me
4. alt-text speller programs has other #accessibility #issues, #semantic #web is a #holy #dream since the #90s
5. do as you feels like to do, I am doing as I want to, nobody fails that way
Thank you for reading my opinion.
#90s #dream #holy #web #semantic #issues #accessibility #eula #empty #contents #describes #indexing #Google #website #seo #marketing #mastdon #images #texting #alternate #view
Having Adobe Reader crash on you every 10 minutes while indexing is a fresh hell I hadn't expected to discover this week #indexodons #indexing #academicwriting
#indexodons #indexing #academicwriting
Booked my place for the Society of #Indexers day conference in September, the first UK in-person one since 2019. I’m leading a session comparing cryptic crossword setting and book index writing. Looking forward to it all. Who else plans to be at #SIConf23? 🤓
#crosswords #CrypticCrosswords #cryptics #indexing #indexodon
#Indexodon #indexing #cryptics #crypticcrosswords #crosswords #siconf23 #indexers
Society of Indexers day conference, Tuesday 26 September, Leeds. I’ll be there, doing a thing or two. See also you?
#indexing #indexodon
I’ll be back over here more now (for reasons) so here’s a brief re-#introduction.
I’m a UK freelance book indexer and editor on arts/humanities books for authors and publishers. I’m also a new cryptic crossword setter and a Welsh learner. I like dancing, laughing, music and pubs, often in combination.
Hashtags of interest include #crosswords #CrypticCrosswords #Cymraeg #DysguCymraeg #edibuddies #editing #indexing #indexodon
Happy to chat to decent folks both old and new to me. So hello/helô!
#Indexodon #indexing #editing #Edibuddies #dysgucymraeg #cymraeg #crypticcrosswords #crosswords #introduction
"Un-indexing forest media: repurposing search query results to reconsider forest-society relations" with @gabrielecolombo is out in cultural geographies journal:
#digitalecologies #environmentalhumanities #envhums #sts #commodon #newmedia #forests #geography #digitalmethods #digitalhumanities #search #indexing #unindexing
#digitalecologies #environmentalhumanities #envhums #sts #commodon #newmedia #forests #geography #digitalmethods #digitalhumanities #search #indexing #unindexing
Our new paper in European Journal of #Neuroscience:
One claimed reason for the development of Alzheimer’s disease is the extracellular aggregation of amyloid-beta (Aβ). A linguistic or formatting error has resulted in the misrepresentation of the Greek letter β with the German letter Eszett (ß), resulting in the formation of a non-existent compound, amyloid-Eszett (Aß).
#neuroscience #alzheimers #disease #errors #indexing #precision
Tracy Chen explains the Scopus evaluation process, which includes assessing journal applicants against the COPE/WAME/DOAJ/OASPA Principles of Transparency and Best Practice in Scholarly Publishing:
Mireia Guardingo Melian from @clarivate on quality metrics and their significance in the indexing process.
Read more on recent changes to the Journal Citation Reports (JCR):
#QualityMetrics #indexing #EASEevents #ImpactFactor #Citations #Bibliometrics #ScholComm
#qualitymetrics #indexing #easeevents #impactfactor #citations #bibliometrics #scholcomm
ongoing : hashtags being added
goal : searchable meme database
testing : todo
Just noticed my #Android 13 little glowing rectangle offers #hashtags to search its myriad of settings. I'm finding this feature helpful. Who could've imagined how many different ways tags would wind up getting used, eh @chrismessina? #folksonomy #indexing #folksonomyIndexing
#android #hashtags #folksonomy #indexing #folksonomyindexing
Always fun to see these (genuine) index entries from Williams Obstetrics, currently doing the rounds again.
Chauvinism, male:
– variable amounts, 15th edition
– voluminous amounts, 16th edition
– no index entry, 17th edition.
Indexer said to be Signe Pritchard, wife of the book’s co-editor Dr Jack Pritchard.
More at
#indexing #indexodon
Always fun to see these (genuine) index entries from Williams Obstetrics, currently doing the rounds again.
Chauvinism, male:
– variable amounts, 15th edition
– voluminous amounts, 16th edition
– no index entry, 17th edition.
Indexer said to be Signe Pritchard, wife of the book’s co-editor Dr Jack Pritchard.
More at
#indexing #indexodon
very glad to hear #TroveAustralia
at #nla has received funding from Australian #Government of $33M for next 4 years and $9M for #indexing from July 2027 #library #archive #digital #australia #lobbying worked!
#troveaustralia #nla #government #indexing #library #archive #digital #australia #lobbying