Apparently, Trump has abandoned Tic Tacs for other breath fresheners:
👉 ImpeachMints
👉 IndictMints
👉 ArraignMints
And, of course, the ones he’s been popping, in vain, to mask the stench of his bullshit lies:
👉 ExcreMints.
#Trump #TrumpBreathMints #ImpeachMints #IndictMints #ArraignMints #ExcreMints #MoreIndictmentsAreComing #TicTacs
#tictacs #moreindictmentsarecoming #excremints #arraignmints #indictmints #impeachmints #trumpbreathmints #Trump
“Hi, you know me. I’m everybody’s favorite president, here to tell you about my latest great Trump-branded product: IndictMints!

My new IndictMints keep your breath super fresh and minty clean while you’re trying to sexually assault women, or while you’re sitting on your ass, rotting in prison, because you’re a convicted felon!”
~ Trump 
#Trump #CriminalTrump #IndictMints #IndictmentsAreComing #TrumpIsGoingToPrison
#TrumpIsGoingToPrison #indictmentsarecoming #indictmints #criminaltrump #Trump