The Tyee: When an Ecosystem Burns, How Do We Tally the Loss? #bcnews #TheTyee - via #IndigenousProtectedandConservedAreas #CanadianWildlandFireStrategy #Indigenousknowledgekeepers #WoodBuffaloNationalPark #IndigenousModelForests #Wabascawoodbuffaloherd #ShagowAskeeFoundation #Indigenousknowledge #wildfiremanagement
#BCNews #TheTyee #indigenousprotectedandconservedareas #canadianwildlandfirestrategy #indigenousknowledgekeepers #woodbuffalonationalpark #indigenousmodelforests #wabascawoodbuffaloherd #shagowaskeefoundation #indigenousknowledge #wildfiremanagement
Another ten days to see this fabulous exhibition at Bunjil Place Gallery. Sisters Nici and Zena Cumpston brought together a group of #Barkandji arts on #Country.
Touring to Broken Hill and beyond in 2024. #MurrayDarlingBasin #MDBP #rivers #IndigenousArt #IndigenousKnowledge #Indigenous #plants #Baaka #Barka #DarlingRiver #environment
#barkandji #country #murraydarlingbasin #mdbp #rivers #indigenousart #indigenousknowledge #indigenous #plants #baaka #barka #darlingriver #environment
Legal action to protect Aboriginal cultural sites leads to temporary logging halt in Newry State Forest
#NewryStateForest #IndigenousKnowledge #NSWLogging
#newrystateforest #indigenousknowledge #nswlogging
4/ my son had this look, it was incredible... a look of awe and wonder and excitement and also like he was going to cry tears of joy.
I have no idea if this pattern will repeat itself, but it feels important, and the act of noticing these things is something I want him to learn as young as possible, since it's likely they will be different for him than they were for me.
Here is the article I quote above, worth a read:
#indigenousknowledge #tysonyunkaporta
Dealing with the unfolding disaster on country.
After numerous "once in a generation" disasters, a new summit suggests Indigenous expertise could be proactive, not reactive ahead of climate change-induced disasters
Indigenous peoples have “been there for thousands and thousands of years but they've lived through floods, ice ages, cyclones and they're still living in those regions... I think a lot of the times the disaster management system looks at the aftermath.”
#IndigenousKnowledge #prevention #preparedness #mitigation #FossilFuels #disasters #bushfires #floods #climate
#indigenousknowledge #prevention #preparedness #mitigation #fossilfuels #disasters #bushfires #floods #climate
Indigenous relationality or a world of mere stuff?
Justice, culture, and relationships: Australian Indigenous prescription for planetary health - Matthews et al
"In Australia, the oldest surviving cultures have adapted their ecological knowledge over millennia and across climatic ages. However, European colonization has severely curtailed Indigenous peoples’ ability to adjust to climate change."
"Colonization, capitalism, and climate change all reflect the continued dominance of Western individualistic (“egocentric”) philosophies that place humans above and separate from their environment, commodifying and exploiting the environment for power and profits. By contrast, the collectivistic (“ecocentric”) Indigenous cultures focus on deep, holistic connections to the environment in which valuable knowledge systems have developed from careful custodianship through which ecosystems flourished over millennia."
#ColonialLegacies #extractivism #logging #RestorativeJustice #Climate #ClimateAdaption #mitigation #Voice #IndigenousRelationality #IndigenousKnowledge #environment #care
#coloniallegacies #extractivism #logging #restorativejustice #climate #climateadaption #mitigation #voice #indigenousrelationality #indigenousknowledge #environment #care
‘Australia is sleepwalking’- managing emissions and extreme fires
“When will Australians – who live on one of the most fire-prone continents on Earth – get a grip on this escalating global problem? How many more warning signs do we need?”
“Global warming – the result of fossil fuel burning – means bushfires will become more frequent and severe. Of course, we must reduce greenhouse gas emissions. That is blindingly obvious.”
“When the bushfire royal commission handed down its report in October 2020, I described it as a “clarion call for change. Almost three years on, we haven’t seen the changes needed. We’re behaving as if we’ve got an endless amount of time. Australia is sleepwalking into our fiery future."
"It’s vital that we slash greenhouse gas emissions as quickly as possible, to stabilise Earth’s climate. But that’s not sufficient. Australians have to adapt to fire, too.”
#Australia #bushfires #ExtremeFires #BlackSummer #IndigenousKnowledge #BushfireRoyalCommission #FossilFuel #combustion #climate #biodiversity #GHG #ClimateAction
#australia #bushfires #extremefires #blacksummer #indigenousknowledge #bushfireroyalcommission #fossilfuel #combustion #climate #biodiversity #ghg #climateaction
Loss of terrestrial biodiversity in Australia: Magnitude, causation, and response
"Australia’s biota is species rich, with high rates of endemism. This natural legacy has rapidly diminished since European colonization. Extinction rates, already far exceeding the global average for mammals, are predicted to escalate across all taxa, and ecosystems are collapsing. Severe degradation of Australia’s natural world began ~250 years ago, when European colonization began removing Indigenous peoples from the land they had managed for >60,000 years."
"The authors “focus here on biodiversity loss since European colonization, particularly the contemporary processes shaping the status of biodiversity and the conservation response... More than 7.7 million hectares of the habitat of threatened species was cleared between 2000 and 2017"
“Australians have much to learn from an increased respect for, and application of, Indigenous ways of knowing. Embedding human social, spiritual, and general well-being objectives as an emergent property of healthy ecosystems is a core principle of the Kunming Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework."
Kunming Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework
#StateForest #BellingenLogging #GKNP #SettlerCulture #Australians #degradation #logging #EcosystemDegradation #IndigenousKnowledge #koalas #biodiversity #extinction makers
#stateforest #bellingenlogging #settlerculture #australians #degradation #logging #ecosystemdegradation #indigenousknowledge #koalas #biodiversity #extinction #gknp
... From Latin America to Wales, from Gaelic culture to Southern Africa, each culture has its own concept of wellbeing, but they all have a common thread."
#bioregionalism #indigenousknowledge
"While the NAS is certainly a positive start,
subsequently developed action plans need to include a government-to-government approach with each and every Indigenous Nation in Canada. Pan-Indigenous approaches to climate action will be inadequate in addressing both regional and cultural differences in climate impacts and associated actions."
#cdnpoli #IndigenousSovereignty #IndigenousKnowledge
#cdnpoli #indigenoussovereignty #indigenousknowledge
'Cara' or 'Djubak' are the Noongar names for Donkey Orchid. Cara were an important source of food for Indigenous people. They were eaten either raw or roasted in hot ashes. The tubers are reportedly high in starch, juicy, and taste like potatoes. The flowers appear in spring (late Djilba to Kambarang).
I learnt this from 'Noongar Bush Tucker' by Vivienne Hansen and John Horsfall. Vivienne is a Balladong Wadjuk Yorga from Bibbulmun Nation or Noongar people of south west western australia. Highly recommend you buy this book. Support Indigenous knowledge and writing.
#IndigenousKnowledge #westernAustralia #australia #flora #bloomscrolling #flowers #orchid #NoongarBoodja #naturephotography #photography
#indigenousknowledge #westernaustralia #australia #flora #bloomscrolling #flowers #orchid #noongarboodja #naturephotography #photography
Though I can’t access the experience of mushroom selfhood or butterfly selfhood—I can’t know what it’s like to be those people—there is some relationship between the mushroom and me, the butterfly and me, some common rouser or piper that pipes 'puhpowee' in the night and creates the conditions for all of our selves to emerge, however different they are from each other.
#BraidingSweetgrass #Zhuangzi #Identity #Self #RobinWallKimmerer #IndigenousKnowledge #Daoism #Taoism
#braidingsweetgrass #zhuangzi #identity #self #RobinWallKimmerer #indigenousknowledge #daoism #taoism
I know this is the *ideal* time to post a nearly 4000 word blog post on selfhood, identity, fungi, and butterflies. Who doesn't want to spend their Friday night reading long personal musings about Daoism and indigenous knowledge???
@writingcommunity #WritingCommunity #Daoism #Taoism #Zhuangzi #BraidingSweetgrass #IndigenousKnowledge
#writingcommunity #daoism #taoism #zhuangzi #braidingsweetgrass #indigenousknowledge
“Basically, we are taking tribal knowledge & blending it with today’s ecological science.”
#IndigenousPeoples #Forestry #RegenerativeCulture #Ecology #Conservation #Timber #Carbon #IndigenousKnowledge #Wildlife #Biodiversity
#biodiversity #WildLife #indigenousknowledge #carbon #timber #Conservation #ecology #regenerativeculture #forestry #indigenouspeoples
Forgot to add #ants #insects #indigenousScience #indigenousKnowledge #honeypotAnt #antibiotics
Go you good ants!
#ants #insects #indigenousscience #indigenousknowledge #honeypotant #antibiotics
"These Indigenous beliefs are not merely folklore; they hold profound ecological wisdom that scientists are finally beginning to recognize. In fact, many say that science is only beginning to catch up to Indigenous knowledge."
#indigenousknowledge #decolonize #ecologicalbalance
@JeffAndDonkeys Interesting thread. @LylaJuneTweets@Twitter recently did her PhD dissertation on "Architects of Abundance", researching several Indigenous food systems across Turtle Island that were stewarded by the local cultures into abundance for thousands of years. Decolonising our food production needs to be a top priority. #RegenerativeAgriculture #IndigenousKnowledge
#regenerativeagriculture #indigenousknowledge
and the #FutureHistories #Podcast Episode from this week
S02E49 - Elisa Loncón Antileo on Plurinational Constitutionalism
#ElisaLoncon, #Interview, #JanGroos, #FutureHistories, #FutureHistoriesInternational, #Constitution, #Plurinationalism, #Nation, #State, #CollectiveRights, #Individualism, #MotherNature, #Mapuche, #IndigenousKnowledge, #Epistemology, #Eurocentrism, #Plurality, #Colonialism, #Coloniality, #DecolonialTheories, #Plurilingualism, #RightForNature, #WomensRights
Transcripts can be found at
#womensrights #rightfornature #plurilingualism #decolonialtheories #coloniality #colonialism #plurality #eurocentrism #epistemology #indigenousknowledge #mapuche #motherNature #individualism #collectiverights #state #nation #plurinationalism #constitution #futurehistoriesinternational #jangroos #interview #elisaloncon #podcast #futurehistories
How to Reject Division and Embrace Belonging #otheringandbelonginginstitute #ecologicalrestoration #indigenousleadership #IndigenousKnowledge #systemicchange #climatechange #RacialJustice #SocialJustice #systemschange #newsletter #belonging #diversity #Activism #Justice
#justice #activism #diversity #belonging #newsletter #systemschange #socialjustice #racialjustice #climatechange #systemicchange #indigenousknowledge #indigenousleadership #ecologicalrestoration #otheringandbelonginginstitute
‘Western arrogance’: how the wellness movement co-opted an Amazon frog toxin with deadly effects
“#Kambo rituals aim at physical and spiritual improvement..."
Forensic pathologist "describes the adoption of kambo and other indigenous rituals by so-called wellness healers in Australia and other countries as “an example of western arrogance”.
“The techniques of shamans and healers in Indigenous communities have been used for hundreds of years and they have been trained to safely use these substances for certain, specific situations.
“A lot of these western wellness practitioners are exploiting people’s gullibility and exploiting those who are sceptical about western medicine."
"Kambo use has now been implicated in deaths worldwide, two of them in Australia."
#IndigenousKnowledge #WellnessIndustry #Wellness #frogs #Wildlife #harm #Amazon
#kambo #indigenousknowledge #wellnessindustry #wellness #frogs #wildlife #harm #amazon