#individually : in an individual manner or relation
- French: individuellement
- German: einzeln
- Italian: individualmente
- Portuguese: individualmente
- Spanish: individualmente
Fill in missing translations @ https://wordofthehour.org/r/translations
Huge shout out to @nikkiana for posting separately about my facing #homelessness and speaking so positively about my #creative works (which are my only form of #income right now)
I have been posting for weeks, and people have been #boosting, but many have #boosts turned off.
The fact that Nikkiana took the time to #post #individually about my situation #helped more than anything else has so far!
If you can, please do the same. A boost doesn't help as much as a post from an individual 🙂
#homelessness #creative #income #boosting #boosts #post #individually #helped
#individually : in an individual manner or relation
- French: individuellement
- German: einzeln
- Italian: individualmente
- Portuguese: individualmente
- Spanish: individualmente
Fill in missing translations @ https://wordofthehour.org/r/translations
Peter B Carter:
#Unprecedented #rapid #increase #growth rates #atmospheric
#GHGs. #Methane #deadly Increasingly disastrous #climate leads to #unlivable #future.
I will #post these #individually then #monthly.
#climatechange #globalwarming #monthly #individually #post #future #unlivable #climate #deadly #methane #GHGs #growth #increase #rapid #unprecedented #atmospheric
Peter B Carter:
#Unprecedented #rapid #increase #growth rates #atmospheric
#GHGs. #Methane #deadly Increasingly disastrous #climate leads to #unlivable #future.
I will #post these #individually then #monthly.
#climatechange #globalwarming #monthly #individually #post #future #unlivable #climate #deadly #methane #GHGs #growth #increase #rapid #unprecedented #atmospheric
Correct! But NOT religiously, NOT culturally and/or NOT ethnically.
It a #Personal_Relationship with the #Creator.
Where two or more are gather in my name there I AM in the midst = The Church.
One day God/Jesus will take ACCOUNT of every life on Earth #individually.
The only Way to the FATHER is through the SON.
When ##Yeshua_Jesus_God takes ACCOUNT of our lives and asks @ #Heavens_Gate?..
"Why would I let you into the Kingdom of Heaven?"
Q: What will be the response?
#Heavens_Gate #Yeshua_Jesus_God #individually #creator #Personal_Relationship