Today I bring you awareness and ask for your help in getting these children in unmarked graves back to their ancestral lands...

#everychildmatters #wearestillhere #indigenous #indigenousrights #indianresidentialschools

Last updated 1 year ago

New Amauta · @NewAmauta
715 followers · 82 posts · Server

Bolivia's Plurinational Constitution (Preamble)


#nativeamerican #phd #bolivia #indigenousrights #indigenous

Last updated 1 year ago

Charlie McHenry · @CharlieMcHenry
396 followers · 1092 posts · Server

White immigrant occupiers in Asia/Pacific set vote to recognize original, indigenous peoples. Sounds kinda backward to me as Australia sets October date for historic vote on Indigenous recognition -

#irony #indigenousrights #theyweretherefirst #australia

Last updated 1 year ago

MikeDF · @lycophidion
238 followers · 1575 posts · Server

YASunidos: Ecuadorian Authorities Thwart National Referendum on Yasuní-ITT through Fraud and Militarization

Illustrates the point that under capitalism, it is impossible to attain lasting reforms, much last structural transformation. Anything achieved is accomplished under the impetus of social movement, but with the ruling wealthy and their politicians pushing back, such reforms only last as long as the balance of social forces favors working people and our movements. In the U.S., the two dominant political parties play their electoral games, promising the sun, electioneering, horsetrading, triangulating, while remaining within the parameters of capital's need for profits and intrinsic growth dynamic. There is no "lesser evil," just nuances of greater evil. The battles never end. It's time for our "Kobayashi Maru."


#climatechange #climatecrisis #climatejustice #biodiversitycrisis #extinctioncrisis #ecosocialism #fossilfuels #indigenousrights #democracy #cambioclimatico #ecuador

Last updated 1 year ago

MusiqueNow :newpride: · @MusiqueNow
793 followers · 21546 posts · Server
anna_lillith 🇺🇦🌱🐖 · @anna_lillith
2498 followers · 14737 posts · Server


We are just five days away from a crucial vote that could kick the oil industry out of , the most forest in the world. On Sunday August 20th, Ecuadorian voters will have the unmissable opportunity to take a huge step forward for and our planet.

My name is Nixon and I am an Indigenous photographer, filmmaker and activist from the A'i Cofán nation.


#indigenousrights #biodiverse #Yasuni

Last updated 1 year ago

K-ZO da Snowman · @kzodasnowman
108 followers · 4203 posts · Server

"The United States was not really a continental empire until it had access to the water, as well as the land"

Goddamn this episode was realllly good. Varsha Venkatasubramanian is one to read about in .

#cawater #indigenousrights #waterrights

Last updated 1 year ago

Nando161 · @nando161
818 followers · 36617 posts · Server
Marcia MacDonald · @marcia
414 followers · 229 posts · Server

I really appreciated this feature in by a (under a pseudonym).

"To stop a pipeline, a three-week jail sentence was a small price to pay

"With raging wildfires destroying our communities, I don’t regret standing up against the Trans Mountain pipeline"

#thebreachmedia #metis #activist #stoptmx #transmountain #pipeline #oilandgas #climatecrisis #indigenousrights #thebreach #cdnpoli

Last updated 1 year ago

schoolingdiana · @schoolingdiana
700 followers · 4540 posts · Server

If you’re following the ICWA case developing in Alaska, and would like to read up on some cases that will shed light, please check my 7-part series on Academia.

#citizenship #childtrafficking #Alaska #indigenousrights #sovereignty #humantrafficking #nativeamerican #ICWA #bringchanelhome

Last updated 1 year ago

DoomsdaysCW · @DoomsdaysCW
1335 followers · 17454 posts · Server

TY to @bojacobs for posting this news story.

raise alarm over impact of planned -waste dump on drinking water

by Marie Wolf, Published August 9, 2023

"'This is not just a problem of the but all people on the . Why are we trying to put a radioactive mountain adjacent to the drinking water of millions of people that are south of this NSDF site?'

"Verna McGregor, a Kitigan Zibi Anishinabeg elder, plans to explain at the CNSC licensing hearing how the were bypassed in the establishment of the original nuclear site on their unceded territory in the 1940s, and regard the river as sacred to their culture."

#firstnations #nuclear #ottawa #algonquinnation #ottawariver #algonquins #chalkriver #informedconsent #environmentalracism #waterislife #NuclearWaste #indigenousnews #indigenousrights #drinkingwater

Last updated 1 year ago

Mongabay · @mongabay
1344 followers · 457 posts · Server

Between Aug. 4 and Aug. 7, security guards for a palm oil company allegedly shot and wounded five Tembé Indigenous people, in the latest flareup linked to a long-running land dispute.

The incidents occurred in a part of the Amazonian state of Pará that’s been dubbed the “palm oil war” region, where Mongabay has over the past year documented the escalating tensions.

by Karla Mendes

#News #conservation #environment #brazil #amazon #indigenousrights #indigenous

Last updated 1 year ago

Ciarán Fahey · @cfahey
181 followers · 185 posts · Server

“We can’t fight with arrows; we have to use the laws.”

The Wari’ people of the Amazon are resorting to white man’s law to protect themselves. And they won! The Komi Memem and its tributaries are now designated living entities with rights. (AP) 🇧🇷

#brazil #Amazon #indigenousrights

Last updated 1 year ago

Jordi (Recumbent Module) · @Jorsh
846 followers · 23928 posts · Server


Fuck you CIRG. Fuck you TMP. And especially fuck you, everyone who supports this.

The rise of Canadian continues.

#fascism #indigenousrights #decolonialise

Last updated 1 year ago

PhoenixSerenity · @msquebanh
1649 followers · 24944 posts · Server

(On the fourth anniversary of the 2019 blockades, Maile and a coalition of others are now asking the to intervene in what they say are deliberate and ongoing violations of international and domestic laws by the government, Canadian associations and corporations.)

#unitednations #humanrights #canadian #astronomical #nativehawaiians #indigenousrights #supportnativesovereignty #canadaexploits #environmentalracism

Last updated 1 year ago

MikeDunnAuthor · @MikeDunnAuthor
1690 followers · 3511 posts · Server

Today in Labor History July 19, 1979: Sandinista rebels overthrew the Somoza government in Nicaragua, ending the authoritarian 43-year Somoza family dynasty and replacing it with a revolutionary government. They instituted a program of mass literacy, gender equality and access to medical care. However, they also committed many human rights abuses, including the oppression and mass execution of indigenous people. The Sandinistas are named after Augusto Sandino, who led the rebellion against the U.S. occupation of Nicaragua in the 1930s. He was murdered by Somoza senior in 1934, launching the decades-long dictatorship. In the 1920s, Sandino lived in exile, in Mexico, where he was influenced by anti-imperialist, anarchist and communist revolutionaries, including the IWW. The original and modern Sandinista flags were influenced by the IWW’s anarcho-syndicalist red and black colors.

The CIA orchestrated a Civil War between the Sandinistas and the right-wing Contras from 1984-1989. The Contras blew up rural schools and hospitals and routinely carried out rape and torture. In 1983, U.S. Congress passed the Boland Amendment, banning further aid to the Contrals. And in 1984, the International Court of Justice ruled that the U.S. prior support had been in violation of International law. However, even after the Boland Amendment, the Reagan administration continued to back the Contras by raising money from allies and covertly selling arms to Iran (then engaged in a war with Iraq), and funneling the proceeds to the Contras. In later Congressional hearings, when questioned for 8 hours, Reagan responded that he couldn’t remember at least 124 times, which was sufficient for Congress to absolve him of violating their own law, while National Security Council aide Lt. Col. Oliver North took much of the blame.

#workingclass #LaborHistory #Sandinista #Nicaragua #socialism #indigenousrights #humanrights #civilwar #cia #imperialism #reagan #rape #torture #dictator #IWW

Last updated 1 year ago

Shannon Meilak - Advocate · @skmeilak
45 followers · 96 posts · Server
Shannon Meilak - Advocate · @skmeilak
45 followers · 38 posts · Server

Original toot date: 15 March, 2023

- The Egalitarian Community Member.

Over the past few weeks, I have had my motives questioned on more than one occasion; simply because I dared to post information about projects that directly impact my community. We have become a society of mistrust, not just in our government but in our fellow community members. But what is all of this based on?
Well for me, I am sure it stems from the fact that I ran in the state election last year. I mean, how dare a member of the community run in an election to represent her community and highlight issues affecting them. How dare she stand up for what she believes in. How dare she try her best to ensure we receive the funding and investment we deserve in the West. How dare she run for a party that seeks an end to speciesism!
And that is where I believe all of this really stems from - that last sentence.

(continued in reply)

#whoamiwednesday #wearecommunity #community #equalrights #egalitarian #queerrights #indigenousrights #womensrights #transrights #disabilityrights #animalrights #endracism #endspeciesm #vegan #wearebrimbank

Last updated 1 year ago

Shannon Meilak - Advocate · @skmeilak
45 followers · 32 posts · Server