Who voted for this f$cking traitor?!? I want names!

SEN. MIKE LEE (R-UT) | DEMOCRACY REPORT CARD accountability.gop/profile/sen

#goptraitors #goprussians #indictmikelee #traitormikelee #senmikelee #mikelee

Last updated 2 years ago

Remember: Senator Mike Lee (R-RU) appeased Putin by opposing sanctions, flying to the Kremlin to discuss lifting sanctions, and defending the withholding of military for Ukrainians as they fought for their freedom.
Lee abandoned our values and helped make the world less safe.

#indictmikelee #traitormikelee #mikelee

Last updated 2 years ago

How many pieces of shit does it take to make Mike Lee? Only one. But the piece of shit has to really, really want to be Mike Lee.

#goptraitors #senmikelee #indictmikelee

Last updated 2 years ago