Today's poem:
Black Earth
- by Marianne Moore
#poetry #MarianneMoore #self
#personhood #experience #scars #life #power #identity #individuality
#poetry #mariannemoore #self #personhood #experience #scars #life #power #identity #individuality
PSA: It's fine and recommended to use the term "mushroom" to mean "mushroom". Don't use "fungus" when you're referring only to the fruit body because it would be wrong. The term "fungus" is normally used to refer to a whole organism* or a whole species/group of fungi.
*The notion of an organism in fungi is a bit special because the mycelium can freely be broken into isolated patches - but mushrooms are formed by many strands of mycelium (hyphae) from the same organism/strain getting together and making a beautiful mushroom with a single genome. Mushrooms are not chimeras, normally in most species (for what I know). However, if you mix multiple "individuals" i.e. mycelium from the same species with different genes, it's war. This can be observed on agar plates when growing mycelium from many spores that germinate and mate, resulting in different diploid patches that won't overlap and will slow each other's growth.
#mushrooms #fungi #biology #individuality #mycology
Unsere Identität ist mehr als nur Hard- und Software. Wir sind mehr als nur Maschinen.
Buch im Handel oder unter
#Menschlichkeit #Humanity #KI #AI #KuenstlicheIntelligenz #ArtificialIntelligence #KuenftigeIntelligenz #FutureIntelligence #WichtigstesGespraech #MostImportantConversation #Identität #Identity #Technologie #Technology #Selbstbewusstsein #SelfAwareness #Menschsein #BeingHuman #Individualität #Individuality
#menschlichkeit #humanity #ki #ai #kuenstlicheintelligenz #artificialintelligence #kuenftigeintelligenz #futureintelligence #wichtigstesgespraech #mostimportantconversation #identitat #identity #technologie #technology #selbstbewusstsein #selfawareness #MenschSein #beinghuman #individualitat #individuality
In this article; we dive into an exploration of our true selves, self-expression and the profound influence we can wield to inspire others to liberate themselves and take charge of their destinies.
With Love,
Samantha & Alexander
#TheWayofTBL #reputation #individuality #authenticity #selfimprovement #integrity
#thewayoftbl #reputation #individuality #authenticity #selfimprovement #integrity
#NeptuneFrost is #gender, #geopolitics, #history of #Africa, #Rwanda and the #Black #diasphora, #policing, #technology, #surveillance, #Western #exploitation, #economics, #oppression, #propaganda, #love, #community, #music, #individuality, #resistance, #workers, #rights, #solidarity, #hate, #internet, #data, #privacy, #homophobia, #surreal, real, #hope.
A 5 star recommendation.
#TheCritetionChannel #trans #nonbinary, #genderqueer #movie #film
#Film #movie #genderqueer #NonBinary #Trans #thecritetionchannel #hope #surreal #homophobia #Privacy #Data #Internet #hate #Solidarity #rights #workers #resistance #individuality #Music #Community #love #Propaganda #oppression #economics #exploitation #western #Surveillance #Technology #policing #diasphora #black #rwanda #Africa #History #geopolitics #gender #NeptuneFrost
In this article, we will delve into the depths of spiritual awakening, exploring the fascinating link between God Consciousness and our own sense of empowerment. Brace yourself for an enlightening exploration of these interconnected realms.
#TheWayofTBL #Sovereignty #Individuality #Consciousness #Personalgrowth
#thewayoftbl #sovereignty #individuality #consciousness #personalgrowth
Today's poem:
Self-Care is a Psy-Op
- by Jameka Williams
#poetry #JamekaWilliams #therapy #perspective #engagement #analogy #MentalHealth #strategy #SelfCare #individuality #solitude #community #attachment #navigation
#poetry #jamekawilliams #therapy #perspective #engagement #analogy #mentalhealth #strategy #selfcare #individuality #solitude #community #attachment #navigation
There’s not a lot of coherent ideologies anymore.
A whole bunch of institutions, parties, and people have been reduced to vibes, memes, and performance art.
Being a heretical moderate might be the way forward:
#radicalmoderate #vibes #memes #performanceart #humanism #modernism #postmodernism #socialjustice #environmental #ethnocentrism #racism #sexism #religion #myth #inequality #identitypolitics #individuality #liberty #Enlightenment #integraltheory
#radicalmoderate #vibes #memes #performanceart #humanism #modernism #postmodernism #socialjustice #environmental #ethnocentrism #racism #sexism #religion #myth #inequality #identitypolitics #individuality #liberty #enlightenment #integraltheory
It is important for the common good to foster individuality: for only the individual can produce the new ideas which the community needs for its continuous improvement and requirements -- indeed, to avoid sterility and petrification.
-- Albert Einstein
#Improvement #Individuality #AlbertEinstein #Quotes #Panopainting #Bot
#improvement #individuality #alberteinstein #quotes #panopainting #bot
People shouldn't be able to control what colour other people's doors are. For god's sake, it's not going to kill them even if they don't like it. Individuality is wonderful.
#individuality #doorcolour #scotland #edinburgh #freedomofexpression
#individuality #doorcolour #scotland #edinburgh #freedomofexpression
organizations trust individual initiative and self-direction and are characterized by modular or stigmergic coordination.
#stigmergic #individuality #selforganizing #modular #federated
#stigmergic #individuality #selforganizing #modular #federated
“Remember also that the smallest minority on earth is the individual. Those who deny individual rights, cannot claim to be defenders of minorities.”
—Ayn Rand
#AynRand #individuality #rights #philosophy
#Freedom #Individuality #MalalaYousafzai #Quote
"I think I have a right to live my life the way I like."
Malala Yousafzai
#freedom #individuality #malalayousafzai #quote
“Psst, Jesus was human, not divine, pass it on.”
- Arius in the 4th century, probably
#theology #Christianity #spirituality #mysticism #individuality #reflection
#theology #christianity #spirituality #mysticism #individuality #reflection
🏴 "Is the #child to be considered as an #individuality, or as an object to be moulded according to the whims and fancies of those about it? (...) Every institution of our day, the family, the State, our moral codes, sees in every strong, beautiful, uncompromising #personality a deadly enemy; therefore every effort is being made to cramp human emotion and originality of thought in the individual into a straight-jacket from its earliest infancy; or to shape every human being according to one pattern; not into a well-rounded individuality, but into a patient work slave, professional automaton, tax-paying citizen, or righteous moralist. (...) If #education should really mean anything at all, it must insist upon the #free growth and development of the innate forces and tendencies of the child. In this way alone can we hope for the free individual and eventually also for a free #community, which shall make interference and coercion of human growth impossible": #EmmaGoldman, "The Child and its Enemies" (1906)
Audio: #anarchism #anarchy
#child #individuality #personality #education #free #Community #EmmaGoldman #anarchism #anarchy
☀️ "Is the #child to be considered as an #individuality, or as an object to be moulded according to the whims and fancies of those about it? (...) Every institution of our day, the family, the State, our moral codes, sees in every strong, beautiful, uncompromising #personality a deadly enemy; therefore every effort is being made to cramp human emotion and originality of thought in the individual into a straight-jacket from its earliest infancy; or to shape every human being according to one pattern; not into a well-rounded individuality, but into a patient work slave, professional automaton, tax-paying citizen, or righteous moralist. (...) If #education should really mean anything at all, it must insist upon the #free growth and development of the innate forces and tendencies of the child. In this way alone can we hope for the free individual and eventually also for a free #community, which shall make interference and coercion of human growth impossible": #EmmaGoldman, "The Child and its Enemies" (1906) 🏴
Audio: #anarchism #anarchy
#child #individuality #personality #education #free #Community #EmmaGoldman #anarchism #anarchy
@karlo @jackofalltrades @MalthusJohn
#FreeWill is a misnomer. If our will is free to do as it pleases then we don’t have any say in the decisions it makes.
The problem of #Will has nothing to do with #determinism. It is all about #Control.
As #individuals, we are born unwillingly within the #nature of our genes and the #nurture of our environment, family, culture, and society, upon which we have little or no control.
However, our #individuality (singular) and our current #knowledge #state were also affected over the years by layers upon layers of little decisions that we’ve made to willingly transition from one state to another “better” one.
In#Kihbernetics, #information, #knowledge, and #control are all internal to the system.
The #environment may throw things at you but how you #respond is totally up to you (your current state).
#freewill #nature #nurture #individuality #will #determinism #control #individuals #knowledge #state #information #environment #respond
#60smusic #mamasandthepapas #music #musicmonday #individuality #MamaCass Make Your Own Kind of Music" is a pop song written by Barry Mann and Cynthia Weil, which became a Top 40 hit for Cass Elliot in 1969. This was not the first version of the song and it was also recorded by other performers. This song makes me feel inspired , energized and a bit sad , the meaning is self evident -Be brave, Be yourself - “even if no one else sings along”
#60smusic #mamasandthepapas #music #musicmonday #individuality #mamacass
#60smusic #mamasandthepapas #individuality #MamaCass Make Your Own Kind of Music" is a pop song written by Barry Mann and Cynthia Weil, which became a Top 40 hit for Cass Elliot in 1969. This was not the first version of the song and it was also recorded by other performers. This song makes me feel inspired , energized and a bit sad , the meaning is self evident -Be brave, Be yourself - “even if no one else sings along”
#60smusic #mamasandthepapas #individuality #mamacass
A quotation from Cox, Marcelene:
Children in a family are like flowers in a bouquet: there’s always one determined to face in an opposite direction from the way the arranger desires.
Full quote, sourcing, notes:
#quote #quotes #quotation #child #family #independence #individuality #parenting #stubbornness
#quote #quotes #quotation #child #family #independence #individuality #parenting #stubbornness