@tofugolem Speaking truth on that ✌ Same in Canada. With genocidal #IndianAct
In Canada, the #IndianAct forbade Indigenous folks from selling their farmed products from 1881 to 2014 in some circumstances.
I'm reading #21ThingsYouMayNotKnowAboutTheIndianAct by Bob Joseph, and I think this is a book a lot of us Canadians should read.
#indianact #21thingsyoumaynotknowabouttheindianact
Today in 1876, the Indian Act is introduced. The Act dismantles traditional systems of Indigenous governance. The Act also requires Status Indigenous to give up their status to vote (until 1960). Indigenous women are also barred from voting in band council elections.
#FirstNations #Indigenous #Canada #History #Histodon #Histodons #IndianAct
#firstnations #indigenous #canada #history #histodon #histodons #indianact
A remote northern #Manitoba #FirstNation that declared a #StateOfEmergency last month following the deaths of three people is now facing another challenge.
The roof of the #ThunderbirdSchool in #OPiponNaPiwin #Cree Nation collapsed over the Easter weekend.
#KeewatinowiOkimakanak #Indigenous #IndianAct #HelpNeeded #Canada #IndianReservation #NativeReservation #NativeCanada
#manitoba #firstnation #stateofemergency #thunderbirdschool #opiponnapiwin #cree #keewatinowiokimakanak #indigenous #indianact #helpneeded #canada #indianreservation #nativereservation #nativecanada
One of two #BandCouncillors representing Wi’tat, also known as Fort Babine, in #BritishColumbia say #amalgamation is making a bad #housing situation worse.
#FortBabine #Elder Fred William says a federal #IndianAgent amalgamated the communities in 1957.
#IndianAct #BCFirstNations #NativeCanada #NativeBC #Indigenous #ReserveHousing #HumanRights #Health #DangerousHousing #NativeBandCouncil
#bandcouncillors #britishcolumbia #amalgamation #housing #fortbabine #elder #indianagent #indianact #bcfirstnations #nativecanada #nativebc #indigenous #reservehousing #humanrights #health #dangeroushousing #nativebandcouncil
The #Vatican needs to do more, said #GrandChief #StewartPhillip - #president of the Union of #BritishColumbia #IndianChiefs .
“The formal #repudiation comes without #reparations or #TangibleActions to account for the #systemic #violence , #destruction of land and culture & #genocide which were #propagated by this deadly weapon of #colonization ,” said Phillip.
#Indigenous #ResidentialSchools #CatholicChurch #Canada #FirstNations #Indigenous #NativeCanada #IndianAct
#vatican #grandchief #stewartphillip #president #britishcolumbia #indianchiefs #repudiation #reparations #tangibleactions #systemic #violence #destruction #genocide #propagated #colonization #indigenous #residentialschools #catholicchurch #canada #firstnations #nativecanada #indianact
Sean Carleton, an #AssistantProfessor of #history and #IndigenousStudies at the #UniversityOfManitoba , is at the former grounds of #Shingwauk #ResidentialSchool at #AlgomaUniversity today, where he delivered a #lecture on residential school #denialism as it continues to gain ground in “ #extreme #RightWing ” circles in #Canada .
#Indigenous #EveryChildMatters #RacismInCanada #fascism #bigotry #StopRacism #HumanRights #NativeKidsMatter #KKKanada #NativeRights #IndianAct
#assistantprofessor #history #indigenousstudies #universityofmanitoba #shingwauk #residentialschool #algomauniversity #lecture #denialism #extreme #rightwing #canada #indigenous #everychildmatters #racismincanada #fascism #bigotry #stopracism #humanrights #nativekidsmatter #KKKanada #nativerights #indianact
Fuck these #greedy #sellouts 🤑🤬
We've been fighting against their #FishFarms for DECADES! They're #IndianAct colonized capitalists & disconnected from their own peoples. I know because I've been in the wild salmon protection battle for 16 yrs. We've confronted these sellouts. They are awful & cowardly humans. #ShameOnThem
#greedy #sellouts #fishfarms #indianact #shameonthem
@davidpmaurer Fucking ongoing colonizer BS. Many zero payments or any reparations in Canada for Indigenous. Canada govt only talks to sellouts they created under oppressive & unjust #IndianAct - still use divide & conquer methods. Only less resistance now because they've brainwashed many & left little economic options on tables. Fucked up #colonizers #exploitation & it's planned. #BeSmarter
#indianact #colonizers #exploitation #besmarter
The fact is that #Canada owes #trillions to #FirstNations here because #Canadian #government knowingly #stole #billions from #IndianTrustFund under #IndianAct & never even honoured any actual #treaties signed since inception of #KKKanada . Most #colonial Canadian #citizens don't even know their own country's #cruel & #shameful #RealHistory - #LEARN IT!
#canada #trillions #firstnations #canadian #government #stole #billions #indiantrustfund #indianact #treaties #KKKanada #colonial #citizens #cruel #shameful #realhistory #learn
She echoes what #ComfortWomen from #Phillipines who now live here & shared their traumatic stories with me. Many have now passed away. Some survivors here, told me that they believe #Canada is trying to do similar delayed justice reparations for their genocidal crimes against the #Indigenous peoples here. They're not wrong. Canada let RCMP & their other #IndianAct agents take #NativeWomen & #abused & #exploited them just like Japan did w/many #AsianWomen in #WorldWarII .
#comfortwomen #phillipines #canada #indigenous #indianact #nativewomen #abused #exploited #asianwomen #worldwarii
'#LearnOurWay - day of #education on Thursday, hoped to answer them.
“We really want people to know this is #difficult work,” said #ReginaIndianIndustrialSchoolCommemorativeAssociation (#RIISCA ) chair Sarah Longman.
A #cemetery with #unmarked #graves for the former #Regina Indian #ResidentialSchool in west Regina was granted #HeritageStatus by the city in 2016.'
#Saskatchewan #EveryChildMatters #Indigenous #FirstNations #Canada #genocide #IndianAct #'CanadianHistory
#learnourway #education #difficult #reginaindianindustrialschoolcommemorativeassociation #riisca #cemetery #unmarked #graves #regina #residentialschool #heritagestatus #saskatchewan #everychildmatters #indigenous #firstnations #canada #genocide #indianact
#UmistaCulturalCentre was built on grounds of now demolished St. Michael's #ResidentialSchool in #AlertBay on #CormorantIsland . Owned & run by #NamgisNation on #NamgisTerritory . It houses their #potlatch #artifacts repatriated from colonizers who stole them. No photos allowed inside.
#GalentinesWeek #BCHistory #CanadasUglyHistory #EveryChildMatters #Reclaimed #NeverForget #IndianAct #BritishColumbia #BCCoast #history #Reclamation #NativeUprising #IndigenousJustice #Landback
#umistaculturalcentre #residentialschool #alertbay #cormorantisland #namgisnation #namgisterritory #potlatch #artifacts #galentinesweek #bchistory #canadasuglyhistory #everychildmatters #reclaimed #neverforget #indianact #britishcolumbia #bccoast #history #reclamation #nativeuprising #indigenousjustice #Landback
Saskatchewan does have a constitution; it’s called Treaty
#IndigenousPeoples #OnionLakeCreeNation #Treaty #IndianAct #Reconciliation #TreatyRights #Saskatchewan #Canada #SaskPoli #Constitution #SaskatchewanFirstAct #SupremeCourt #NRTA
#indigenouspeoples #onionlakecreenation #treaty #indianact #Reconciliation #treatyrights #saskatchewan #canada #saskpoli #constitution #saskatchewanfirstact #supremecourt #nrta
RCMP CIRG get 6 months training & it's fast tracked if their higher up in ranks too. Ppl outside Canada - RCMP CIRG was created shortly after #IdleNoMore movement shutdown Canada & govts got scared. CIRG is full #corporateMercenaries unit, #funded by #public #TaxDollars & they use #violence on #Indigenous #FirstNations peoples on their own #Uncedes lands. Govt depends on public #ignorance on #IndianAct & choose #BandCouncil #sellouts to talk to; who have ZERO #jurisdiction on non reserve lands.
#idlenomore #corporatemercenaries #funded #public #taxdollars #violence #indigenous #firstnations #uncedes #ignorance #indianact #bandcouncil #sellouts #jurisdiction
Before anyone (especially white settlers) tries to 'educate' me on #IndianAct in #Canada - pls realize I'm more than a little bit #educated on #Canadian #UglyTruths regarding #Indigenous #FirstNations here. I've fought alongside native #LandDefenders .
Highly suggest #reading #research about past & present #exploitation & #abuses from governments & industry before making ignorant comments about #NativeLands #resourceExtraction & #interconnected #CulturalGenocide issues.
#indianact #canada #educated #canadian #uglytruths #indigenous #firstnations #landdefenders #reading #research #exploitation #abuses #NativeLands #resourceextraction #interconnected #culturalgenocide
Blocked a #BCNDP #NewDeathParty #apologist & supporter. She'd been following me for a month. I wasn't sure what her political leanings were until her own toots revealed a right wing supporter of BC NDP - #WhiteLady spreader of #disinfo about #Indigenous & supports govt & industry #exploiting #IndianAct to 'pick their own apples' while ignoring #FirstNations #LandDefenders & using #RCMP to break unceded #Native #sovereignty 👿
DON'T FOLLOW ME if you defend #HorganizedCrimes in #SuperSelloutBC 👌
#bcndp #newdeathparty #apologist #whitelady #disinfo #indigenous #exploiting #indianact #firstnations #landdefenders #rcmp #native #sovereignty #horganizedcrimes #superselloutbc
The daily apology, starring Danielle Smith. Tune in to see her try to compare Alberta to Indigenous people subjected to the cruelty of the Indian Act. If there’s a turd nearby she will surely step in it. #albertasovereigntyact #IndianAct #abpoli
#abpoli #indianact #albertasovereigntyact
@paulpeace Most of my friends are far from privileged. They still live off land & sea. It's mostly white & colonized/assimilated/indoctrinated ppl who are ok with shitass #Canada #IndianAct oppression. I refuse to talk to my own family who worship $ & nothing else.