Do any of you from #India think #caste can exist without caste-based #discrimination? #Ambedkar didn't think so, neither do I.
"There will be outcastes as long as there are castes."
Dr. B R Ambedkar, #AnnihilationOfCaste
Here's a public discussion going on the same topic:
#india #caste #discrimination #ambedkar #AnnihilationOfCaste #indianpirates
@praveen If you check #IndianPirates constitution at & how it's being drafted you'll get an idea about how internal democracy is practiced by giving voice to everyone. @KayKap @musafir @Samyukth @VivekT @toocleverbyhalf @wabbster @dushyant
@praveen @sajith @piratesin @kannan These pan India protests are powerful, for people to truly exercise their power they need to organize better by being part of alternative politics. For eg. #IndianPirates is currently a small group of people, with the aspiration to become a political party that are against the current norms by promoting direct democracy internally and respecting dissent by giving voice to everyone. To know more check
Abolition of death penalty is first item on manifesto of @piratesin
We are a direct democratic political collective with transparent decision making. You are invited to join us. Also see
#india #piratesin #indianpirates #pirates
@varkychen @praveen @ajeeshrp7 The rationale behind using the label 'pirates' is provided in the Appendix I of the #IndianPirates constitution itself:
In short it's #reappropriation:
#Pirate parties have already been started in over 40 countries:
#indianpirates #reappropriation #pirate