kурац ▀▀▀ · @rat
132 followers · 1607 posts · Server ni.hil.ist


: It has been said that you are really the , not him. Is this true?

: After I have answered this question, you yourself can find out whether I am liberating the individual or enchaining him.

Let us take the individual as he is. What do we mean by the individual? A person who is controlled and dominated by his fears, his disappointments, his cravings, which create a certain set of circumstances that enslave him and force him to fit into a social structure. That is what we mean by an individual. Through our fears, our superstitions, our vanities and our cravings, we have created a certain set of circumstances to which we have become slaves. We have almost lost our individuality, our uniqueness. When you examine your action in daily life, you will see that it is but a reaction to a set of standards, a series of ideas.

Please follow what I am saying, and do not say that I urge man to free himself so that he can do what he likes - so that he can bring about ruin and disaster.

First of all I want to make it clear that we are but reactions to a set of standards and ideas which we have created through our suffering and fear, through our ignorance, our desire for possession. This reaction we call individual action, but to me, it is not action at all. It is a constant reaction in which there is no positive action.

I shall put it differently. At present, man is but the emptiness of reaction, nothing more. He does not act from the fullness of his nature, from his completeness, from his wisdom; he acts merely from a reaction. I maintain that chaos, utter destruction, is taking place in the world because we are not acting from our fullness, but from our fear, from the lack of understanding. Once we become aware of the fact that what we call individuality is but a series of reactions in which there is no fullness of action; once we understand that, that individuality is but a series of reactions in which there is a continual emptiness, a void, then we will act harmoniously. How are you going to find out the value of a certain standard that you hold? You will not find out by acting in opposition to that standard, but by weighing and balancing what you really think and feel against what that standard demands. You will find that the standard demands certain actions, while your own instinctive action tends in another direction. Then what are you going to do? If you do what your instinct demands, your action will lead to chaos, because our instincts have been perverted through centuries of what we call education - education that is entirely false. Your own instinct demands one type of action, but society, which we, individually, have created through centuries, society to which we have become slaves, demands another kind of action. And when you act in accordance with the set of standards demanded by society you are not acting through the fullness of comprehension.

By really pondering over the demands of your instincts and the demands of society, you will find out how you can act in wisdom. That action liberates the individual; it does not enchain him. But the liberation of the individual demands great earnestness, great searching into the depth of action; it is not the result of action born of a momentary impulse.

So you have to recognize what you now are. However well educated you may be, you are only partly a true individual; the greater part of you is determined by the reaction to society, which you have created. You are but a cog in a tremendous machine which you call society, religion, politics, and as long as you are such a cog, your action is born of limitation; it leads only to disharmony and conflict. It is your action that has resulted in our present chaos. But if you acted out of your own fullness you would discover the true worth of society and the instinct causing your action; then your action would be harmonious, not a compromise.

First of all, then, you must become conscious of the false values which have been established through the centuries and to which you have become a slave; you must become conscious of values, to find out whether they are false or true, and this you must do for yourself. No one can do it for you - and herein lies the greatness and glory of man. Thus, by discovering the right value of standards, you liberate the mind from the false standards handed down through ages. But such liberation does not mean impetuous, instinctive action leading to chaos; it means action born of the full harmony of mind and heart.

#question #enchaining #individual #liberating #Krishnamurti

Last updated 1 year ago

FeedBot · @feedbot
1 followers · 358 posts · Server mastodon.defiantjc.synology.me
Nona Rose · @nona80_swanette
415 followers · 2696 posts · Server mastodon.au

Midnight thoughts on :

How do we success? For some it will be achieving a certain thing they’ve been working towards for a long time. For others it will be something as seemingly simple as getting out of bed.

Why is success such a hard thing to define? Because it is to an and to a . There are no hard and fast rules definitively stating what success is and how to achieve it.

We don’t have any right to others based on their success or lack thereof if we are using our own values as the metric against which someone else is being judged. We can admire their . We can encourage their . We can empathise with them in their . But we do not get to say what is or what isn’t a success because of how we regard it in our own lives.

Maybe success was getting to the end of this toot. Maybe it was finding 5 minutes to scroll on the socials. Maybe it was waking up in the first place.

#success #define #unique #individual #situation #judge #achievements #efforts #hardships #defineyourownsuccess

Last updated 1 year ago

Thomas · @tg9541
228 followers · 1141 posts · Server mas.to

@ilkyu95 isn't an engagement-creating machine - that means that everyone depends on the *current* of others. There are waves, e.g., when many new users join, or when a topic is even though the and visibility of activity is low. I observe that identifying a in anyones social graph depends on chance. Following many people helps. Removing those who only provide/boost things that don't engage may also be necessary.

#richnode #horizon #individual #trending #engagement #Mastodon

Last updated 1 year ago

I do not believe in the as the greatest human power and in the property as the only measure of .

Rather, I believe in the unity and creative power of the as a space for development and property as the measure of wealth.


#individual #creative #private #wealth #commune #communal

Last updated 1 year ago

Miguel Afonso Caetano · @remixtures
592 followers · 2372 posts · Server tldr.nettime.org

: "A combination of political, sociocultural, and technological shifts suggests a change in the way we understand human rights. Undercurrents fueling this process are digitization and datafication. Through this process of change, categories that might have been cornerstones of our past and present might very well become outdated. A key category that is under pressure is that of the individual. Since datafication is typically accompanied by technologies and processes aimed at segmenting and grouping, such groupings become increasingly relevant at the expense of the notion of the individual. This concept might become but another collection of varied characteristics, a unit of analysis that is considered at times too broad—and at other times too narrow—to be considered relevant or useful by the systems driving our key economic, social, and political processes.

This Essay provides a literature review and a set of key definitions linking the processes of digitization, datafication, and the concept of the individual to existing conceptions of individual rights. It then presents a framework to dissect and showcase the ways in which current technological developments are putting pressure on our existing conceptions of the individual and individual rights."


#digitization #datafication #individual

Last updated 1 year ago

Christophe Bousquet · @KrisAnathema
85 followers · 110 posts · Server fediscience.org

: neither nor , just

"Across species, the slow–fast continuum is the main axis of life-history variation. However, within , the patterns of individual life-history variation did not align with a slow–fast continuum in any species. Thus, individual life-history variation is likely idiosyncratic across species."


#populations #proceedingsroyalsocietyb #openaccess #diverse #fast #slow #lifehistories #individual

Last updated 1 year ago

Nicolaas Hamman · @nicolaashamman
21 followers · 396 posts · Server thevipvipers.space

Thanks for listening to this week's episode of . Next week's topic also has some SEGA highlights between 1994 and 2001, it's Seiichiro Matsumura, who gifts us talks and music of the SEGA AM3 games SEGA TouringCar Championship, The Lost World: Jurassic Park, Confidential Mission and more!

Check here for info and tips on requests:


Last updated 1 year ago

Christophe Bousquet · @KrisAnathema
85 followers · 109 posts · Server fediscience.org

: an integrative tool for and for the study of

"Provides an integrative , Reliability eXplorer (ReX), to facilitate the examination of individual and reliability as well as the effective direction for optimization of measuring individual differences"


#variation #toolbox #differences #individual #reliability #measurement #optimizing #Quantifying #rex

Last updated 1 year ago

Something that's been on my mind for a while:

Yes, there is an overwhelming amount of violence being done by the capitalist colonial cisheteropatriarchal hierarchical state system. Yes, we as individuals can only be aware of the tip of the iceberg. Yes, what we do to resist, what we see others doing to resist, is small in impact and won't be enough.

But there's so, so much more resistance going on, by millions of anarchists all around the world, that we'll never know about as individuals. Accumulations of small things, spontaneous things, as well as organized, sustained, revolutionary efforts by anarchists whose names we'll never know. And we won't always ever see the impacts they're having on the world, either, especially if it's in a community far away. But even in you own community, you might not know what other anarchists are doing if it's not safe for them to be public about it. Every time we learn about a new movement or action, it's proof: our experience of resistance, too, is necessarily the tip of the iceberg. On it's own, your or my spreading of radical understanding, guerrilla gardening the neighborhood, or building a mutual aid system isn't going to end domination and establish an anarchist society. But the sum total of everyone's actions of resistance over time, developed into a plurality of cohesive revolutionary struggles, might very well.

This is not an excuse to do nothing, and leave everything to everyone else. This is a reason to do something, and know that there's real hope. So, instead of resigning myself to doomerist thinking about the trajectory of the world, I'm choosing to be inspired by my comrades I'll never get to know about. And, I'm choosing to do what I can to learn about revolutionary struggles I don't know much about, and lend my support in whatever ways I can, while resisting in my own community however I can.

#anarchism #revolution #Doomerism #capitalism #colonialism #cisheteropatriarchy #hierarchy #internationalism #state #solidarity #hope #climate #mutualaid #resist #individual

Last updated 1 year ago

Samater Liban · @sam_liban
225 followers · 477 posts · Server hessen.social

This afternoon I had a , where I was the only of 7 participants. And felt strange for a moment, thinking I might have missed an about how is needed for the workshop. 😳🤣

So, it’s really my that determines my of what feels strange when it comes to diversity.

Not a great , I know, but somehow it is 😜

#workshop #man #information #individual #experience #interpretation #discovery

Last updated 1 year ago

WIST Quotations · @WISTquote
62 followers · 923 posts · Server zirk.us

A quotation from Brandeis, Louis:

What are the American ideals? They are the development of the individual for his own and the common good; the development of the individual through liberty, and the attainment of the common good through democracy and social justice.

Full quote, sourcing, notes:

#quote #quotes #quotation #america #commongood #democracy #ideals #individual #justice #liberty #patriotism #social

Last updated 1 year ago

RustyLMehlberg · @RustyMehlberg
63 followers · 323 posts · Server newsie.social

What I'm getting at here is that thanks to the , the choices toward what to consume from the /media/information industry is more in the hands of each .

Thanks to , most of that control can be influenced by , , and outside individuals that can paint a landscape that isn't what one needs to follow.

However, thanks to the like , control is back in one's own hands...

#internet #News #individual #socialmedia #algorithms #advertisers #fediverse #Mastadon

Last updated 1 year ago

JBRoss · @jbross
18 followers · 386 posts · Server mstdn.party

"Only the wearer knows where the shoe pinches." — English proverb — — —

#englishproverb #quote #quotes #individual #issues #problems #personal #proverb #english

Last updated 1 year ago

Georg Krammer · @GeorgKrammer
121 followers · 259 posts · Server fediscience.org

🌏 🌎 🌍

Don't we all ? ❤️
Don't we love to to higher and higher levels? ❤️

If yes, then please take a moment to what type of you are actually able to obtain and what aggregating imposes.

A cautionary note on aggregation in educational psychology and beyond

#idiographic #nomothetic #individual #education #psychology #socialsciences #limitations #knowledgegain #scrutinize #data #aggregate #moredata #love #stayawhileandlisten

Last updated 1 year ago

ErNandy · @ernandy
333 followers · 286 posts · Server mstdn.social
Brüder Licht · @brlicht
20 followers · 20 posts · Server kirche.social

Maybe should be transparent and simple, but they're not. All aren't bigots nor are all elitists. This is divide and conquer mentality, and it must stop with me and you. I was studying , and what she holds makes a lot of sense. Democratic rule is a necessity but must not trespass the right of the . Ethic based on rational self-interest must rule, not subjective morality. Many of us would do well to consider this.

#individual #Constitutional #public #rand #ayn #liberals #conservatives #politics

Last updated 2 years ago

nikol · @nikol
218 followers · 8796 posts · Server mastodon.bida.im

The Strange Death of the Liberal Individual | Yanis
Only a comprehensive reconfiguration of property rights over the increasingly cloud-based instruments of production, distribution, collaboration, and communication can rescue the foundational idea of as self-ownership. Reviving the liberal thus requires precisely what liberals detest: a revolution.


#varoufakis #liberal #liberty #individual #individualists

Last updated 2 years ago

Danny Boling 🌈 ☮️ · @IAmDannyBoling
349 followers · 5511 posts · Server mstdn.social

In a 1982 case, ruled that give “an opportunity at self and enrichment” and that public are not allowed to or access to “simply because they dislike the contained in those books.”

So then how are getting away with their ? 😠

A year later, ’s normalizes in schools |

#iamdb #georgiarecorder #Censorship #law #bookbanning #Georgia #BookBans #republicans #ideas #Books #library #student #ban #restrict #schoolboards #individual #Education #students #libraries #school #SCOTUS

Last updated 2 years ago

Jörg Kastning · @Tronde
133 followers · 42 posts · Server social.anoxinon.de

Read the latest news about Red Hat's and how you could use them for or use cases: redhat.com/en/blog/next-evolut

#developer #subscriptions #individual #corporate

Last updated 2 years ago