I somehow erased the existence of July 31 from my mind: so on the one hand, disappointed to discover on this Monday morning which is not August 1 that I have to wait one more day until I get 6 more borrows from Hoopla, but also, at least that means I have one more day to browse the indie reads in the Smashwords July sale.
#hoopla #smashwords #indiereads #amreading
Bail Out by @SuzanneMWinslow@twitter.com is an Indie Reads event pick #romance #indiereads #giveaway http://trbr.io/7WXNGAa via @NNP_W_Light@twitter.com
#giveaway #indiereads #romance
A Reservoir Man by @authorlambrosio@twitter.com is an Indie Reads event pick #fiction #indiereads #giveaway http://trbr.io/2kSHkJE via @NNP_W_Light@twitter.com
#giveaway #indiereads #fiction
UnderCut by Lisa J. Lickel is an Indie Reads event pick #romanticsuspense #romance #indiereads http://trbr.io/xaJOg3d via @NNP_W_Light@twitter.com
#indiereads #romance #romanticsuspense
Death by Drywall by @bbarrettbooks@twitter.com is an Indie Reads event pick #cozymystery #indiereads #giveaway http://trbr.io/z7KCLqS via @NNP_W_Light@twitter.com
#giveaway #indiereads #cozymystery
RT @NNP_W_Light
Zach claims he can do magic. Not stage magician magic-- REAL magic.
The Talking Cure by @parkcooper is an Indie Reads event pick
#uf #romance #indiereads #giveaway
#UF #romance #indiereads #giveaway
RT @NNP_W_Light
Zach claims he's got repressed memories, missing at least a year of his life, probably more.
The Talking Cure by @parkcooper is an Indie Reads event pick
#uf #romance #indiereads #giveaway
#UF #romance #indiereads #giveaway
RT @NNP_W_Light
Zach Cutter claims he's not really an antiques dealer as such, but that he's really a supernatural investigator.
The Talking Cure by @parkcooper is an Indie Reads event pick
#uf #romance #indiereads #giveaway
#UF #romance #indiereads #giveaway
Meow Missing by Lisa J. Lickel is an Indie Reads event pick #cozymystery #indiereads #giveaway http://trbr.io/gExh9qz via @NNP_W_Light@twitter.com
#giveaway #indiereads #cozymystery
Killing Secrets by @KarenDocter@twitter.com is an Indie Reads event pick #romanticsuspense #indiereads #giveaway http://trbr.io/hHQgVGf via @NNP_W_Light@twitter.com
#giveaway #indiereads #romanticsuspense
Oh, in case you want to read it, the story's at http://books2read.com/dwshines (pick your fave bookstore)
#Reading #Reads #IndieReads #IndieAuthors #IndiePublishing #IndieBooks #Noir #LoveStory #Romance #Books
#books #romance #lovestory #noir #indiebooks #indiepublishing #indieauthors #indiereads #reads #reading