Dermot Quirk · @Derqui
155 followers · 176 posts · Server


Medieval Irish - Marc, generally more poetic word for "'horse" than ech or capall

- margh
- march
- marc'h
- marc
- marc (archaic)
- *márkos ( a horse)
- mare

Marcsluagh - a body of cavalry or mounted infantry
Marccír - a horse-comb
Marcach - a horse-rider, a messenger

"Cha ghabh i coisiche, 's cha tig marcaiche 'g a h-iarraidh."

She wont take a walker, and a rider wont come for her.

#kernowek #cymraeg #brezhoneg #gaidhlig #gaeilge #indoeurpoean #english

Last updated 2 years ago