Indian-Americans Urge California To Veto Anti-Caste Discrimination Bill
If signed into law by Governor Newsom, California would become the first State in the United States and the first jurisdiction outside India to outlaw discrimination based on caste.
#california #sacramento #CaliforniaStateAssembly #sb403 #AishaWahab #IndianAmericans #IndianDiaspora #law #CasteDiscrimination #UnitedStates #caste #casteism #hindus #india
#california #sacramento #californiastateassembly #sb403 #aishawahab #indianamericans #indiandiaspora #law #castediscrimination #unitedstates #caste #casteism #Hindus #india
The Politics over California’s Anti-Caste Bill
Anxiety amongst upper-caste diaspora that their narrative about a benign Indian culture would be undone lies at the heart of the opposition to California’s bill to ban caste discrimination.
#california #CaliforniaStateAssembly #CasteDiscrimination #untouchability #AishaWahab #democrats #IndianDiaspora #UnitedStates #law #SocialJustice #india
#california #californiastateassembly #castediscrimination #untouchability #aishawahab #democrats #indiandiaspora #unitedstates #law #socialjustice #india
California Assembly passes bill to ban caste discrimination
The bill will now be sent to the state Senate and then for the governor’s assent.
#CaliforniaAssembly #CasteDiscrimination #law #caste #sb403 #AishaWahab #DemocraticParty #UnitedStates #IndianDiaspora #casteism #hindutva #COHNA #india
#californiaassembly #castediscrimination #law #caste #sb403 #aishawahab #democraticparty #unitedstates #indiandiaspora #casteism #hindutva #cohna #india
Congressman Ro Khanna slammed for meeting Hindutva ideologue on India visit
Analysts say Khanna’s meeting shows that he doesn’t want to alienate his Hindu Indian diaspora vote bank in the US.
#RoKhanna #democrats #AbhijeetIyerMitra #HinduNationalism #islamophobia #hindutva #BJP #IndianDiaspora #FarRight #india
#rokhanna #democrats #abhijeetiyermitra #HinduNationalism #islamophobia #hindutva #BJP #indiandiaspora #farright #india
Hindu leader removed from Parliament of World's Religions after far-right links exposed
The Parliament of the World's Religions has quietly removed Hindu religious leader Nivedita Bhide from their list of speakers at this week's conference in Chicago after activists raised concerns over her links to Hindu nationalism.
#ParliamentOfWorldReligions #chicago #NiveditaBhide #hindutva #islamophobia #muslims #christians #HinduNationalism #FarRight #RSS #VivekanandaKendra #NarendraModi #BJP #IndianDiaspora #india #UnitedStates
#parliamentofworldreligions #chicago #niveditabhide #hindutva #islamophobia #muslims #christians #HinduNationalism #farright #RSS #vivekanandakendra #narendramodi #BJP #indiandiaspora #india #unitedstates
Australian-educated Neha Patel runs an extensive cow vigilante network across India
In the predominantly male-dominated realm of cow vigilantism in India, Neha Patel stands out as one of the few women cow vigilantes with an extensive network of militia recruits at her disposal to police the sale, transportation, or consumption of beef, with Muslim minorities being the primary target of her operations.
#CowVigilantism #beef #VHP #BJP #gujarat #HinduMobs #muslims #islamophobia #hindutva #IndianDiaspora #india
#cowvigilantism #beef #vhp #BJP #gujarat #hindumobs #muslims #islamophobia #hindutva #indiandiaspora #india
Hindu nationalist groups to assemble at India Day rally in New Jersey
Muslim Americans outraged over decision to allow Hindu nationalist groups to openly parade one year after bulldozer debacle.
#NewJersey #edison #IndiaDay #HinduNationalism #hindutva #IndianDiaspora #MuslimAmericans #RSS #VHP #HSS #VHPA #BJP #SamipJoshi #islamophobia #HFHR #IAMC #UnitedStates #FarRight #india
#newjersey #edison #indiaday #HinduNationalism #hindutva #indiandiaspora #muslimamericans #RSS #vhp #hss #vhpa #BJP #samipjoshi #islamophobia #hfhr #IAMC #unitedstates #farright #india
Maryland lieutenant governor got funding from donors linked to far-right extremist movement
Critics accuse Aruna Miller of retaliating against those that called out the problematic donations.
#ArunaMiller #maryland #BJP #OFBJP #RSS #HSS #IndianDiaspora #hindutva #HumanRights #HRW #IAMC #NarendraModi #GujaratPogrom #india #UnitedStates
#arunamiller #maryland #BJP #ofbjp #RSS #hss #indiandiaspora #hindutva #humanrights #hrw #IAMC #narendramodi #gujaratpogrom #india #unitedstates
India Shows the US How Not to Do Affirmative Action
While the Indian system of quotas has worked in public universities, the US has done far better at opening up the ranks of the elite, writes Mihir Sharma.
#AffirmativeAction #UnitedStates #SupremeCourt #reservations #SocialJustice #caste #IndianAmericans #education #universities #CasteDiscrimination #IndianDiaspora #india
#affirmativeaction #unitedstates #supremecourt #reservations #socialjustice #caste #indianamericans #education #universities #castediscrimination #indiandiaspora #india
What’s fueling the rise in Hindu nationalism in the U.S.
To some, Modi represents the face of a new, better India. To others, his human rights violations are ushering in an era of Hindu nationalism — and it's rapidly spreading in the U.S.
#UnitedStates #HinduNationalism #IndianDiaspora #IndianAmericans #radicalisation #NarendraModi #BJP #fascism #HumanRights #muslims #minorities #india
#unitedstates #HinduNationalism #indiandiaspora #indianamericans #radicalisation #narendramodi #BJP #fascism #humanrights #muslims #minorities #india
The Hindu Nationalists Using the Pro-Israel Playbook
Inspired by Jewish groups that cast criticism of Israel as antisemitism, Hindu American organizations are advancing a concept of “Hinduphobia” that puts India beyond reproach.
#india #hindutva #zionism #HinduNationalism #israel #muslims #bulldozers #StateViolence #islamophobia #IndianDiaspora #israel #palestine
#india #hindutva #zionism #HinduNationalism #israel #muslims #Bulldozers #stateviolence #islamophobia #indiandiaspora #palestine
#WATCH | The reason behind this tremendous progress in India is the belief of 140 crore people in the country. Modi has not done anything alone. Hundreds of years of colonisation had taken this belief away from us: #PMModi addressing the #Indiandiaspora at the Ronald Reagan… #press
#watch #pmmodi #indiandiaspora #press
What Modi's Visit to Washington Tells Us About Indian American Voters
With a population of nearly 5 million, Indian Americans are the second-largest immigrant group and fastest-growing voting bloc in the U.S. today. Their impact is evident at the ballot box, where Indian Americans voted in record numbers during the 2020 presidential election.
#NarendraModi #JoeBiden #UnitedStates #WhiteHouse #HumanRights #fascism #hindutva #democracy #IndianDiaspora #india
#narendramodi #joebiden #unitedstates #whitehouse #humanrights #fascism #hindutva #democracy #indiandiaspora #india
US: Indian-origin man charged with attempting to kill president after he rams truck near White House
Sai Varshith Kandula, 19, was carrying a Nazi flag and told the authorities that he wanted to kill Joe Biden and seize power.
#UnitedStates #WhiteHouse #JoeBiden #IndianDiaspora #nazism #india
#unitedstates #whitehouse #joebiden #indiandiaspora #Nazism #india
Caste in the US: Lawmakers try to tackle discrimination
#UnitedStates #Indiandiaspora #caste #California #dalit #SouthAsia
#southasia #dalit #california #caste #indiandiaspora #unitedstates
Created a meetup group to connect with people of Bihar in the United Kingdom --
Two friends of mine and I will try to start organising a monthly meet-up for a get-together in London
#Meetup #Group #Bihar #London #UK #Community #IndianDiaspora
#meetup #group #Bihar #London #uk #community #indiandiaspora
Lawmaker Faces Violent Threats for Trying to Make California the First State of Ban Caste Discrimination
The California state lawmaker who introduced a bill that would make the state the first in the nation to outlaw caste-based discrimination is receiving Islamophobic threats from the U.S. and abroad. State sen. Aisha Wahab says her office was flooded with dozens of hateful calls, hundreds of emails, and individuals yelling at staff in her district office after she introduced the legislation last week.
#california #caste #UnitedStates #CasteDiscrimination #casteism #AishaWahab #dalits #SCs #SCST #EqualityLabs #interview #islamophobia #IndianDiaspora #NRIs #brahminism #india
#california #caste #unitedstates #castediscrimination #casteism #aishawahab #dalits #scs #scst #EqualityLabs #interview #islamophobia #indiandiaspora #nris #brahminism #india
Why Far Right Extremism Needs to Be Designated as Terrorism
The imperative now is for both honesty and political will amongst all UN member states, in order to formally accept that terrorism or violent extremism is no longer restricted to jihadist violence alone.
#terrorism #FarRight #extremism #HateCrime #HateSpeech #jihad #WhiteSupremacy #hindutva #zionism #antisemitism #neonazis #communalism #CommunalViolence #islamophobia #BJP #UnitedStates #SriLanka #myanmar #UnitedKingdom #IndianDiaspora #india
#terrorism #farright #extremism #hatecrime #hatespeech #jihad #whitesupremacy #hindutva #zionism #antisemitism #neonazis #Communalism #communalviolence #islamophobia #BJP #unitedstates #srilanka #myanmar #unitedkingdom #indiandiaspora #india
Global News BC: Journalist allegedly assaulted as Punjab tensions spill over into B.C. #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #journalistassaulted #BhaiAmritpalSingh #PunjabCrackdown #b.c.southasian #indiacrackdown #Indiandiaspora #AmritpalSingh #sikhcrackdown #SouthAsian #Protest #Punjab #Surrey #Crime #India #Sikh
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #journalistassaulted #bhaiamritpalsingh #punjabcrackdown #b #indiacrackdown #indiandiaspora #amritpalsingh #sikhcrackdown #southasian #protest #punjab #surrey #crime #india #sikh