Henricus (1611-1622, also known as Henrico, Henryco, Citie of Henryco) was a colony established in Virginia in 1611 by Sir Thomas Dale (l. https://www.worldhistory.org/Henricus_Colony_of_Virginia/ #History #Anglo-PowhatanWars #HenricusColonyofVirginia #IndianMassacreof1622
#indianmassacreof1622 #henricuscolonyofvirginia #anglo #History
The Indian Massacre of 1622 was an attack on the settlements of the Virginia Colony by the tribes of the Powhatan Confederacy under their leader Opchanacanough (l. https://www.worldhistory.org/Indian_Massacre_of_1622/ #History #Anglo-PowhatanWars #IndianMassacreof1622 #JamestownColonyofVirginia
#jamestowncolonyofvirginia #indianmassacreof1622 #anglo #History
The Powhatan Confederacy (c. https://www.worldhistory.org/Powhatan_Confederacy/ #History #Anglo-PowhatanWars #ChiefPowhatan #IndianMassacreof1622
#indianmassacreof1622 #chiefpowhatan #anglo #History
The Anglo-Powhatan Wars were a series of conflicts between the English colonists of Virginia and the indigenous people of the Powhatan Confederacy between 1610-1646 CE. https://www.worldhistory.org/Anglo-Powhatan_Wars/ #History #Anglo-PowhatanWars #ChiefPowhatan #IndianMassacreof1622
#indianmassacreof1622 #chiefpowhatan #anglo #History
The Anglo-Powhatan Wars were a series of conflicts between the English colonists of Virginia and the indigenous people of the Powhatan Confederacy between 1610-1646 CE. https://www.worldhistory.org/Anglo-Powhatan_Wars/ #History #Anglo-PowhatanWars #ChiefPowhatan #IndianMassacreof1622
#indianmassacreof1622 #chiefpowhatan #anglo #History