@writingcommunity How do you deal with the excruciatingly long wait between finishing a manuscript and seeing it in print?
My debut novella #DRECK has been waiting with the publisher so long that #dreampunk legend Jeff Noon read it and wrote a nice little review a full year and a half ago (#bragging, #nameDropping). Edits and illustrations are complete, just waiting in line behind one other book now. 🥲
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#dreck #dreampunk #bragging #namedropping #writingcommunity #indieauthor #indieauthors #writerslife #indiewriter #indiewriters #JeffNoon #indieauthorproblems #writerproblems #indiepublishing #indiepress #sf #sff #sffh #scifi #sciencefiction #specfic #speculativefiction #sciencefantasy #cyberpunk #trippyFiction #dreampunkFiction #weirdfiction #book #books #novella #novellas #bookstodon #AdviceNeeded #irrealist #irrealism #avantpulp #sleepstream #trippycyberpunk #debut #bookdebut #newauthor #newauthors #upcomingbooks #booknews
I want a paperback that can fit in my purse, not a goddamn brick. #indieauthorproblems