#Trump #RICO #GA #MostWanted #CardDeck #WildCard
If you recall the Iraq Most Wanted playing card deck, I've got your alternative to #IndictmentBingo right here.
#mostwanted #carddeck #trump #wildcard #indictmentbingo #rico #ga
#Trump #indictment #IndictmentBingo
I've been frantically trying to find the complete list of co-conspirators in tonight's indictment from GA because I got all 3 of my Indictment Bingo cards out to see if I won the internet tonight.
And I haven't been able to get the list as of yet. Every stinkin' article I can dig up says Trump, 2 or three other big names "and others". No damn complete list anywhere.
#indictmentbingo #trump #indictment
#J6 #Trump #indictment #FakeElectors
Well, the last #IndictmentBingo card I tooted had good guys & bad guys on it, so I've come up with another one of just the guys that were implicated by Jack Smith's indictment of Trump.
Some of those names are of suspect office holders in the named 7 States.
#J6 #indictment #indictmentbingo #trump #fakeelectors
Well, the last #IndictmentBingo card I tooted had good guys & bad guys on it, so I've come up with another one of just the guys that were implicated by Jack Smith's indictment of Trump.
Some of those names are of suspect office holders in the named 7 States.