From the golden bird cage:
"Lend a helping hand to those following in your footsteps. We don't pull up the ladder once we've climbed it. The indie industry is friendly, collaborative and mutually supportive. There aren't many like it." Mark Dawson

#indieauthor #indiepubftw #selfpublishing #author #writingcommunity

Last updated 2 years ago

Industry Publishing Trends: continues to take market share.

Source: Book Publishers - Quarterly Update 12/5/2022. Fort Mill, South Carolina: Mergent, 2022.

#indiepubftw #selfpublishing #selfpublished #indieauthor #writer #writers #writerslife #writing #writingcommunity #author #amwriting

Last updated 2 years ago

* IF * you are trying to land a deal recommends going the route first to build an audience. As less than 1% of queries lead to a book deal, Jewell advises that a proven, strong following is the best way to get noticed by .

Check out the podcast


#tradpub #jewellnicole #selfpublishing #publishers #indieauthor #indieauthors #indiepubftw #writing #writingcommunity #author #authorcommunity #writer #writers #writerslife

Last updated 2 years ago


Stephanie, that's a good point. The server is easy. Any tag can be used, but only topics related to reading or writing books are trendable/searchable. And it's in the server rules "we here to talk about books---that's it"

@bookstodon @bookwyrm

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Last updated 2 years ago

In the BBC Books and Authors podcast the inequality of women authors in the horror genre is discussed, along with the recent trend of new horror titles being released by women. The guests touch on how the majority of horror plots are about women, but in the past, written by men.

#writing #writingcommunity #indieauthors #indiepubftw #amwriting #author #horror #horrorbooks

Last updated 2 years ago

Mark Lefebvre provides 2019-current sales figures in the Self Publishing Insights podcast. One that exceeded my estimation: in 1st half of 2022 the sales of series was 75.94% of sales. Wow!

There are other interesting points on the effects of pre, during, and post-COVID. And this one: romance makes up over 50% of D2D sales and of that 2.14% were LGBT titles, which is big.


#writing #writingcommunity #indieauthors #indiepubftw #amwriting #author #selfpublishing

Last updated 2 years ago

I am a sci0fi writer and John Truby made a statement that blew my mind at first, but then I realized it's true. In his book "The Anotomy of Genres" he talks about how sci-fi is the most complex genre to write. But then he says, "Science Fiction shows social and universal evolution [...] social philosophy in fiction form."

#writing #writingcommunity #indieauthors #indiepubftw #amwriting #author #sciencefiction #scifi

Last updated 2 years ago

Orna Ross and Howard Lovy put out valuable info on "Business Models for Indie Authors". It covers the spectrum of models from an indie publishing maturity perspective (i.e. you don't have to start out with 'all the things'). Listen to their great insights at the

#creativeselfpublishingpodcast #writing #writingcommunity #indieauthors #indiepubftw #amwriting #author

Last updated 2 years ago

Ingram iD looks like an interesting ad service. They will manage ads for Amazon, Facebook, and Google. Their advantage is they will target Ingram's millions of Verified Readers. If their promise holds, the service looks to lessen the headaches of creating and running ads. Amazon is okay, but I find Facebook to be a major headache. I've signed up and I'll let everyone know how it goes.

#bookmarketing #writing #writingcommunity #indieauthors #indiepubftw #amwriting #author

Last updated 2 years ago

Are any of you using ? is a service that allows writing sprints with friends. Or a little friendly writing competition to make sure you get your words in. You can see each other's word counts and keep track of your writing progress with charts and graphs.

#ohwrite #writing #writingcommunity #indieauthors #indiepubftw #amwriting #author

Last updated 2 years ago

It's not a matter of if your book gets a one-star review---it's when. :one_star_review:

Kilby Blades encourages us to focus on the readers that will like our stories.

Source: BLADES, K. Ten Things Nobody Tells You About the Publishing Industry. Publishers Weekly, [s. l.], v. 268, n. 39, p. 77–80, 2021.

#writing #writingcommunity #indieauthors #indiepubftw #amwriting #author

Last updated 2 years ago


Their email support team has been responsive for me. Tell them what's going on. It could just be a glitch in their system..... Please let us know if you go that route. 🎖️


Last updated 2 years ago