Would really like to make this a good place for #indexers #indexodons or whatever we want to call ourselves when we make the indexes for non-fiction books. And for people who need to know more about us and what we do, for example how to find a good indexer for their projects, how we work, what we need from clients etc. Anyway, must get on, two things on the go, an illustrated book of war art and an annual journal. Variety is the spice and all that.
Having Adobe Reader crash on you every 10 minutes while indexing is a fresh hell I hadn't expected to discover this week #indexodons #indexing #academicwriting
#indexodons #indexing #academicwriting
I've got a new set of pages in front of me to index, and so am catching up on Mastaodon.
Any other #indexodons have this same avoidant "starting" technique? It's a good book, but a bad process!