Projector Room #142 “Severance of Destiny” 13/07/2023
Gareth Myles, Allan Gildea and Ted Salmon are back again with t
#Podcast #ProjectorRoom #AlanArkin #BloodGold #CharlesBronson #CornerOffice #DeathWish #DialOfDestiny #film #GarethEdwards #ISeeYou #IndianaJones #IndianaJonesV #indy #InsideMan #LostKing #MissionImpossible #Netflix #outlaws #podcast #SaveTheCinema #Severance #sick #Silo #SoundOfFreedom #TheCreator #tv
#TV #thecreator #SoundOfFreedom #silo #sick #severance #savethecinema #outlaws #Netflix #MissionImpossible #lostking #InsideMan #indy #indianajonesv #indianajones #iseeyou #garethedwards #Film #dialofdestiny #deathwish #corneroffice #charlesbronson #bloodgold #alanarkin #projectorroom #Podcast
"It's not so much what you believe, it's how hard you believe it," says ol' doc Jones in new trailer for his fifth adventure.
#movies #trailers #indianajonesv
Einmal den Trailer gesehen, reicht dann auch. Den Rest so frisch wie möglich im Kino.
Warum nur einen neuen Podcast am Wochenende, wenn man vielleicht auch zwei haben könnte, nicht wahr?