Indian-Americans Urge California To Veto Anti-Caste Discrimination Bill
If signed into law by Governor Newsom, California would become the first State in the United States and the first jurisdiction outside India to outlaw discrimination based on caste.
#california #sacramento #CaliforniaStateAssembly #sb403 #AishaWahab #IndianAmericans #IndianDiaspora #law #CasteDiscrimination #UnitedStates #caste #casteism #hindus #india
#california #sacramento #californiastateassembly #sb403 #aishawahab #indianamericans #indiandiaspora #law #castediscrimination #unitedstates #caste #casteism #Hindus #india
The mystery of Vivek Ramaswamy's rapid rise in the polls - no single individual is doing more to harm the reputation of #IndianAmericans than Ramaswamy with his far-right, Trump-like conservatism. Looking for bridge-building moderation? Don’t look at this candidate, who is stoking the fires of division. #politics #VivekRamaswamy
#indianamericans #politics #vivekramaswamy
India Shows the US How Not to Do Affirmative Action
While the Indian system of quotas has worked in public universities, the US has done far better at opening up the ranks of the elite, writes Mihir Sharma.
#AffirmativeAction #UnitedStates #SupremeCourt #reservations #SocialJustice #caste #IndianAmericans #education #universities #CasteDiscrimination #IndianDiaspora #india
#affirmativeaction #unitedstates #supremecourt #reservations #socialjustice #caste #indianamericans #education #universities #castediscrimination #indiandiaspora #india
What’s fueling the rise in Hindu nationalism in the U.S.
To some, Modi represents the face of a new, better India. To others, his human rights violations are ushering in an era of Hindu nationalism — and it's rapidly spreading in the U.S.
#UnitedStates #HinduNationalism #IndianDiaspora #IndianAmericans #radicalisation #NarendraModi #BJP #fascism #HumanRights #muslims #minorities #india
#unitedstates #HinduNationalism #indiandiaspora #indianamericans #radicalisation #narendramodi #BJP #fascism #humanrights #muslims #minorities #india
More than 400 guests were invited for the dinner and they included big names in the tech world and billionaire industrialists such as Mukesh Ambani, Anand Mahindra, Google CEO Sunder Pichai, Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella and Apple CEO Tim Cook
#PMModiApplaudsRole #IndianAmericans #India #USRelationship
#pmmodiapplaudsrole #indianamericans #india #usrelationship
#WATCH | #IndianAmericans have come a long way in the US and have always found a respectful place in America's Melting Pot. Indian Americans have played a significant role in further strengthening the inclusive society and economy of the US: PM #NarendraModi during the official… #press
#watch #indianamericans #narendramodi #press
Over the past two decades, Indian-Americans have demonstrated their dominance in the Scripps National #SpellingBee
#DevShah #IndianAmericans #press
#spellingbee #devshah #indianamericans #press
One observation of mine from #Animazement this weekend:
I could count the number of #desis there on one hand (on the Saturday of a midsize local #comicCon in a region with way more #IndianAmericans than typical).
That's indicative of the overall conservatism of the diaspora, where creatives are rare and the pressure to conform and be a "Good #Indian" is common.
#animazement #desis #comiccon #indianamericans #indian #anime
Over 40 percent of foreign-born tech workers in Seattle, which is home to headquarters of companies like Amazon and Microsoft, are from India.
#caste #seattle #IndianAmericans #castediscrimination #worldnews #southasia
#caste #Seattle #indianamericans #castediscrimination #worldnews #SouthAsia
Bridging the Gulf: How the US has emerged as a top destination for Indians
#MastIndia #India #Migration #Migrants #IndianAmericans #Data @mastodonindians
#mastindia #India #migration #migrants #indianamericans #Data