Analysis of anti-Indigenous racism in hospitals reveals pattern of harm, no tracking mechanism
By Danielle Orr, Kunal Chaudhary & Martha Troian
#Indigenous #IndigenousHealth #Racism
#indigenous #indigenoushealth #racism
#maskskeepussafe #covid #longcovid #nativehealth #indigenoushealth #blackhealth #blacklivesmatter #indigenoussovereignty #landback
#maskskeepussafe #covid #LongCovid #nativehealth #indigenoushealth #blackhealth #BlackLivesMatter #indigenoussovereignty #Landback
Indigenous health includes dealing with anti-Indigenous racism and the crisis of missing and murdered indigenous women. One of whom was discovered in a Winnipeg landfill today: #mmiw #indigenousHealth
This seems about right for successive Australian Federal Governments. I realise it is a typo, but the parapraxis here is too real. The underfunding of health in remote and regional areas is beyond neglect at this point. So much for #CloseTheGap
#AusPol #IndigenousHealth #Health #Inequality #SystemicRacism #MentalHealth #Indigenous
#closethegap #auspol #indigenoushealth #Health #inequality #systemicracism #mentalhealth #indigenous
On the power of spirit, family, Country and optimism
Introduction by Croakey: “Healing the past, strengthening the future, reco
#Culturaldeterminantsofhealth #culturalsafety #Donor-fundedjournalism–2022 #healthandmedicalresearch #healthcommunications #Indigenoushealth #Racism #Safetyandqualityofhealthcare #socialandemotionalwellbeing ##CroakeyNews ##EndRHD ##KutchaEdwards ##RHD ##UncleKutcha #decolonise #health
#culturaldeterminantsofhealth #culturalsafety #donor #healthandmedicalresearch #healthcommunications #indigenoushealth #Racism #safetyandqualityofhealthcare #socialandemotionalwellbeing #croakeynews #endrhd #kutchaedwards #rhd #unclekutcha #decolonise #health
We've had a deadly time hosting our first Pathways Program to a PhD this week at UQ. 19 First Nations participants, Aboriginal-led, lots of yarns on everything about PhD & a guided tour of "Ceremony" at
#PathwaysProgram22 #IndigenousHealth
#pathwaysprogram22 #indigenoushealth
Twitter meltdown is a threat to health in many ways. So what to do?
Introduction by Croakey: The upheaval at Twitter has profound, wide-ra
#commercialdeterminantsofhealth #Digitalplatforms #healthcommunications #Indigenoushealth #Publichealth #Publicinterestjournalism #Ruralandremotehealth #Socialmediaandhealthcare ##CroakeyNews ##regulatedigitalplatforms ##TwitterCrisis ##TwitterResistance #health
#CommercialDeterminantsOfHealth #digitalplatforms #healthcommunications #indigenoushealth #publichealth #publicinterestjournalism #ruralandremotehealth #socialmediaandhealthcare #croakeynews #regulatedigitalplatforms #twittercrisis #twitterresistance #health
@timsenior Only suggestion, probably needs more hashtags, as they are searchable, while general words are not...
#viola #indigenousHealth #classicalMusic (might help you find a few more of your people )
#viola #indigenoushealth #classicalmusic