@fulelo @farhanasultana @ericholthaus
Here some extracts of the article (to make you read it, it's totally worth đ):
"While the global community congratulates itself on achieving what is politically possible, we cannot overlook the anemic nature of the agreement considering the magnitude of the problem. It will not avoid the death of millions â because they simply do not matter.â (Pulido, 2018, p. 128)
Ernstson and Swyngedouw (2019) termed the depoliticizing technocratic discourse that coexists with obscene capitalist accumulation and waste as the Anthropo-obscene (critiquing the totalizing banner of Anthropocene that homogenizes an undifferentiated humanity that does not exist).
A performance of diversion, delay, co-optation, and performativity without substance is repeated almost annually. Nonetheless, these are also spaces of opportunities to challenge the system, to utter necessary words for more people to hear, collectivize among young and old activists, learn from different positionalities, create new openings and possibilities of alliances â in other words, a repoliticization of climate instead of the depoliticized techno-economist utopias that never deliver.
āĻāĻŽāĻ°āĻž āĻā§āĻĨāĻžāĻ¯āĻŧ āĻ¯āĻžāĻŦ, āĻāĻŽāĻžāĻĻā§āĻ° āĻāĻŋ āĻāĻŦāĻŋāĻˇā§āĻ¯ā§? āĻāĻŽāĻ°āĻžāĻāĻŋ āĻšāĻ¤ā§āĻ¤āĻāĻžāĻ°āĻž, āĻĒāĻ°āĻŋāĻ¤ā§āĻ¯āĻā§āĻ¤? (Where will my people go, what future do we have? Must we remain abandoned, forsaken?) The disproportionate burden of climate damage is falling on formerly colonized and brutalized racialized communities in the developing world. We are still colonized, but this time through climate change, the development industry, and globalization. I feel an immense responsibility to do something. But no one is going to listen to someone like me, and even more importantly, more marginalized peoples, women and children, farmers and fisherfolk, writers and scholars. But we are all expected to be resilient because we have no choice.
Climate coloniality is perpetuated through global land and water grabs, REDD+ programs, neoliberal conservations projects, rare earth mineral mining, deforestation for growth, fossil fuel warfare, and new green revolutions for agriculture â which benefit a few while dispossessing larger numbers of historically-impoverished, often elsewhere.
I stop now, there is too much truth. You should read the article anyway :ecoanarchism_heart:
#ClimateChange #DeColonization #AntiColonization #ClimateJustice #ClimateColonialism #ClimateColoniality #EnvironmentalJustice #Capitalism #NeoColonialism #Racism #Cop26 #Cop27 #ScholarActivism #IndigenousScholars
#ClimateChange #decolonization #anticolonization #ClimateJustice #climatecolonialism #ClimateColoniality #environmentaljustice #capitalism #neocolonialism #racism #COP26 #cop27 #scholaractivism #indigenousscholars
Evolutionary #geneticist: âRace is a social cultural construct. It has no bearings in scienceâ
#Folktaxonomy #Sheilanightingale #NinaJablonski #paleobiology #paleobiologist #humandiversity #humanevolution #RacialIdentity #Culture #culturalstudies
#folklore #mythical #manmade #productofimagination #mansmind #inthemind #imagination #learnedbehaviour #learnedbehavior #taxonomy #anthropologist #anthropologists #anthropology #evolutionarygenetics #evolutionarygeneticist
#crt #vikings #animamundi #hominim #hominid #ancestor #anthropology #dna #geneticplasticity #multicultural #panacea #species #familytree #evolution #eastafrica #plato #animus #superiorrace #eugenecist #eugenics #myths #tropes #archetypes #jungian #carljung #commonancestor #melanin #christian #christianity #biblical #fundamentalism #flds #underthebannerodheaven #fundamentalism #exmormons #criticalracetheory #missionary #divideandconquer #skincolour #skincolor #poc #bipoc #ibpoc #dei #belonging #collectivesoul #calling #unity ##bible #monotheism #usa #unitedstatesofamerica #unlearningwhitesupremacy #relearning #untold #aboriginalauthors #firstnationsauthors #firstnations #amerindians #indigenousauthors #IndigenousStories #indigenous #residentialschools #indigenousscholars #indigenousprofessors #retelling #americanhistory #europeanhistory #commonwealth #colonization #decolonizeyourmind #decoloniseeconomics #decolonization #colonisationdelimaginaire #colonialWars #britishhistory #spanishhistory #espagne #histoiredufrance #histoirefrancais #france #frenchcolonialism #frenchcolony #britishcolony #englishcolony #historyofengland #westerncivilization #westernphilosopy #jomokenyatta #christianmissionaries #christianmissionary #panafricanist #panafricanism #kwamenkrumah #saviourism #saviourist #whitesaviour #whitesavior #saviorism #saviorist #racialsuperiority #africantribes #whitejesus #blackjesus #massslavery #anglosaxon #whiteanglosaxon #anglosaxonhistory #aksumite #ethiopianhistory #staugustus #septuagint #apollos #symonofcyrene #marktheapostle #slaveboat #slavemaster #indoctrination #extremism #extremism #religiousdogma #dogmatic #dogma #separationofchurchandstate #patriarchy #patriarchal #dispellingpatriarchy #dissectingpatriarchy #paganism #pagan #savage #barbaric #precolonial #jeffoganga #easternafrica #darkages #africandarkages #slavetrade #slaveship #IndenturedLabour #forcedlabour #slavery #slaves #religiousdoctrine #religion #protestant #protestantism #grecoroman #hierarchical #socialhierarchy #culturalhierarchy #racialhierarchy #pagan #orthodox #westernchristianity #civilwar #yellowstone #1923 #1883 #6666 #christianmissions #nuns #aminahnieves #jennifertehle #indianschool #reservations #catholicism #catholicschool #catholicnuns #nunteachers #convents #sexualabuse #abuseinterrupted #abuseinconvents #veilofsilence #globalsistersreport #catholicorphanage #sexpredators #metoo #abuseinthechurch #clericalabuse #nunabuse #indianschools https://www.nj.com/news/2019/05/these-300-nj-priests-nuns-and-clergy-are-accused-of-sexual-misconduct-law-firm-says-see-the-full-list.html #epstein #GhislaineMaxwelltrial #GhislaineMaxwell
#geneticist #folktaxonomy #sheilanightingale #ninajablonski #Paleobiology #paleobiologist #humandiversity #humanevolution #RacialIdentity #culture #culturalstudies #folklore #mythical #manmade #productofimagination #mansmind #inthemind #imagination #learnedbehaviour #learnedbehavior #taxonomy #anthropologist #anthropologists #anthropology #evolutionarygenetics #evolutionarygeneticist #crt #vikings #animamundi #hominim #hominid #ancestor #dna #geneticplasticity #multicultural #panacea #species #familytree #evolution #eastafrica #plato #animus #superiorrace #eugenecist #eugenics #myths #tropes #archetypes #jungian #carljung #commonancestor #melanin #christian #christianity #biblical #fundamentalism #flds #underthebannerodheaven #exmormons #criticalracetheory #missionary #DivideAndConquer #Skincolour #skincolor #poc #bipoc #ibpoc #dei #belonging #collectivesoul #calling #unity #bible #monotheism #usa #unitedstatesofamerica #unlearningwhitesupremacy #relearning #untold #aboriginalauthors #firstnationsauthors #firstnations #amerindians #indigenousauthors #indigenousstories #indigenous #residentialschools #indigenousscholars #indigenousprofessors #retelling #americanhistory #europeanhistory #commonwealth #colonization #decolonizeyourmind #decoloniseeconomics #decolonization #colonisationdelimaginaire #colonialWars #britishhistory #spanishhistory #espagne #histoiredufrance #histoirefrancais #france #frenchcolonialism #frenchcolony #britishcolony #englishcolony #historyofengland #westerncivilization #westernphilosopy #JomoKenyatta #christianmissionaries #christianmissionary #panafricanist #panafricanism #KWAMENKRUMAH #saviourism #saviourist #whitesaviour #WhiteSavior #saviorism #saviorist #racialsuperiority #africantribes #whitejesus #blackjesus #massslavery #anglosaxon #whiteanglosaxon #anglosaxonhistory #aksumite #ethiopianhistory #staugustus #Septuagint #apollos #symonofcyrene #marktheapostle #slaveboat #slavemaster #indoctrination #extremism #religiousdogma #dogmatic #dogma #separationofchurchandstate #patriarchy #patriarchal #dispellingpatriarchy #dissectingpatriarchy #paganism #pagan #savage #barbaric #precolonial #jeffoganga #easternafrica #darkages #africandarkages #Slavetrade #slaveship #IndenturedLabour #forcedlabour #slavery #slaves #religiousdoctrine #religion #protestant #protestantism #grecoroman #hierarchical #socialhierarchy #culturalhierarchy #racialhierarchy #orthodox #westernchristianity #civilwar #yellowstone #christianmissions #nuns #aminahnieves #jennifertehle #indianschool #reservations #catholicism #catholicschool #catholicnuns #nunteachers #convents #sexualabuse #abuseinterrupted #abuseinconvents #veilofsilence #globalsistersreport #catholicorphanage #sexpredators #metoo #abuseinthechurch #clericalabuse #nunabuse #indianschools #epstein #GhislaineMaxwellTrial #GhislaineMaxwell
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We are searching for a new director at CNAIR (full professor/open field) and have extended the application submission deadline to NOVEMBER 28th! Please share! #indigenousleadership #indigenousscholars
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@matts thanks - I'd love to read about that, from #indigenousScholars :) - my thinking was more around smaller scales, how we place each foot on the ground as we walk, for example...