@capntransit that is the most wrong take on #InducedDemand I've heard? There are arguments against congestion pricing (time is more equitable, just have other options and congestion will self-manage) but if you want to be able to buy your way out of being stuck in traffic, you need to pay enough that other people will choose other options. Raise the price until the desired level of service can be met, regular free-market shit.
@capntransit dirty #trafficEngineering industry secret: if you plan for 2/5 or 3/5 of cars to disappear, they disappear, congestion pricing or not. #InducedDemand | #TrafficEvaporation are just two sides of the same coin.
#trafficengineering #induceddemand #trafficevaporation
lmao at the youtuber's commute and subaru hooning https://youtu.be/oDGNNxY56k0b #InducedDemand
@djasa there's also the #InducedDemand of a redundant network of free car streets and 3-5 free parking spots for every car, which the city spends millions per day to subsidize and jumps into action to fix in the middle of the night when some driver makes an oopsie out of a traffic signal pole or some other infrastructure. In that context, if all you get on a bike is told to "share", well it would be silly not to drive.
@cshentrup @BrentToderian the extra car lanes on these streets with no bike lanes leave parents choosing between sitting in traffic or elbowing their way through on a bike. How about letting kids walk or bike on their own? Across a freeway offramp... it's all designed and maintained to make cars seem like the only option, and threaten you with cars if you don't play along. #InducedDemand
$1.5M/mile, is that per lane-mile? To pave a street. People don't really need 10 different ways to cut through a neighborhood in cars, though. This #InducedDemand of leaving a wide-open self-serve free-for-all of asphalt and free parking, is not paid for by gas tax and user fees, it's a cost borne by the people who live there and everyone who would have to bike or walk through it.
@tagesschau Ich kotze im Strahl ๐คฎ
Es reicht schon, einfach nur "Induzierter Bedarf" (induced demand) zu googeln, um zu verstehen, dass das eine Mรคrchenerzรคhlung ist, zumindest jenseits kurzzeitiger Entlastung.
Staus vermeidet man durch eine echte #Mobilitaetswende, nicht durch Autobahnbau!
#Mobilitaetswende #AutoKorrektur #induceddemand
@hembrow I didn't do any computation on that one however this is the thinking that makes me cautious of 'unlimited' nuclear fusion energy. Given the #InducedDemand dynamics, I can see how is the future humanity debating what to do with diminishing amount of water on Earth. ๐
OTOH I don't think that the energy use with current technologies would be unlimited, I'd expect some per person ceiling to exist.
@captainchaos @lennartnout @Marrekoo @enobacon
@hembrow @djasa @lennartnout how are these charts counting the bike-to-transit trips? Is that two journeys?
You're not wrong about #InducedDemand of train trips generating emissions, but shifting out of cars allows better land use, more bicycle trips, etc. Because geometry hates cars. Besides trains being plugged into the grid (though trolleybus fleets and overhead wires will be more effective than laying new rail in most urban/ suburban cases)
This is a very funny (if slightly painful to watch like a lot of Australian comedy) explanation of Induced Demand. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=pCzCJzwrB_c
#transport #climateaction #induceddemand
#seeYouAtTheNextLight NE 33rd and Prescott where's the bike lane? Did I leave my phone's googlemaps in car directions oh lol I think I did. #pdxBikes #Portland #drivers you get the #pdxTraffic you build for. Let's do #ClimateAction and pull that #InducedDemand lever for fewer stinky cars and more people on bikes.
#seeyouatthenextlight #pdxbikes #portland #drivers #pdxtraffic #climateaction #induceddemand
I guess some politicians haven't seen this video "Why Roads ALWAYS Fill Up, No Matter How Much We Widen Them".
It explains #InducedDemand or why #MoarRoads won't solve congestion problems.
#induceddemand #moarroads #nzpol
You get the traffic you build for, #swCapitolHwy edition. #PBOT is so proud of the $26M they spent on the next mile of this street, which our TSP designates as a Major City Bikeway, but sharrows are trash. #pdxBikes #InducedDemand #Vision60or70Something
#swcapitolhwy #pbot #pdxbikes #induceddemand #vision60or70something
"For example, many agencies will simply remove pedestrian facilities to reduce the cost of compliance." ๐คฆโโ๏ธ #StrongTowns #InducedDemand
two lanes is too many options for #drivers, these guys were getting along fine when they only had one.
#drivers #honky #induceddemand
Much of the problem with Naito, is that the traffic signal cycles are trying to favor freeway traffic in/out of downtown, which is just #InducedDemand for more #pdxTraffic. It's like your city is expanding a freeway without building any new lanes, just opening all of #Portland to anyone with a car to drive through, with at least 50 thruway options for any trip, racking up a debt of crumbling surface streets and running people who bike off of the road while delaying the bus.
#induceddemand #pdxtraffic #portland
@fishidwardrobe the cars mostly just vanish. Half of car trips are under three miles. If you make it easier to go without a car, people will take that option. This is known as #InducedDemand or #trafficEvaporation - every bike ride in Amsterdam would have been a car trip (driving to the gym even.)
#induceddemand #trafficevaporation
My 12yo is waging a protest against gravity being hard, I mean I totally understand how PBOT and our entire city govt is institutionally wishing cars would pay full price but be cheap and the streets would be empty like a car commercial but bustling with economic activity, and all of it electric & powered by cinnamon-scented #UnicornFarts. #climateWishing #CarsRuinCities #InducedDemand #ScienceDenial #TrafficEngineering
#unicornfarts #climatewishing #CarsRuinCities #induceddemand #sciencedenial #trafficengineering
Prevent half of traffic deaths with this one weird trick: deaths/VMT is constant, VMT is an #InducedDemand function of lane-miles. Eliminate half of the thruway car lanes, eliminate half of miles travelled, eliminate half of deadly crashes. #VisionZero requires complete redesigns to zero-out death/VMT, but we can start with half.
crushing before/after pics of how we made this street more deadly.
Remember the traffic models for the Hawthorne repaving somehow needing to deliver a greater number of cars to here (instead of #pdxBikes lanes) from the other side of the bridge where we spent millions to keep sending them instead of finishing Naito the easy way. Couldn't be 2 spare lanes of #InducedDemand.