@fireynis I just finished #Indistractable last night. It’s got an endorsement by McKeown on the cover so fun little tie in there. I think it dovetails nicely, and I highly recommend it.
I said no to my boss today.
Had a meeting about a project I’m not excited about that will need my assistance in the coming weeks. But right now I’ve been struggling to stay focused on producing desperately needed training content.
After the meeting he asked if I could take on some action items needed more immediately.
I said no: my priority is to publish this training content and get our people licensed ASAP.
He supported me and pledged to remove blockers.
Schrijver Nir Eyal heeft een model ontwikkeld om je te helpen niet zo afgeleid te worden door van alles (lees: vooral telefoon).
Leuk stuk! Ben nu wel benieuwd naar zijn boek, Indistractable.
#indistractable #plannen #productiviteit
How to Become Indistractable - Baseball coach Tony La Russa once said, “There are always distractions if you allo... - https://readwrite.com/how-to-become-indistractable/ #indistractable #distractions #readwrite
#readwrite #Distractions #indistractable