Playing around with #arduinocloud and the #bme280 sensor 🙂
The sensor reads Temperature, Humidity and Pressure, and fairly accurate at that, so it’s a really simple way to quickly set up an indoor climate monitor 🙂
#arduino #indoorclimate #climatecontrol #climatemonitoring #electronics #electronicsengineering
#arduinocloud #bme280 #arduino #indoorclimate #climatecontrol #climatemonitoring #electronics #electronicsengineering
I am happy to participate in this #EPBD discussion on #healthybuildings and #indoorclimate on our road to #sustainability. Going #live soon 👇 #EUGreenDeal
RT @eaGreenEU: IN ONE HOUR | Sustainable and healthy buildings - Reaching the goals of the EU #Green Deal
Join us to discuss how the revision of the EPBD can support a healthy indoor #climate.
#EPBD #HealthyBuildings #indoorclimate #sustainability #LIVE #EUGreenDeal #green #climate