The #WagnerLab was represented well at the #ECSS2023 conference in Paris!
Ph.D Student #LenaFennen gave a talk in the 'Jumping&Landing' session on #MuscleActivity pre & post #dropjump landing in #ChronicAnkleInstability.
MSc Student #SemjonJanuschek presented a poster on the effects of #IndividualizedTherapy on objective & subjective #Instability after #AnkleInversionTrauma.
Both has some nice conversations after! Big thanks to the organizers!
#WeAreSportScience #WagnerLabOnTour
#wagnerlab #ecss2023 #lenafennen #muscleactivity #dropjump #chronicankleinstability #semjonjanuschek #individualizedtherapy #instability #ankleinversiontrauma #wearesportscience #wagnerlabontour
Last week, @RoseDubbeldam presented her research on #IndividualizedTherapy for #ChronicInstability after an #AnkleInversion trauma at the 28th annual #conference of the German #Foot and #Ankle Association #DAF, (Deutsche Assoziation für Fuß und Sprunggelenk) in Rostock #fusskongress
#individualizedtherapy #chronicinstability #ankleinversion #conference #foot #ankle #daf #fusskongress