Dear Mr. Toymaker,
Is Indiana Jones supposed to be Asian?
Asking for a friend.
The World.
#toys #80s #1980s #80smovies #indianajones #vintage
Indiana Jones chronologically:
-The Siege of Syracuse, circa 212 BCE.
-Beginning of The Last Crusade through recovery of the cross by Panama Hat.
-Panama Hat’s death on the Coronado?
-Temple of Doom.
-Rest of Last Crusade.
-The first scene in Dial of Destiny through Indiana and Basil leaving the river.
-::sigh:: Crystal Skull.
-Dial, beginning with moon day ending with the time travel in the airplane.
-Dial, after returning from Syracuse.
Some days I wake up and think to myself, "If only I spoke Hovitos."
The #DisneyPark presentation this morning at #D23 wasn't that exciting, but one announcement that I think is a definite win is the retheme to #TestTrack at #Epcot .
Honorable mention to the #Dinoland replacement with the predictable #IndianaJones retheme.
#disneypark #d23 #testtrack #EPCOT #dinoland #indianajones
“If you wanna be a good archaeologist, you gotta get out of the library!”
All shot practically using figures and miniatures
#indianajones #toyphotography #miniaturephotography #miniatures #acba #toyart #actionfigurephotography #creativephotographer #photographicart #adventurephotography #harrisonford #practicaleffects #practicaleffectsartist
#indianajones #toyphotography #miniaturephotography #miniatures #acba #toyart #actionfigurephotography #creativephotographer #photographicart #adventurephotography #harrisonford #practicaleffects #practicaleffectsartist
En la casa del Cine de Almería hasta el 24 de este mes hay una exposición de Indiana Jones y sus películas. Está muy bien y es muy recomendable si os gusta el arqueólogo más famoso del mundo #IndianaJones #Almeria
Eilse postituse tuules tuli meelde, et saksa keeles on ilmunud kaheksa Indiana Jonesi romaani, mille kõigi tegevus peaks toimuma pärast kolmandat filmi. 📚
Kirjastus Goldmann ostis litsentsi ja üliviljakas menuautor Wolfgang Hohlbein kirjutas.
Romaanid on ilmunud vaid saksa keeles (ja tõlgetena ka Hollandis).
Kaanepildid tegi Oliviero Berni.
- Indiana Jones und die Gefiederte Schlange (1990)
- Indiana Jones und das Schiff der Götter (1990)
- Indiana Jones und das Gold von El Dorado (1991)
- Indiana Jones und das Schwert des Dschingis Khan (1991)
- Indiana Jones und das verschwundene Volk (1991)
- Indiana Jones und das Geheimnis der Osterinseln (1992)
- Indiana Jones und das Labyrinth des Horus (1993)
- Indiana Jones und das Erbe von Avalon (1994)
... ja pealkirjad siis eesti keeles... nii enam-vähem...
- Indiana Jones ja Sulismadu (1990)
- Indiana Jones ja jumalate laev (1990)
- Indiana Jones ja El Dorado kuld (1991)
- Indiana Jones ja Tšingis-khaani mõõk (1991)
- Indiana Jones ja kadund hõim (1991)
- Indiana Jones ja Lihavõttesaare saladus (1992)
- Indiana Jones ja Horuse labürint (1993)
- Indiana Jones ja Avaloni pärand (1994)
Isikliku seosena mainiks, et sulismao romaan mulle kunagi kingiti. Siis ma saksa keeles ei lugenud, nüüd küll... et peaks vist..?
#raamat #indianajones #kultuur #wolfganghohlbein
The relentless @Laserschwert has added ‘Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade’ game covers to his collection, with some incredible restoration done as always. #Indy #IndianaJones #LucasArts
#indy #indianajones #lucasarts
(profound entertainment) I watched the new #IndianaJones #movie last night: "The Dial of Destiny" (2023) starring Harrison Ford & Phoebe Waller-Bridge and Antonio Banderas @imdb (awesome)
[ACTU POP] Café Matin | INDIANA JONES de BETHESDA en 2024, ANTIGANG LA RELEVE >>> #cafematin #popculture #jeuxvideo #stream #twitch #twitchfr #twitchstream #twitchstreamer #indianajones #bethesda #ubisoft #skulandbones #disney #antiganglarelève
#cafematin #popculture #jeuxvideo #stream #twitch #twitchfr #twitchstream #twitchstreamer #indianajones #bethesda #ubisoft #skulandbones #disney #antiganglareleve
Hey, Fellow Babies, Let's Jolt This Joint! Check out this retro post about Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull. It dives into the script, age handling, production references, and more! Read it here: #IndianaJones #retrocinema
@charles222a203 They're the same Nazis depicted in #IndianaJones and the #LastCrusade Power-hungry and lusting for the Holy Grail, so they could live forever.
Wise leaders make wise choices, however, the leaders of today are dumb and I won’t even compare them to-and risk offending a bag of rocks. Rocks at least contain water. 😂
And while Murdoch is no leader, he puppeteers them, and he is mosdef up there with them if not worse.
Vaatasin öösel (ja hommikul) viimast Indiana Jonesi... 🎞
Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny (2023)
Kui võtta arvesse näitlejate vanust ja aastaid, mis põhitriloogiast on möödunud, siis tuleb tunnustada, et täitsa puhtalt hüpati ree peale.
Ja sageli oli küll paras déjà vu, aga see oli vist suisa taotluslik. sest filmi edenedes oli pidevalt tunne, kuidas tegijad täidavad bingolehte, kus kirjas varasemate filmide sõlmpunktid. Eks osaliselt pidi see andma taustu neile, kes varasemat kolme (sic!) filmi näinud pole jne.
Natsid on ikka tõelised kurjamid! Kui tahad, et Indy rokiks, siis anna aga natse. Kanget inglishit rääkiv prillidega härrasmees – no mis saab valesti minna!?
Eks filmi algus mõjuski pisut kui kolmanda filmi seninägemata stseeni kordus ... pärast sissejuhatust toimus sündmustik aga juba esimese Kuu-lennu päevil.
Ausaltöelda ma tegelikult pisut kartsin, et kuidas vana Harrison Ford hakkama saab, aga õnneks käsikiri mängiski ta vanaduse peale. Noh, et ajale jalgu jäänud vanamees, kes on küll unustatud, aga kes näitab, et tema pole unustanud, kuidas asjad käivad.
Kokkuvõttes meeldis ja tänapäeva filminduse skaalal suisa meistriteos.
Bolted, jolted, and ready for a retro comic book adventure! Check out "The Further Adventures of Indiana Jones 3" and join Indy on a wild quest for immortality. Action-packed and full of surprises! #VintageComics #IndianaJones [Link to article]
My #Twitch stream of #IndianaJonesandTheFateofAtlantis forever saved to Youtube :
#IndianaJonesTheFateofAtlantis #IndianaJones #TheFateofAtlantis #Lucasarts #AdventureGame #AdventureGames #PointandClick #RetroGaming #RetroGames #90sAdventureGames
#twitch #indianajonesandthefateofatlantis #indianajonesthefateofatlantis #indianajones #thefateofatlantis #lucasarts #adventuregame #adventuregames #pointandclick #retrogaming #retrogames #90sAdventureGames
#IndianaJones successfully saved Sophia and stopped the Nazis from using the power of Atlantis check out my #Twitch stream of #IndianaJonesandTheFateofAtlantis I'm a #Smallstreamer so please boost this post.
#SmallstreamersConnect #SmallstreamersUnite #SupportSmallStreamers #IndianaJonesTheFateofAtlantis #TheFateofAtlantis #Lucasarts #AdventureGame #AdventureGames #PointandClick #RetroGaming #RetroGames #90sAdventureGames
#indianajones #twitch #indianajonesandthefateofatlantis #smallstreamer #SmallStreamersConnect #SmallStreamersUnite #supportsmallstreamers #indianajonesthefateofatlantis #thefateofatlantis #lucasarts #adventuregame #adventuregames #pointandclick #retrogaming #retrogames #90sAdventureGames
Just went live on #Twitch
#Smallstreamer #SmallstreamersConnect #SupportSmallStreamers #IndianaJonesandTheFateofAtlantis #IndianaJonesTheFateofAtlantis #IndianaJones #TheFateofAtlantis #Lucasarts #AdventureGame #AdventureGames #PointandClick #RetroGaming #RetroGames #90sAdventureGames
#twitch #smallstreamer #SmallStreamersConnect #supportsmallstreamers #indianajonesandthefateofatlantis #indianajonesthefateofatlantis #indianajones #thefateofatlantis #lucasarts #adventuregame #adventuregames #pointandclick #retrogaming #retrogames #90sAdventureGames
I will be going live on #Twitch at 12:30 AM CST if everything goes well I will finish #IndianaJonesandTheFateofAtlantis tonight if not definitely next Tuesday. I'm a #Smallstreamer so please boost this post and raids are greatly appreciated.
#SmallstreamersConnect #SmallstreamersUnite #SupportSmallStreamers #IndianaJonesTheFateofAtlantis #IndianaJones #TheFateofAtlantis #Lucasarts #AdventureGame #AdventureGames #PointandClick #RetroGaming #RetroGames #90sAdventureGames
#twitch #indianajonesandthefateofatlantis #smallstreamer #SmallStreamersConnect #SmallStreamersUnite #supportsmallstreamers #indianajonesthefateofatlantis #indianajones #thefateofatlantis #lucasarts #adventuregame #adventuregames #pointandclick #retrogaming #retrogames #90sAdventureGames
Indiana Jones and the Dial of Destiny - The Art of VFX
#IndianaJones #VisualEffects #VFX
#indianajones #VisualEffects #vfx
Old pixelart time again: I had a lot of fun making Burton's 1920s messy London appartment. From Indiana Jones and the Fountain of Youth. #screenshot #pixelart #indianajones #pointnclick
#screenshot #pixelart #indianajones #pointnclick