"#InDreams" is a song composed and sung by singer #RoyOrbison. An operatic rock ballad of lost love, it was released as a single on #MonumentRecords in February 1963. It became the title track on the album In Dreams, released in July of the same year. The song has a unique structure in seven musical movements in which Orbison sings through two #octaves, beyond the range of most rock and roll singers. The song peaked on the Billboard Hot 100 charts at number 7.
#indreams #royorbison #monumentrecords #octaves
https://youtu.be/MVRunwyoTMA | Roy Orbison – In Dreams | #music #RoyOrbison #InDreams
#InDreams a former crush had organised a surprise party for me. The chicken was still raw but I held my tongue. It turned out my son was behind it all. You villain, I exclaimed. I liked the idea you had to go through it all, he laughed.
#InDreams we encountered a horde of zombies. I reassured my frightened little daughter. The walking dead looked quite familiar to me.