I'm watching Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull (2008) https://trakt.tv/movies/indiana-jones-and-the-kingdom-of-the-crystal-skull-2008 #IndianaJonesAndTheKingdomOfTheCrystalSkull #trakt
#indianajonesandthekingdomofthecrystalskull #trakt
Saw the new #IndianaJones the other day, and its a perfect example for what IP storytelling looks like right now. There are moments of inspiration, but nothing aspirational, and the film as a whole felt as if it lived in a manicured bubble.
It's leagues above- or, different, to be fair- the quality of Marvel's sometimes mean-spirited humor. And unlike #indianajonesandthekingdomofthecrystalskull , it doesn't attempt to replace its handguns with rayguns.
#indianajones #indianajonesandthekingdomofthecrystalskull #indianajonesandthedialofdestiny
Saw #IndianaJones the other day and it was a perfect example of what's going on in our current iteration of IP cinema. Not even bad-- just staggeringly empty.
Unlike #indianajonesandthekingdomofthecrystalskull (what a hashtag), it doesn't try to replace its handguns with rayguns. It keeps the material intact, and takes care to make homage to its past. But it takes no risks: not an inch from the lapel. So labored, so cared for, and yet spare for inspiration.
#indianajones #indianajonesandthekingdomofthecrystalskull #indianajonesandthedialofdestiny
Some friends and I saw #IndianaJonesAndTheKingdomOfTheCrystalSkull in a latenight preview. I figured, "This is the finale. You only live once." I can't have that feeling again even though #DialOfDestiny probably is the finale.
#indianajonesandthekingdomofthecrystalskull #dialofdestiny
Shortly after #IndianaJonesAndTheKingdomOfTheCrystalSkull came out, ppl said it tarnished, destroyed Indy's legacy. Clearly it didn't. The original trilogy is still held in high regard, and a fifth movie was made. Now ppl are saying Dial of Destiny destroys Indy's legacy. Blustery poppycock.
Skeptoid #98: The Crystal Skull: Mystical, or Modern? by Brian Dunning #crystalskull #mitchell-hedges #indianajones #indianajonesandthekingdomofthecrystalskull #SkeptoidPodcast #podcast #bot Despite their reputation for mystical powers, crystal skulls are neither ancient nor mysterious.
#crystalskull #mitchell #indianajones #indianajonesandthekingdomofthecrystalskull #skeptoidpodcast #podcast #bot
One of my movie hottakes:
I feel no disdain towards #IndianaJonesAndTheKingdomOfTheCrystalSkull and I'm glad the movie exists.
Is it silly? Hell yeah it is. It's still fun though. And Cate Blanchett must've had a good time playing a stereotypical Russian villain. Also, Marion came back for one more appearance and so will Sallah in the next one. Always nice to see familiar faces back. #IndianaJones
#indianajonesandthekingdomofthecrystalskull #indianajones
One of my movie hottakes:
I feel no disdain towards #IndianaJonesAndTheKingdomOfTheCrystalSkull and I'm glad the movie exists.
Is it silly? Hell yeah it is. It's still fun though. And Cate Blanchett must've had a good time playing a stereotypical Russian villain. Also, Marion came back for one more appearance and so will Sallah in the next one. Always nice to see familiar faces back.
Quarantine Control #122: Raiders of the Tiger Resources
But humans have perhaps already done that.
#Animation #Features #Movies #HumanResources #IndianaJones #IndianaJonesandtheKingdomoftheCrystalSkull #IndianaJonesandtheLastCrusade #IndianaJonesandtheRaidersoftheLostArk #IndianaJonesandtheTempleofDoom #QuarantineControl
#animation #features #movies #humanresources #indianajones #indianajonesandthekingdomofthecrystalskull #indianajonesandthelastcrusade #indianajonesandtheraidersofthelostark #IndianaJonesandtheTempleofDoom #QuarantineControl
Quarantine Control #122: Raiders of the Tiger Resources
But humans have perhaps already done that.
#Animation #Features #Movies #HumanResources #IndianaJones #IndianaJonesandtheKingdomoftheCrystalSkull #IndianaJonesandtheLastCrusade #IndianaJonesandtheRaidersoftheLostArk #IndianaJonesandtheTempleofDoom #QuarantineControl
#animation #features #movies #humanresources #indianajones #indianajonesandthekingdomofthecrystalskull #indianajonesandthelastcrusade #indianajonesandtheraidersofthelostark #IndianaJonesandtheTempleofDoom #QuarantineControl
RT @mark_raats@twitter.com
14 years on. The teaser poster I created for Lucasfilm for Crystal Skull
#indianajones #georgelucas #stevenspielberg #movies #indy #indianajonesandthekingdomofthecrystalskull #acrylicpainting #movieposterart #gouache #prismacolor #markraats @DisneyAUNZ@twitter.com @DisneyLucasfilm@twitter.com
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/mark_raats/status/1528635340604395520
#markraats #prismacolor #gouache #movieposterart #acrylicpainting #indianajonesandthekingdomofthecrystalskull #indy #Movies #stevenspielberg #georgelucas #indianajones