Spread the word! Second Vienna Summer School on the Cultural and Intellectual History of Asia: Classical Sanskrit Texts on Epistemology (3–8 July 2023), jointly organized by the University of Vienna and the Austrian Academy of Sciences. #IndianPhilosophy #SanskritStudies
Details and information on registration:
#indianphilosophy #sanskritstudies
"Traditional societies exploit flexibility while pretending permanence. This is because belief systems are not legitimated once and for all and therefore require means to cope with conflict and change without facing the challenge of admitting that these have taken place."
Eivind Kahrs. 1998. Indian Semantic Analysis. p.1.
It is a sad fact that much of Western #Philosophy, far from being simply “footnotes to #Plato,” is the result of Westerners being deeply inspired by #IndianPhilosophy such as #Hinduism or #Buddhism only to minimize or altogether hide such influences out of a Eurocentric intellectual pride that ancient #India could not possibly have been a far more spiritually and philosophically advanced civilization than Ancient Greece.
Rajiv Malhotra has dubbed this the “U-turn Effect”
#philosophy #plato #indianphilosophy #hinduism #buddhism #india
A Sunday morning reflection on #AdvaitaVedanta and St. Anselm's ontological argument, and why Vedanta escapes from Kant's famous objection that existence is not a predicate, providing a phenomenological and methodological means of Self-inquiry for Self-realization, which is God-realization.
#Vedanta #Hinduism #Philosophy #Theology #Spirituality #God #Metaphysics #Writing #Blogging #Consciousness #Phenomenology #Ontology #IndianPhilosophy #Advaita #Nonduality
#AdvaitaVedanta #vedanta #hinduism #philosophy #theology #spirituality #god #metaphysics #writing #blogging #consciousness #phenomenology #ontology #indianphilosophy #advaita #nonduality
"At least for academic Buddhist studies, the phenomenon of scholars becoming apologists for Iron Age or Medieval metaphysics is a major problem, especially in the supposedly allied field of Madhyamaka studies."
From a forthcoming article.
#buddhiststudies #indianphilosophy
Ironically, Edward Conze's belief in a transcendent magical reality in which "all is one" and "A is not-A" has no counterpart in any form of #Buddhism AFAIK.
The religion in which we do find this kind of thinking is #Hinduism, especially forms of Advaita #Vedanta.
#Conze had a lot more in common with Vedanta, especially as interpreted through the mind of Madam #Blavatsky, than he did with Buddhism.
#buddhism #hinduism #vedanta #conze #blavatsky #indianphilosophy #buddhiststudies
A few weeks ago I sent to a journal a short paper, in which I discuss and translate a faunal episode described in Ṛgveda 10.28.10cd. The idea for this paper came to me because some modern translations of the same half a stanza are not only weird but also out of context.
This gave me the opportunity to highlight the so-called principle of plausibility, which we should adopt when interpreting passages in ancient texts with many possible translations.
Uh-oh, today my last paper is #openaccess!
#openaccess #philosophy #indianphilosophy #research
Again on the translation of the terms ariyasacca-s/āryasatya-s, here's an interesting article:
Harvey, Peter. 2009. The Four Ariya-saccas as ‘True Realities for the Spiritually Ennobled’ — the Painful, its Origin, its Cessation, and the Way Going to This — Rather than ‘Noble Truths’ Concerning These, Buddhist Studies Review 26, pp. 197-227.
#philosophy #indianphilosophy #buddhism #truth @philosophy @indianphilosophy @philosophyofreligion
#philosophy #buddhism #truth #indianphilosophy
Finally it sees the light!
My paper "Bhāviveka and Avalokitavrata on the Two So-Called Non-cause Theories (ahetuvāda) of the Lokāyatikas" was published today on Indo-Iranian Journal, issue 66.1 (which I'm sharing with Oskar von Hinüber).
Here the link https://brill.com/view/journals/iij/66/1/article-p1_1.xml
#philosophy #IndianPhilosophy #buddhism #lokayata
@indianphilosophy @philosophy
#philosophy #indianphilosophy #buddhism #lokayata
Fresh from the press on my desk: it looks small (but, hey, 558 pages), but it's a huge accomplishment. And very handy for travel! #IndianPhilosophy
for #IndianPhilosophy nerds.
I'm remarking that the compounds (Pāli) ariyasacca and (Sanskrit) āryasatya, which for decades have been interpreted as a karmadhāraya and translated accordingly, as "the noble truths" (= the pillars of the Buddhist doctrine), now scholars begin to interpret as a tatpuruṣa, i.e., "the truths of the noble ones" (= the pillars of the doctrine of the Buddhists).
The difference is quite significant!
#philosophy @philosophy @philosophyofreligion @indianphilosophy
"In following the heart in its purer impulses one follows something that is at least as precious as the mind's loyalty to its own conceptions of what the Truth may be."
-- #SriAurobindo , The #IntegralYoga
#sriaurobindo #integralyoga #yoga #indianphilosophy
Happy to announce that my last article, "Bhāviveka and Avalokitavrata on the Two So-Called Non-cause Theories (ahetuvāda) of the Lokāyatikas", will appear on Indo-Iranian Journal, issue 66.1 (2023), pp. 1-23.
#philosophy #IndianPhilosophy #causality @philosophy @indianphilosophy
#philosophy #indianphilosophy #causality
In Subhūtighoṣa's (8th c.) Sarvayānālokaviśeṣabhāṣya, a compendium of several philosophical views, we read:
dpyod pa pa ni ’jig rten rgyaṅ phan pa ste | de kho na ñid bźir ’dod de | sa daṅ | chu daṅ | me daṅ | rluṅ daṅ ṅo | |
"The Mīmāṃsākas are Lokāyatikas and believe that four are the principles: earth, water, fire and wind."
Please could someone point me on Mīmāṃsā sources that confirm Mīmāṃsākas believed in the four principles?
For #IndianPhilosophy nerds:
Recently I've worked on Bhāviveka’s Madhyamakahṛdayakārikā 3.129cd-136 and Tarkajvālā (TJ) thereon (edition and annotated translation + introduction) and it clearly emerges that at least this part of the TJ was authored not by Bhāviveka but by another person, who wasn't so conversant with (the basics of!) the #philosophy of the Vaibhāṣika, Yogācāra, Vaiśeṣika and Jaina.
This confirms the hypothesis that the TJ is a multi-layered text.
@indianphilosophy @philosophy
Hello everybody!
Today I'm moving to this instance from mastodon.uno, which accepts only toots in Italian, but lately I was tooting mostly in English with my community.
Let me introduce myself:
University degree in #philosophy, PhD in #IndianPhilosophy, I currently work as a strategic consultant and trainer for wannabe #entrepreneurs, #startups and micro/small/medium-sized #enterprises.
I will toot principally in English and occasionally in Italian.
My old account: krishnadeltoso@mastodon.uno
#philosophy #indianphilosophy #entrepreneurs #startups #enterprises
@jayarava @philosophy @indianphilosophy
Example of academic rigidity in the field of Buddhist studies: Isaacson & Sferra in 2014 convincingly argumented in favor of the hypothesis "Adhīśa" instead of "Atiśa/Atīśa" for the original Sanskrit byname of the 10th-11th c. Buddhist scholar Dīpaṃkara Śrījñāna.
To my knowledge, so far only very few academics (and myself) have welcomed Isaacson & Sferra's suggestion.
#indianphilosophy #academy #research #buddhiststudies
#indianphilosophy #academy #research #buddhiststudies
Just read the
Open Letter to Buddhist Studies Academics
by @jayarava
and as a result I feel there's a lot of work that still awaits to be done in order to make academic Buddhist studies (and scholars) converse a bit more with novelty in research, especially when novelties call into question the "established truths" (which are established and true until someone shows they're not).
@philosophy @indianphilosophy #academy #buddhiststudies #indianphilosophy
#academy #buddhiststudies #indianphilosophy
I'm re-tooting this, adding @indianphilosophy:
It's quite a while that I'm working on a short passage in Bhāviveka’s (6th c.) Prajñāpradīpavṛtti in which he points out the etiological theory of a thinker, whose name is given as ’JUG-STOBS-CAN in the #Tibetan version of the text and as 婆冑羅 Pózhòuluó / 婆曹羅 Pócáoluó in the #Chinese one (no #Sanskrit available).
I'm trying to reconstruct the Sanskrit original of this name but I'm quite lost... any help?
#IndianPhilosophy #philosophy @philosophy
#tibetan #chinese #sanskrit #indianphilosophy #philosophy