My partner and I had the honour of attending the naming ceremony and feast for this little one and others, including an adult friend receiving her traditional name. Her comment “You witnessed something that changed history for all indigenous people” still brings me to tears. Canada MUST do better. #indigenousbc
Global News BC: Resource firms move ahead with UNDRIP compliance as B.C. legal changes lag #globalnews #britishcolumbia #news #B.C.AssemblyOfFirstNations #KitasooXai'xaisFirstNation #ConumaResources #BCFirstNations #TahltanNation #UnitedNations #Perspectives #IndigenousBC #Canada #UNDRIP #BC
#globalnews #BritishColumbia #news #b #kitasooxai #conumaresources #BCFirstNations #tahltannation #unitednations #perspectives #indigenousbc #Canada #UNDRIP #BC