The incident occurred on IndiGo flight 6E-5319 between Mumbai and Guwahati, and the passenger was handed over to the Guwahati police upon arrival.
#IndiGo #Mumbai #Guwahati
#SciArtSeptember Day 7: Indigo
True Indigo, Indigofera tinctoria, is the source of the plant-based #indigo dye. The glucoside, indican, is derived from the plant to produce the final product, indigo blue. Indigo red is also produced, and while also used as a dye, it is more commonly used in medical applications.
I wish my notes looked this neat when I took organic chemistry...
#SciArt #MastoArt #fediart #calligraphy #handlettering #brushlettering #flowers #sketchbook #watercolor #art
#sciartseptember #indigo #sciart #MastoArt #fediart #calligraphy #handlettering #brushlettering #flowers #sketchbook #watercolor #art
Blogpost for More:
For the 7th prompt of SciArtSeptember2023: "Indigo" " through #LiveCodeLab, #Hydra and some effects, We are seeing the different shades of Indigo interact with each other.
Bursting of Indigos
Intermingling with various shades and hues
Belonging to the family of Indigo
Blues like the sky
At various times
Purples added to the lines
With a hint of violets
Added to the various colorsets
Bursting of Blues & Purples
Blitzing with their Hues
As their Waves form this Channel
#sciartseptember #sciartseptember7 #sciartseptember2023 #creativecoding #coding
#newmedia #scifi #animation #sciart #monthlychallenge #blue #indigo
#livecodelab #hydra #SciArtSeptember #sciartseptember7 #sciartseptember2023 #creativecoding #coding #newmedia #scifi #animation #sciart #monthlychallenge #blue #indigo
Also, these attempts aren't even close to a full accounting of the various search rabbit holes I've gone down trying to fix this.
My question on the #HASS forums has received no replies in 20 hours, and now I have little hope of ever getting one.
Did I mention how much I love #Indigo?
My first #BTS related purchase, the one that lead me to get a Spo Premium and learn more about streaming.
I cried on the drive to work listening to it. It held me through a gloomy December (car accident due to a boar, Christmas without family, burnout threatening to take over).
I love everything about this album. Everything.
And it was the start of me creating around the lyrics. These 3 were done at work, with what little art supplies I had there.
I just couldn't stop.
An IndiGo pilot who was to operate a flight from Nagpur to Pune fell unconscious and collapsed at the boarding gate on Thursday. He was taken to a hospital where he was declared dead, said sources. This is the third case of sudden death involving pilots this week, with two of the deceased being Indian pilots.
#IndiGo #Nagpur #Pune
Friday was a day of double troubles with two aircraft — one each of IndiGo and Air India — safely returning minutes after take off to the origin airport due to engine snags. While IndiGo’s was a domestic Patna-Delhi flight, AI aircraft was headed from Mumbai to London. IndiGo’s Airbus A320 landed back in Patna after one of its CFM LEAP engines reportedly had an inflight shutdown. The aircraft had about 190 people on board.
#IndiGo #AirIndia
RT Sylvia Hartleif
Placé sous le thème « Xwéda blue made in #Bénin: osons l’authenticité!», la soirée a mis en valeur la créativité et l'innovation dans la production de la mode béninoise. Des #tissus teints à l'#indigo qui soulignent la qualité d'artisanat et d'expression artistique au Bénin🇧🇯.
#Aerotelegraph - Tailstrikes: Indigo will nach Lande-Zwischenfällen weniger Druck auf Piloten machen - #Sicherheit #a321_neo #airbus #indien #indigo
#Aerotelegraph #sicherheit #a321_neo #airbus #indien #indigo
Yo a @carlitosgeeky le dejo plumas #indigo de vez en cuando @david_climber #Cuack
#Aerotelegraph - Juni 2023: Anonym bleibende Kunden bestellen im Juni groß bei Airbus - #Flugzeuge #air_india #airbus #indigo
#Aerotelegraph #flugzeuge #air_india #airbus #indigo