Tu nube seca mi río · @tunubesecamirio
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The other day we participated in a BBC podcast advising on our topic and . And the reporter raised "the question":

❓ What could we do on an individual level to reduce the water consumption of our data?

And a shiver ran down our spine: Are we going to fall back into individualising blame for yet another polluting activity? 🤦‍♀️

What is this ? Well, it is to focus on individual behaviours instead of structural elements or blaming the real culprits.

The same happened to us with the Carbon Footprint.

The is a concept invented by British Petroleum to divert attention from their responsibility for to individual people. So people would think their problem would be driving the car to their jobs rather than the responsibility of the oil companies and big corporations.

#water #datacenters #individualisationofblame #carbonfootprint #climatechange

Last updated 1 year ago