For anyone who still thinks #police keep anyone safe. They're frightened people with deadly weapons tasked with protecting property.
"If he’s your best, #Indianola, you need to clean house.”
#police #fundsocialservicesnotpolice #indianola
11yo black boy calls cops for help
cop shows up and shoots him in the chest
#police #racism #Mississippi #Indianola
#Police #racism #mississippi #indianola
A collection of upcoming #Columbus projects affecting the Summit and 4th #bikeways:
- Summit signals, Chitt to Hudson:
- Summit signals, Warren to 7th:
- Summit crosswalks, 3rd + 8th:
- 4th signals and crosswalks:
Timeline for design on these is spread across 2022-2025; I'd love to see #ColumbusDPS present their plans on all of these for public feedback — but I saw how that went with #Indianola. :/
#columbus #bikeways #columbusdps #indianola